Thursday, June 30, 2016
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Investigation Continues Into Attack On Istanbul Airport
Listen· 3:22
June 29, 20164:28 PM ET
Heard on All Things Considered

The investigation into a shooting rampage and bombing at Istanbul's international airport is continuing as officials are trying to determine whether ISIS is behind the attack.
Turkish officials say Islamic State militants orchestrated the terrorist attack that killed 42 people and injured more than 230 at Istanbul's Ataturk Airport yesterday. ISIS has not claimed responsibility. CIA Director John Brennan told an audience in Washington that the group may never do so.
JOHN BRENNAN: Well, to my knowledge there is no credible claim of responsibility at this point. But that's not very surprising because at least in most instances, if not all, ISIS has not claimed credit or responsibility for attacks that are perpetrated inside of Turkey.
SIEGEL: NPR's counterterrorism correspondent Dina Temple-Raston is following the investigation, and she joins us now. And, Dina, before we get to the details of the investigation, I want you to explain what the CIA director just said. Why doesn't ISIS claim responsibility for attacks inside Turkey?
DINA TEMPLE-RASTON, BYLINE: Well, CIA Director Brennan was talking to the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, and he said that ISIS carries out these attacks to send a signal to Turkish officials to put them on notice, if you will. But the group doesn't claim responsibility outright because it doesn't want to alienate Turks who might be sympathetic to their cause.
There was a suicide bombing on a shopping district in Istanbul at the end of March. And four people were killed, and 36 were wounded. And ISIS never took formal responsibility. In the past six months, there have been four deadly attacks in Turkey, and most of them were connected to a Kurdish separatist group called the PKK.
Venezuelans are storming supermarkets and attacking trucks as food supplies dwindle
By Joshua Partlow and Mariana Zuñiga
The Americas
une 28
Joffren Polanco stands beside his almost empty fridge in Caracas, Venezuela. (Alejandro Cegarra/For The Washington Post)
CARACAS, Venezuela — In the darkness the warehouse looks like any other, a metal-roofed hangar next to a clattering overpass, with homeless people sleeping nearby in the shadows.
But inside, workers quietly unload black plastic crates filled with merchandise so valuable that mobs have looted delivery vehicles, shot up the windshields of trucks and hurled a rock into one driver’s eye. Soldiers and police milling around the loading depots give this neighborhood the feel of a military garrison.
“It’s just cheese,” said Juan Urrea, a 29-year-old driver, as workers unloaded thousands of pounds of white Venezuelan queso from his delivery truck. “I’ve never seen anything like this before.”
The fight for food has begun in Venezuela. On any day, in cities across this increasingly desperate nation, crowds form to sack supermarkets. Protesters take to the streets to decry the skyrocketing prices and dwindling supplies of basic goods. The wealthy improvise, some shopping online for food that arrives from Miami. Middle-class families make do with less: coffee without milk, sardines instead of beef, two daily meals instead of three. The poor are stripping mangoes off the trees and struggling to survive.
“This is savagery,” said Pedro Zaraza, a car-oil salesman who watched a mob mass on Friday outside a supermarket, where it was eventually dispersed by the army. “The authorities are losing their grip.”
[Venezuela declares a 2-day workweek because of energy shortages]
What has been a slow-motion crisis in Venezuela seems to be careening into a new, more dangerous phase. The long economic decline of the country with the world’s largest oil reserves now shows signs of morphing into a humanitarian emergency, with government mismanagement and low petroleum prices leading to widespread shortages and inflation that couldsurpass 700 percent this year.
The political stakes are mounting. Exhausted by government-imposed power blackouts, spiraling crime, endless food lines, shortages of medicine and waves of looting and protest, citizens are mobilizing against their leaders. In recent days, Venezuelans lined up to add their names to a recall petition that aims to bring down the country’s president, Nicolás Maduro, and put an end to the socialist-inspired “revolution” ignited 17 years ago by Hugo Chávez.
“This can’t continue,” said Angel Rondon, a mechanic who now sometimes eats just once a day. “Things have to change.”

A woman who had been standing in line outside a center in Caracas certifying signatures for a referendum to recall President Nicolás Maduro reacts after learning the center had closed, without attending to those still standing in line. (Alejandro Cegarra/For The Washington Post)
Disillusioned ‘Chavistas’
The rumor spread quickly on a recent Tuesday evening in the poor farmlands near Barlovento an hour east of Caracas: A truck carrying rice had tipped over, and food was free for the taking. Glenis Sira, a mother of seven, grabbed a plastic bag and ran from her cinder-block shack. More than 1,000 people joined her in scrambling to reach the village of La Fundacion before they realized there was no rice truck, only rumor.
