Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It's not about Conservatives, it's not about Liberals...


The great debate we see in Washington D. C., the "disconnect" we are observing has nothing to do with political parties, or persuasions. It is rather a matter of authority, (though I'm not a expert on the Constitution) or possibly the subversion of the established Protestant Republican form of politics in which the principle of government of the people, by the people, for the people, is paramount. We see our president hollering at the top of his voice: "I want courage, Ohio"; As if he were on the campaign trail, calling for support of his overhaul of the Medical System a.s.a.p (while Medicaid is being cut back). If it were only this abrupt change to the status quo that the president was trying to make, it wouldn't be so shocking? Yet, at the same time some other legislators are busy attempting to drastically transform other aspects of our free enterprise system. It all seems like one of those (covered wagon mad dash) land grab events in the 19th century American West; To put it in one word that became so popular right after Sept. 11: It's surreal! The politicians are attempting to "nationalize" and regulate anything they can. Soon everything from soups to nuts will be owned or controlled by the federal government.

Senator Christopher Dodd today said that Congress needs to fast track financial reform. Here's another revamping that according to Sen. Dodd needs urgent attention. More of the hard sell: Hurry up, buy now! Urgency, buy now! Laws will be changed so that the next time that there is a major financial risk of bankruptcy of banks or other financial institutions (that may threaten to affect the greater economy), the government will allow them to fail. Isn't it a little too late for that after all the billions "given away" through TARP?
...............................Bah Humbug!

Next on the Obama Administration's hurry up and wait agenda: Overhauling No Child Left Behind. This week there is an effort to "overhaul" the government educational system by relaxing some of the laws, and toughening-up others; One of the aims is to ensure that 100% of High School grads go on to college by 2020. What? And study Chinese, or Egyptology?
Anyway, this reminds me how courageously Obama moved to repeal Clinton's first piece of legislation the infamous "Don't ask, Don't tell" act.

The F.C.C. released yesterday, a blueprint for upgrading the Internet for "all" Americans by 25x faster and expanded airwaves for mobile services; The call it a National Broadband Plan. Here's another boondoggle. Soon they will have everyone "wired" via broadband; And when they want to they will just cut you off. You'll then have to go the library to use a computer if your Library Card is not on the "Do Not Surf List". Frankly, all these changes are creepy. If I want faster speed I'll get it my self? I don't need the FCC making my computer faster for me. Why would they want to do anything if it weren't that the taxpayer's will foot the bill? There are no free lunches. Especially if you want to "wire" every, town, suburb, and hamlet. That's a Billion dollar pork-barrel if I've ever seeen one.
I get it, a computer in every room and a webcam in every home? No way, Jose.

All this upgrading, and overhauling and fast-tracking is a little too much to take. It's like too many different medicines to swallow at once. Especially when the ones administering the medicine won't give you a chance to reject that medicine. They say: It's good for you, it's what you need! Not now, but, right now! OR, ELSE!
What makes them think they know what's best for us?
They aren't doctor's, they're Lawyers and Politicians.
They are cons with condos!
Cigars, Cigarettes, Tiparillos?.... No thanks, I don't indulge!

This has nothing to do with politics, Left or Right; Liberal or Conservative. It has to do with too much meddling by the government. The United States was supposed to be different from the rest of the nations of the world, not a free-country for bureaucrats. The old adage comes to mind: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". The System, it's not broke; What's broke is the synapses in the politicians brains, so they can't hear the folks tellin' them; enough already! Get a job! Is that what they pay you guys $200K a year for, while the average American with boots on the ground makes only $30-$60 a year? Still, you guys know what's best for the average Joe, or Jane? While you have a town house in Washington, and a Mansion back in Illinois or Kali-fornia? Then you want to make laws about salt, and sugar, and fat children, and endangered minnows, etc. Get a life! Scare tactics don't work on an informed public. For your information, the hard-sell is passe'. Who wants to buy a car, anyway (cash for clinkers)?

Speaking of Cars

All this chatter about the Cadillac plan? The government actually has the Cadillac plan, and the Oldsmobile plan; also the Pontiac, Chevrolet, and if they hadn't discontinued the Buick, they'd have that plan too. So please give it a rest. Soon it will be like Cuba right after the 1959 New Year's Revolution when everything became State property. George Santayana, knew his stuff.
*Speaking of Cuba: Those fellows (Castro's) aren't on the no fly list?
They must be on that other list the SMoM and the Jesuits list. Global Good-Old boys.



Josh said...

Hi Arsenio,

I hope all is well!

Commenting only to mention this link to you (you can delete this comment if you want) - didn't know of another way. The link s really something, ominous. Things are really afoot now. In fact, I'll paste the whole article, but see I must post it in two comments:

Hi Arsenio,

I hope all is well!

Commenting only to mention this link to you (you can delete this comment if you want) - didn't know of another way. The link s really something, ominous. Things are really afoot now. In fact, I'll paste the whole article:

Founders First Freedom

JOHN V. STEVENS, SR. President

(Please read this web site first about enforcing a no work Sunday in Europe and then the implications)


Anyone truly perceptive of our fading freedoms, and particularly of individual religious and civil freedoms, which touches or even controls everyone of us, should look with some alarm at the developments that are taking place and being promoted in Europe.

