Wednesday, September 05, 2007



Katie Couric with General Odierno in Iraq?

Here is the Propaganda Mavin reporting live from ground-zero in Iraq. Are there any publicity stunts that CBS is not willing to try to 'boost its ratings, and the war'?
Katie is roving through the streets of what seems to be a secured war zone, walking and talking to the upper echelons (Petraeus, Odierno, etc.) of the occupying forces in Iraq. She also sports a flack jacket, just like the boys in camouflage.
Is this real TV? Can news reporting become more bizarre than this? When the Anchorwoman is part of the news; Is it news?

Katie Couric interviews President George W. Bush in Iraq?

On Monday, September 3, 2007 Katie Couric interviewed President Bush, who made a surprise visit to Iraq
to see the Troops. So they conveniently arranged for this rendezvous to air on CBS Evening News. How coincidental that Katie was at the right place, and at the right time to see the Commander in Chief and have a Mano a Mano chat with him? Here Katie jettisons the flack-jacket, and sports a long-sleeve casual 'top'.
President Bush however, chooses to wear a 'short' short-sleeve shirt. There's an air of peace and safety. Serenity pervades the demeanor of both, the President, and the Anchorwoman. How peaceful? It's like a Middle-East VFW Post, or a neighborhood Bowling Alley. What a publicity stunt? Are we being manipulated here, or what?

MPO: Manipulating People's Opinions

One year to the day that Katie Couric was embedded as the Anchor of CBS Evening News, she is now embedded with the Generals, officers, and enlisted persons fighting for freedom in Iraq. It confirms the suspicions that I had the mission given her was two-fold: Raise the ratings, and put a favorable spin on the war on terror. 365 days later, she has combined both to produce this week's broadcasts on-site. Serving as news anchor remote from down-town Iraq. Demonstrating that she has the guts to go to war, and to show that the war isn't really that bad. This is intended to 'show' that her news 'show' is much better than it was before she joined it. Now the truth can be told from a compassionate RepubliCrat perspective. Geraldo Rivera, you missed the boat!

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