“We have never had this level of need,” said Sira, one of several witnesses who described the melee.
For decades Venezuela was one of Latin America’s more stable and developed democracies, with a middle class accustomed to the benefits of oil wealth. Economic crises in the 1980s and 1990s battered many Venezuelan families. But the Chávez era was marked by rising oil prices and declining poverty, leaving few people prepared for the sickening free fall of the past few years.
[Harrowing scenes of Venezuela on the brink of collapse]
Sira has long been a proud “Chavista,” convinced that government spending can create a more equal society. Chávez’s government, flush with oil money and billions of dollars in foreign loans, gave her the Madres del Barriosubsidy for mothers in extreme poverty. Another program helped residents to finish houses under construction. Youths from her community received scholarships.
“I always lived for the revolution,” she said.
But many of the welfare programs started by Chávez have dried up, and the nearest store has little more than two-liter bottles of Pepsi and packs of Pall Mall cigarettes. Under Chávez, the government established anetwork of government-run supermarkets that sold basic foods at subsidized prices. But inflation has put even these bargains out of reach for many people. A single kilogram of yucca — about two pounds — now costs about one-third of the weekly minimum wage.
Sira’s neighbors hunt for deer and armadillos for subsistence and barter their meager catch. She lives off what she can grow — yams, tomatoes, corn — or what she can forage. Once a cacao-producing region, the area has been devastated by drought.
“I’m a Chavista and, damn it, this situation is hard,” she said. “That is why the revolution is being killed. Because we are hungry.”

Andrea Sira, 11, at her home on the outskirts of Barlovento. The only food in her fridge was mangoes. (Alejandro Cegarra/For The Washington Post)

A child in her house in Barlovento waits for lunch, which consists of only boiled yam. Food sold in the black market can be 1,000 percent higher than what it cost in government-regulated grocery stores. (Alejandro Cegarra/For The Washington Post)
Falling oil prices
Venezuela’s ability to produce food and other goods has dwindled over the years as the government has expropriated private companies, expanded price controls and otherwise discouraged private production. Corn, rice and other foods once grown domestically now have to be imported.
In the past two years, oil prices have dropped by half to below $50 per barrel, the economy has contracted severely and imports have grown more unaffordable. Private companies have shut down for lack of access to government-controlled dollars to pay for raw materials. The government has so far prioritized making debt payments to avoid default while cutting back on imported products, including food. In recent days, airlines such as Lufthansa, LATAM and Aeromexico have stopped flying to Venezuela as the strict currency controls make it difficult for them to be paid in full.

About 87 percent of people say they don’t have enough money to buy food, according to a recent study by Simon Bolivar University.
“We have not yet seen the climax of the crisis,” said Luis Vicente Leon, director of the polling firm Datanalisis. He estimated that retail food outlets in Caracas lack about 80 to 85 percent of their usual products. “Supplies have deteriorated to a very significant degree, and it’s probable that things will continue to get worse.”
This year, Maduro decreed that food distribution would be placed under the control of thousands of local citizen committees that critics say are biased toward government supporters. That meant subsidized food would be diverted from the poorly stocked government-run supermarkets.
Over the first five months of this year, Venezuelans have violently looted businesses — or tried to do so — at least 254 times, according to the Venezuelan Observatory of Social Conflict. The number of protests over food has risen each month, to 172 in May. Several people have died and hundreds more have been arrested in incidents of unrest across the country.
Maduro’s administration has blamed the incidents on an “economic war” led by foreigners and private businessmen who, it claims, are hoarding food supplies to destabilize the government.
“There is no humanitarian crisis,” foreign minister Delcy Rodriguez said at an Organization of American States meeting last week.

A man rests in front of a local store in Barlovento. The store has not received food since January, forcing people to go to bigger towns or even Caracas to shop. (Alejandro Cegarra/For The Washington Post)
An endless wait for food
Transporting the nation’s food means running a gantlet of need. On June 20, hundreds of protesters blocked a highway in an area called El Guapo, east of Caracas, paralyzing dozens of delivery trucks. During the day-long standoff, driver Jonathan Narvaes, 32, watched as residents ransacked trucks carrying flour and pasta. Soldiers used tear gas to disperse the crowds.
