Monday, April 30, 2012

Is Sunday Your Day of Rest?

Is Sunday Your Day of Rest?
Or is it just as busy as the other six days of the week?

By Patch Staff
April 29, 2012

Biblically, Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest, but that isn’t the case any more for many people. With such busy lifestyles, people often use the day used to catch up with everything they couldn’t get done during the week.

So how important is it, from a health perspective, to have a day of rest? Even those supposedly in the know can’t agree.

According to health blog Zenhabits, a day of rest is necessary to rejuvenate physically and emotionally in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Conversely, productivity blog Stepcase Lifehack argues it is better to begin your workweek on a Sunday. That way Monday won’t be such a drag and your productivity will go up.

So do you still manage to make your Sunday a day of rest - or is it just as busy as the other six days of the week?


You can search the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you'll find no statements that specify Sunday as a day of rest; On the contrary you will find hundreds of instances where the Sabbath is referred to as the Seventh Day. This 7th day Sabbath (Saturday) is a memorial to God's creation first instituted in the Garden of Eden, on the first 7th day.


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