Continental Europe is the home of the largest professing Christian body of believers in the world and is also pervasively secular by choice at the same time. To transform that drastic efforts are being made. In 1957 The Treaty of Rome was signed, and the six participating nations formed the European Economic Union. Other nations joined and in 1992 the Treaty of Maastricht was approved, amending previous treaties, making it a political European Union, the EU. The key player all along has been the Roman Catholic Church which views Europe as a traditionally Catholic continent. It also was a key factor in the forming of the Council of Europe, in 1949 which presently has 47 member nations. It foresees a United Europe politically and religiously, seeing no way such a union can result without the merger of church and state, utilizing political power, along with its sanctions, to achieve that end.

Josh said...


To them to do the will of God is the same spirit Jesus expressed in prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane before He was crucified. Christ will return before the announced date of the planned global genocide to save His own and destroy the earth along with the death of those who seek to force their religion on others.

For those unfamiliar with the prophecies dealing with these events portrayed in this article it is suggested that they turn to the Book of Revelation and read chapters 13, 17 and 18. The tie of popular religion to the use of the governments of the world, instead of a tie with God, will bring this world to an end in the not too distant future. Prophecies make clear that the structured worship will include the worship of the world religious leader.

In the mind of the world’s leading Roman Catholic legal scholar, noted Notre Dame Law Professor Charles E. Rice, the world has to have a supra legal arbiter in order to have unity and survival.

“But . . . . there must be someone, outside the government and the people, to whom they can look for morally binding interpretations of the natural law. Since the natural law is the law of God and since Christ is God, it would be appropriate for that supra legal arbiter of the natural law to be the Vicar of Christ (i.e., the pope). . . . An umpire is needed in the moral sphere, and this has to be the Vicar of Christ.”1

Rice continues to make a case for the papacy as a law unto itself: “The objective, in short, must be free acceptance by the American people.”

The end result of such planning and living is forecast by God to bring just the opposite results, the end of civilization, the rejection of God's Spirit and the settling into a irretrievable way of life that ultimately leads to destruction from which no human will return on the one hand, or the conferring of immortality and eternal life on those in whom the image of God has been restored, a life which will never come to an end.

Each reader, for we all will ultimately face a final judgment by God based on our life and its deeds, has to make a serious conscious choice about where you want to be when the "great controversy" is ended. This controversy is between God and Satan, the forces of goodness, life and liberty against the forces of evil, death and control. Soon it will come to an end so we all need to diligently pursue our goal, with no compromise, whatever the consequences or cost to us personally in life on this earth.

Reference for the quotation from Charles E. Rice.

1 Charles Rice, Beyond Abortion (Chicago, IL: Franciscan Herald Press), 1978, pp. 55, 56.

Josh said...


This effort is crafted to eliminate work opportunities on Sunday, forcing people to make their livelihood Monday through Saturday. Saturday Sabbath keepers and Friday keeping Muslims have one less day to make a livelihood. It will diminish opportunities for individuals to make a livelihood, and particularly impact those believers that have private businesses and choose to take off their day of religious observance in honor of their God and at the same time will reduce their opportunities to compete with similar businesses.

Even secularists, who have little or no interest in Bible Prophecy, are keenly aware that we are rapidly moving toward a one world government with a one world religion, including no secular work on Sundays.

One need not be a student of prophecy to know see it coming. However, those that are students of Bible prophecy have even greater reason to be troubled, even alarmed, for the goal is not merely Sunday rest but a mandatory religious Sunday observance is on the horizon.

That specific religious mandate will be broadly accomplished, with some notable exceptions and for the dissenters there will be worldwide economic sanctions because they refuse to mesh in with the falsely marketed version of the "common good" of the people.

When economic sanctions, "no buy no sell" rights, fail to accomplish the intended end there will be one more step planned. Then the predetermined global genocide decree will be declared with a date when it will be executed against those who are determined to be non conformists and to steadfastly hold to their own conscientious convictions. Prophecy points out all of these coming events.

When the world has hit rock bottom it will come because the vast majority will be rejecting, while professing loyalty to, the very God of heaven, denying the very foundation of their religion, the universal principles of love, life, liberty and law, requiring all to love God supremely and their fellowman as themselves. God will see that He can do no more for the world and will send His Son back for those who are true worshippers of the universal principles of God's kingdom, which are embodied in the love of God and one's neighbor, following the moral principles of the Ten Commandments fully, serving God in love and faith and willing to die rather than to choosing to reject God and His will.

Arsenio A. Lembert Jr. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Arsenio A. Lembert Jr. said...


That was an outstanding article,
thanks for the heads up.

In regards to the EU, as we know that it is the feet of the image that Daniel envisioned; The toes of the feet that represent the end time Revived Roman Empire (E.U. and Vatican), are made of iron and clay and can not mix. So, this faux-mixture will be short lived, thank God.
However, the EU via the Vatican and the USA (or the NAU) it's image will persecute the remnant of God anywhere they may find themselves. Yet, this will sift out the 'fair weather' loyals, and will allow a people unwilling to compromise, that will be a wonder to mankind, men and women with shinning semblance; their guardian angels will protect them despite the overwhelming obstacles placed upon them.

Thanks again John. May God bless you and your family.

Keep the faith. He is coming in the clouds with hundreds of thousands of angels real soon.



Josh said...

Dear Arsenio,

Sorry for the repetition mistake at the beginning, but you are welcome and thank you, my friend, for your good wishes and interesting, well said comments.

Very Sincerely,