“My boss wants me to try again,” Narvaes said. “I told him,‘Boss, they almost killed me on Monday.’ ”
Bakery looted amid Venezuela food shortages
Surveillance camera footage shows violent looting at a bakery in the Venezuelan capital of Caracas as the country battles widespread shortages of basic goods amid a reeling economic crisis. (Reuters)
Drivers unloading cheese in Caracas, after a 15-hour journey from near the country’s western border with Colombia, said that trucks have been shot at and battered with rocks and that they must pay bribes in money or cheese at military checkpoints along the way.
“Similar situations are happening in almost the whole country,” said Alfredo Sanchez, the head driver of a delivery company called Paisa.
A driver who gave his name as Tony, with the Lacteos La Guanota company, said that when he drove through north-central Aragua state one recent day, protesters surrounded trucks and hauled away the cargo of pigs and chickens. “I was very afraid,” he said.
Some wealthier consumers have resorted to having food shipped to Venezuela. Soraya Cedillo, the owner of a courier company, said that 70 percent of her customers are Venezuelans living in the United States buying products such as corn flour, sugar, powdered milk, toilet paper and tampons for relatives back home.
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Two months ago, Maria Eugenia Rodriguez, a dentist and mother of two, began shopping online forproducts such as powdered milk, sugar and bread. “I buy Splenda from Amazon,” she said, referring to the online retailer. “Every few weeks I get a box full of staples from a courier in the States that arrives to the door of my house.”
In Caracas, shopping lines have grown so long that they have created ecosystems of commerce. Outside the Plansuarez supermarket in Caracas, vendors sold cigarettes and lemonade out of rusty shopping carts one recent day to the hundreds who had lined up. To cut down on crowds, officials allow in each day only people with certain numbers on their national identification cards.
“We’re waiting without even knowing what they will bring today, or if they’ll bring anything,” Yorilei Ramos, 51, said as she stood alongside her 9-year-old daughter. “Your kids are crying, ‘I’m hungry,’ and you have to tell them, ‘I have nothing.’ ”
What the chaotic scene in Venezuela looks like
The country is undergoing critical food shortages, and the political opposition is pushing for a recall referendum to cut short President Nicolás Maduro’s term and trigger new elections.
Read more:
6 things you need to know about Venezuela’s political and economic crisis
Venezuela is on the brink of a complete economic collapse
The only number that matters in Venezuela is this one
Venezuela faces ‘worst-case scenario’ as Zika outbreak expands
Today's coverage from Post correspondents around the world
Published on Jun 29, 2016
Sub for more: | Philip Pullella for Reuters reports Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic Church should seek forgiveness from homosexuals for the way they had treated them. Speaking to reporters aboard the plane taking him back to Rome from Armenia, he also said the Church should ask forgiveness for the way it has treated women, for turning a blind eye to child labor and for "blessing so many weapons" in the past.
See the report here:
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Confusion of Many Voices
June 30
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Revelation 18:4.
In the last work for the warning of the world, two distinct calls are made to the churches. The second angel's message is, “Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” And in the loud cry of the third angel's message a voice is heard from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.”
As God called the children of Israel out of Egypt, that they might keep His Sabbath, so He calls His people out of Babylon, that they may not worship the beast or his image....
After the truth has been proclaimed as a witness to all nations, every conceivable power of evil will be set in operation, and minds will be confused by many voices crying, “Lo, here is Christ, Lo, He is there. This is the truth, I have the message from God, He has sent me with great light.” Then there will be a removing of the landmarks, and an attempt to tear down the pillars of our faith. A more decided effort will be made to exalt the false sabbath, and to cast contempt upon God Himself by supplanting the day He has blessed and sanctified. This false sabbath is to be enforced by an oppressive law.... But while Satan works with his lying wonders, the time will be fulfilled foretold in the Revelation, and the mighty angel that shall lighten the earth with his glory, will proclaim the fall of Babylon, and call upon God's people to forsake her.
When do her sins reach unto heaven? When the law of God is finally made void by legislation. Then the extremity of God's people is His opportunity to show who is the governor of heaven and earth. As a Satanic power is stirring up the elements from beneath, God will send light and power to His people, that the message of truth may be proclaimed to all the world.
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Revelation 18:4.
