Thursday, August 08, 2013

The King of the North - PART 2

At a time of International Strife (to avoid confusion) it is good imperative to repeat and reiterate what we believe...   
This video contains the subject matter that caused Prof. Walter Veith so much trouble in Germany; Where he was accused of Anti-Semitism, and finally cleared of charges this past June 2013.

273 - The King of the North - PART 2 / Repairing the Breach - Walter Veith


Published on Dec 3, 2012

Part 2 is a study of the king of the south that pushes against Catholicism at the time of the end, but it also investigates the intrigues of setting up the conditions for the final victory of the king of the north. The secret intrigues of Napoleon, the setting up of a false system of worship, and a counterfeit theology regarding the antichrist, the dispensationalist view, and the creation of the Jewish state and Zionism are all discussed. Viewers will be surprised to discover the origin of the Jews and the state of Israel. This DVD concludes the study of Daniel 11 and prepares the way for the modern fulfillment of these prophecies.


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