Thursday, September 09, 2010

What no Rosh Hoshanah?

White House Dinner

Prime Minister Singh of India (a Sikh).

What no Rosh Hoshanah Dinner scheduled at the White House?
No Mazel Tov? No L'chaim?

LO, Mishpacha!

Now, let me get this:

Ramadan, yes.

Rosh Hashanah, no?

If you don't see a bias here?

I sure do!

Obama sends greeting on Muslim holidayAP

WASHINGTON -President Barack Obama is sending best wishes to Muslims worldwide as they celebrate Eid-al-Fitr (ayd ahl-FIH'-tur), which marks the end of the holy month of fasting and prayer known as Ramadan (RAH'-mah-dahn).

Obama also appealed for donations for victims of devastating floods in Pakistan.

Greetings when Ramadan begins, and greetings when it ends?
Why all the patronizing??? All the pandering??? Globalism on steroids? NWO?
What are we Muslim, now?


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