In the last work for the warning of the world, two distinct calls are made to the churches. The second angel's message is, “Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” And in the loud cry of the third angel's message a voice is heard from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.”
As God called the children of Israel out of Egypt, that they might keep His Sabbath, so He calls His people out of Babylon, that they may not worship the beast or his image....
After the truth has been proclaimed as a witness to all nations, every conceivable power of evil will be set in operation, and minds will be confused by many voices crying, “Lo, here is Christ, Lo, He is there. This is the truth, I have the message from God, He has sent me with great light.” Then there will be a removing of the landmarks, and an attempt to tear down the pillars of our faith. A more decided effort will be made to exalt the false sabbath, and to cast contempt upon God Himself by supplanting the day He has blessed and sanctified. This false sabbath is to be enforced by an oppressive law.... But while Satan works with his lying wonders, the time will be fulfilled foretold in the Revelation, and the mighty angel that shall lighten the earth with his glory, will proclaim the fall of Babylon, and call upon God's people to forsake her.
When do her sins reach unto heaven? When the law of God is finally made void by legislation. Then the extremity of God's people is His opportunity to show who is the governor of heaven and earth. As a Satanic power is stirring up the elements from beneath, God will send light and power to His people, that the message of truth may be proclaimed to all the world.
Maranatha, p.189.
‘Brexit’ Brouhaha Briskly Broached by World Economic Forum
Jun 26, 2016 9:12 pm HKT

Travis Kalanick, chief executive officer of Uber, speaks during a session at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Tianjin, China, on Sunday, June 26, 2016. PHOTO: BLOOMBERG
TIANJIN, China—What’s a premier exponent of globalization to do after Britain’s vote to exit the European Union? In the case of the World Economic Forum, arrange a panel discussion.
Responses to the British referendum at the start of a three-day forum event in China on Sunday ranged from lingering shock to analytical detachment and a degree of indifference, given the heft of the Chinese economy and its limited trade with Britain. Klaus Schwab, the German economist who is the forum’s founder, didn’t respond to a reporter’s question about the British vote.
With the topic top of mind for many, a special panel titled “After the Brexit” was added Sunday morning to a program that had been weeks in the planning. Adrian Monck, a member of the forum’s executive committee, set the tone, saying that as a British passport holder and possible ex-EU passport holder, he was “still coming to terms with the emotional impact of ‘Brexit’.” His 12-year-old son, he said, had “burst into tears.” He then called for rational analysis.
Political-risk consultancy Eurasia Group’s President Ian Bremmer, whom Mr. Monck called the “pundit’s pundit,” said that as with economies, “geopolitics has boom and bust cycles too.” He said the British rejection of the EU further dented the U.S.-led world order put in place after World War II. He put it on par with the 2008 financial crisis and the U.S. response to the September 11 terrorist attacks.
Larry Stone, public affairs chief for BT Group PLC, said uncertainty and instability lie ahead for business, especially companies such as his, which, he said, draws more than 10% of its global revenue from Europe. Michael Falcon, an Asia-Pacific chief executive for J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., said the vote is causing a shock, but not a crisis, with volatility expected.
All agreed that much hangs on what happens next: how the British government negotiates its departurefrom the EU and under what terms.
So did the vote represent a slap in the face to the global elite, Mr. Monck asked? Mr. Bremmer saw in the vote a reasonable response to the hollowing out of the middle class in industrialized countries, and to the inadequate response by political, corporate and other leaders.
“It’s not the absence of fact. I don’t think it’s the uneducated. This is rational behavior in the same way that someone in Gaza who has no ability to act out and has only a rock is going to throw it,” Mr. Bremmer said.
Elsewhere in the forum, the ‘Brexit’ issue emerged at times though didn’t consume the discussion. Matthew Prince, founder of the U.S. tech company Cloudflare Inc., said London’s role as a magnet for talent is likely to suffer since people from other parts of Europe may feel less welcome.
Travis Kalanick, the co-founder and chief executive officer of Uber Technologies Inc., didn’t expect much impact on the ride-hailing company. “We’re all about serving cities,” he said. “As long as there are still roads in London, as long as there are still people in London, there are some fundamental things that will continue to do well.”
Given the forum’s location—in a fast-changing Chinese port city—a ‘Brexit’ impact on China and the region was weighed. Li Daokui, an economist at Tsinghua University, thought the influence on China would be minimal, while Huang Yiping of Peking University saw it differently, saying the vote represents a backlash against globalization, a phenomenon that has benefited the Chinese economy.
Even so, some noted that East Asia seemed a region of relative well-governed calm compared with many parts of the world, Europe included. “All the political risk geopolitically is at home,” said Mr. Stone, the British telecomms executive, back at the Brexit panel.
– Charles Hutzler and Eva Dou.
Democrats Select First Transgender Nominees in Colorado and Utah
Two 'Mistys' face stiff competition in November
Utah Democrat Misty Snow will take on incumbent Republican Sen. Mike Lee in November. (Courtesy Misty Kathrine Snow Facebook page)
Eric Garcia@Eric Garcia
Posted at Jun 29, 2016 2:23 PM
Democrats in Utah and Colorado will have their first transgender nominees in the general election.
In Utah, Misty Snow, a resident of Salt Lake City, outpaced marriage counselor Jonathan Swinton by almost 19 points, earning the right to take on Republican Sen. Mike Lee in November.
Snow said her platform is inspired by Vermont independent Sen. Bernie Sanders. She supports a $15 minimum wage, paid family leave and criminal justice reform.
In a statement after her win, Snow remarked on the nature of the campaign.
"While I’m not running on the basis of being a trans woman, my experiences as a trans woman have given me the empathy to understand the struggles of groups that feel that the American Dream is out of reach," she said. "I’m running to give a voice to the voiceless."
[ Another Republican Refuses To Endorse Trump ]
Running in a red state that is typically conservative on many social issues, it's unlikely that Snow could win in a race against Lee , Utah's junior senator.
In Colorado's 5th District, Misty Plowright handily won her primary to be the Democratic nominee to run against Republican Rep. Doug Lamborn, who similarly appears to be a tough candidate to beat.
The staunchly conservative 5th District is home to James Dobson's Focus on the Family.
Plowright was unable to afford college so she enlisted in the U.S. Army and worked in IT before being honorably discharged for a non-combat related injury.
She is married to her partner of nine years, Lisa, according to her campaign website . For the past two years, the couple has also been involved with someone else.
"They have both been in a loving, longterm, committed relationship with their mutual partner, Sebastian, for the last two years," according to Plowright's website. "All three partners support each other emotionally, physically and financially."
[ In Colorado, GOP's Darryl Glenn to Challenge Michael Bennet ]
Similar to Snow, Plowright's Twitter feed has many retweets from Sanders supporters and she has been featured on Reddit's pro-Sanders page as an ally.
Snow and Plowright are not the first major party transgender nominees for Congress. In 2000, Vermont's Karen Kerin won the GOP nomination for the state's lone House seat. But she lost to Sanders, then a five-term congressman, in the general election.
Contact Garcia at and follow him on Twitter @EricMGarcia .
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Trudeau hosts Obama, Pena Nieto for Three Amigos summit
Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto and U.S. President Barack Obama will join Justin Trudeau in Ottawa for the Three Amigos summit on Wednesday.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Mexico's President Enrique Pena Nieto, left, and U.S. President Barack Obama meet on Wednesday in Ottawa. (SUSAN WALSH / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTO)
Staff Reporter
Wed., June 29, 2016
The three amigos will be together again, this time with new blood, as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau welcomes leaders from both the United States and Mexico.
Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto and U.S. President Barack Obama will join Trudeau in Canada’s capital Wednesday for a historic state visit cheekily dubbed the Three Amigos summit. The last time the three North America leaders got together for such a visit was in 2014 in Toluca Mexico, when Stephen Harper was prime minister.
Air Force One is expected to land at 10:15 a.m. The three politicians will then get down to business, discussing everything from trade to climate change and indigenous rights.
Pena Nieto has already arrived in Ottawa on Monday, after visiting both Quebec City and Toronto.
Wednesday’s meeting is expected to be significantly warmer than last time, when Harper was unwilling to budge on Mexican visa restrictions to Canada and Obama kept mum on whether he would approve the Keystone XL pipeline.
The pipeline was officially rejected last November, but all signs point to a chummier get together this time around.
At a joint press conference on Tuesday, Trudeau and Pena Nieto announced that contentious restrictions limiting Mexican nationals’ travel in Canada would be lifted by Dec. 1. In return, Mexico will open their markets to all Canadian beef exports later this year.
And since Trudeau’s state visit to Washington D.C. in March, relations between the U.S. and Canada have been downright bro-tastic, with the two world leaders frequently trading friendly barbs in the press.
With files from Star staff
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Brexit is the beginning of the breakup of EU
Monday, June 27, 2016
I don’t expect a global recession or another global financial crisis. I think the impact of Brexit is significant but not of the same size and magnitude of the one we had 2007 to 2009.
However, I would say it is a major, significant financial shock, as the reaction of the markets on Friday suggested. It creates a whole bunch of economic, financial, political and also geopolitical uncertainties.

At some point in the future, the Scots might decide to go for another referendum and it may be the break-up of the United Kingdom. Then the Catalans in Spain might say ‘me too’ and that might lead to the break-up of Spain.
Some of the Nordic members of the European Union might say ‘without the UK the European Union is mostly the Euro-zone, so what’s in it for me?
ROME 666 ~ HD
Published on Feb 25, 2016
ROME 666 - Part I -
The Illuminati, Freemasonry, a New World Order, a One World Religion and the Vatican State can all be found in the Eternal City of Rome.
At this hour, and for centuries past, ancient pagan monuments and portals are given new life and being raised from the dead in a city at the center of all that is soon to come.
Thirteen obelisks, an ancient pyramid, and the occult number 33 thrive within the city upon the seven hills which chose to make the number of the beast 666, its calling card.
The Illuminati, Freemasonry, a New World Order, a One World Religion and the Vatican State can all be found in the Eternal City of Rome.
At this hour, and for centuries past, ancient pagan monuments and portals are given new life and being raised from the dead in a city at the center of all that is soon to come.
Thirteen obelisks, an ancient pyramid, and the occult number 33 thrive within the city upon the seven hills which chose to make the number of the beast 666, its calling card.
North American Leaders Meet, With Brexit and Trump Clouding Ties

Josh Wingrove

Mike Dorning
June 28, 2016 — 5:00 AM EDT Updated on June 28, 2016 — 3:43 PM EDT
Obama, Trudeau and Pena Nieto hold summit Wednesday in Ottawa
U.K. vote, U.S. presidential race weigh on pro-trade agenda
The shadow of Brexit and rising protectionist sentiment loom large as U.S. President Barack Obama meets his North American counterparts to bolster the world’s largest trading bloc.
Obama, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto hold the so-called Three Amigos summit Wednesday in Ottawa, with fallout from the U.K.’s vote last week to leave the European Union raising pressure to show confidence in their own alliance. The countries will vow to produce more clean power and cut methane emissions while strengthening economic ties.
Britain and the EU
Risks to North America are palpable, as Brexit roils global financial markets and anti-trade rhetoric ramps up in the U.S. presidential campaign. The meeting -- Obama’s last, and Trudeau’s first -- comes amid opposition to the Trans Pacific Partnership and disputes over visas, lumber, and beef. Yet all three countries see the summit as an opportunity to double down on easing trade barriers.
“This is a moment for North America to say we stand united, we stand together,” Chrystia Freeland, Trudeau’s trade minister, told Bloomberg TV Canada’s Pamela Ritchie on Monday. “And as a continent, we have a partnership that believes in the importance of building bridges rather than building walls.”
Given the impact it’s had on world financial markets, Brexit will be discussed at the summit but won’t be the focus, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Tuesday.
All three countries have signed but not yet ratified the 12-nation TPP. The deal faces hurdles in Congress and is opposed by presumptive U.S. presidential nominees Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, with the latter vowing to “rip up” the North America Free-Trade Agreement and other pacts.
“I’m going to tell our Nafta partners that I intend to immediately renegotiate the terms of that agreement to get a better deal by a lot -- not just a little, a lot -- for our workers,” Trump said in a speech Tuesday in Monessen, Pennsylvania. “If they don’t agree to a renegotiation, which they might not because they’re so used to having their own way,” he said, “then I will submit under Article 2205 of the Nafta agreement that America intends to withdraw from the deal.”
Increased ‘Uneasiness’
Republicans, whose support is critical, are wary of getting out of step with the rank and file, having lost high-profile party figures in populist revolts. Brexit will only increase “uneasiness” toward trade, according to former Republican Congressman Vin Weber, now a partner at lobbying firm Mercury LLC. “What happened in Britain and what’s going on in American presidential politics absolutely has an effect: It makes everybody more nervous,” he said.
Wednesday’s summit is the first since 2014. Last year’s was postponed by Trudeau’s predecessor Stephen Harper in part because of tensions over the Keystone XL pipeline, which Obama rejected after the new Canadian prime minister took office. This year’s meeting will “focus on creating jobs, strengthening North American communities, and building a clean growth economy,” Trudeau said in a statement.
“Certainly Brexit will be on the agenda,” said Mark Feierstein, the U.S. National Security Council’s senior director for western-hemisphere affairs. “It’ll be evident to Americans and people beyond that when North America speaks and acts as a single unit, it’s really for the good of our citizens and people around the world.”
Environment, Immigration
The countries will pledge to produce half their electricity through non-carbon-emitting sources by 2025. That “aggressive goal” will require “ambitious” measures, according to senior Obama adviser Brian Deese. Mexico is also joining a pledge made in March to cut methane emissions.
This week’s talks take place amid a dispute over a visa restrictions Canada placed on Mexicans to stem asylum claims, a thorn in the ties between the countries.
“There’s a lot of confusion in Mexico, hurt feelings and disenchantment with Canada over this issue,” said Laura Macdonald, a professor of political science at Ottawa’s Carleton University.
Trudeau and Pena Nieto announced Tuesday during a bilateral meeting that the visa restriction would be lifted effective Dec. 1, and that Mexico would fully open its borders to Canadian beef as of Oct. 1.
U.S. Protectionism
The Brexit vote was “a very big shock” for the three leaders, whose economies under Nafta collectively exceed that of the EU, according to John Kirton, director of the University of Toronto’s G-7 Research Group. As a result, the trio is under more pressure to display unity and declare “globalization is good for us and we still deeply believe it and are reaping the rewards as we speak,” Kirton said.
Polls show a wave of opposition to trade agreements. Americans, by a margin of 65 percent to 22 percent, say they want more restrictions on international trade, according to a Bloomberg poll in March. The same poll found Americans believe Nafta is a trade deal gone awry that has done more harm than good.
Deals in Limbo
The 12 TPP nations have until February 2018 to ratify the pact. Chances of the U.S. doing so this year were slipping even before the Brexit vote, according to Alec Phillips, a Washington-based economist with Goldman Sachs Group Inc. “Our expectation was already reasonably low that it would happen,” he said.
Trudeau, who describes himself as “extremely pro-trade,” has the parliamentary majority to approve the deal though he hasn’t yet taken a clear position. Mexico has already submitted TPP to its Senate for review and expects a vote later this year.
Canada has instead focused on its trade pact with the EU, which it still hopes to ratify under the Brexit cloud. Canada made changes to the pact this year and Freeland said Brexit will hasten the push -- a view not shared by Harper’s former foreign minister.
“The EU trade deal is not helped by what happened,” John Baird said in a Bloomberg TV interview last week. “There’s growing anti-globalization sentiment, there’s anger at elites. This is the big unknown the British people have thrown at all of Europe.”
Published on Jun 28, 2016
Monday, June 27, 2016
Hillary Clinton marches in NYC Pride Parade
Sunday, June 26, 2016, 2:28 PM
Hillary Clinton joined the thousands celebrating the Pride Parade Sunday, marching for two blocks near the Stonewall Inn and waving a rainbow flag.
The presumptive Democratic nominee for president, sporting a teal pantsuit, was met with a warm reception from paradegoers, many of whom shouted “Hillary!”
Even Gov. Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio — who walked the rest of the route separately — joined Clinton’s entourage that also included Rev. Al Sharpton and New York City First Lady Chirlane McCray.
Read more
The Two Kingdoms Emergency Update

Published on Jun 23, 2016
The Papacy is penetrating into every citadel on the planet. Very few can see what are her endgame plans are. This study will help those who are unaware of her global machinations and how it will eventually affect those who are faithful to God.
The Papacy is penetrating into every citadel on the planet. Very few can see what are her endgame plans are. This study will help those who are unaware of her global machinations and how it will eventually affect those who are faithful to God.
'No Fly, No Buy' Means No Freedom
Andrew Napolitano
• June 23, 2016
The people in the government who want to control our personal choices are the enemies of freedom. And the enemies of freedom can be very clever and seductive.
Last week, these folks, manifesting their lust to keep us dependent upon the government by rejecting the natural right to self-defense, coined a clever phrase: “No fly, no buy.” It sounds rational, yet it rejects core American values.
The phrase was pounded home to average Americans during a one-sided 15-hour televised marathon on the floor of the Senate orchestrated by the gun control crowd. The essence of the argument was that stricter laws regarding gun sales would have prevented the massacre at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. In gun control advocates’ dream world, the self-loathing Islamic State-inspired killer, willing to take 49 innocent lives, would somehow have been unwilling to violate restrictive gun purchase laws; and his obedience to those laws would have saved lives.
Their argument is naive and absurd. A person willing to commit mass murder is surely willing to break the law to acquire the means to commit the murders. So blinded were these senators in their misguided utterances about self-defense that they forgot about the Constitution.
The legislation they offered would have required that people whose names the feds put on a terror watchlist or a no-fly list (these are often done simultaneously) would not be legally able to purchase a gun. The senators summarized this idea dozens of times as “no fly, no buy.”
Though this phrase, which was quickly picked up by many of my colleagues in the media, has an easy and simplistic ring to it, it reveals a troubling ideology that profoundly rejects core American values.
When Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence that we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights and when the inalienability of our rights was codified in the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, the United States was wedded to the Judeo-Christian principle that our rights stem from our humanity. This was expressly recognized recently by the Supreme Court in District of Columbia v. Heller, in which it held that the right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental personal right, not a gift of the government to a group.
A fundamental personal right is the natural ability of individuals to make meaningful choices without a government permission slip. May the government ever interfere with fundamental rights? The short answer is yes. The longer answer is that it can only do so if it can demonstrate a compelling governmental interest — served by the least restrictive means, and only after due process.
Stated differently, if the government wants to silence your speech or deny you the right to self-defense, it must meet a very high burden in a public courtroom. It must demonstrate to a judge and jury that its need to silence or disarm you is compelling, and its goals may not be attained by any lesser means. Americans need not demonstrate a compelling need to speak or bear arms; the government must demonstrate a compelling need to prevent us from doing so.
That is what lawyers call black letter law — meaning it is well-established, followed throughout the land and rarely challenged. Until now.
Earlier this week in the Senate, the gun control crowd sought to give nameless and faceless federal bureaucrats the ability to strip Americans of their right to keep and bear arms by putting their names on a terror watchlist/no-fly list and prohibiting those on the list from buying guns. Yet none of these senators could state the criteria for putting a name on that list, and none could identify the people who prepare or keep the list.
That’s because these are well-guarded government secrets — secrets that have no place in American life.
If a government bureaucrat can put your name on a secret list on the bureaucrat’s own whim or even using secret standards and, as a result, you have lost a fundamental liberty, then the feds have transformed a natural right into a governmental gift. If the feds can create a no-fly list in secret and “no fly” comes to mean “no buy,” then we have no rights but what the government will permit us to do.
As if to underscore his ignorance of American values, one of the senators even stated that due process is killing us. He must have forgotten his oath to uphold the Constitution, which guarantees that the government may not take life, liberty or property without due process.
Due process — the absolute right to know the law and to force the government to prove a violation of it to a jury before it can take life, liberty or property — is the essence of the rights of free people. It is utterly scandalous — and probably disqualifying from office — that a senator could bemoan its existence.
Can you see how low we have sunk? The gun control crowd doesn’t care about personal liberty in a free society; it just cares about control. It wants us all to be pliant and reliant on a government that it controls; never mind that it is utterly incapable of protecting us from crazies who will resort to mass death for their own deranged purposes.
If the government secretly can put an American’s name on a secret list and, as a result, his liberty is lost, then there are no freedoms — just government-granted privileges. And if it can do this to the natural rights to travel and self-defense, can other fundamental rights be far behind?
Copyright 2016 Andrew P. Napolitano. Distributed by
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Satan’s Agents Use Brexit To Achieve Endgame... Andrew Henriques
Satan’s Agents Use Brexit To Achieve Endgame;EU,UN Mayors Join To Fight Climate Change;Put On Armor
Published on Jun 26, 2016
Subjects Addressed: (1) The connection between the first three parts of the armor of God. (0:33)
(2) “Britain votes to leave EU, Cameron quits, markets rocked.” (6:05)
(3) European Union is controlled by the Papacy. (6:28)
(4) The EU Flag was conceived by a Roman Catholic. The twelve stars on the EU flag are a homage to her. (8:06)
(5) Brexit is another fulfillment of Daniel 2:42, the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly broken. (10:56)
(6) Brexit will further weakened the global financial economy. It will be used to bring about Satan’s Endgame. See The Great Controversy, page 590. (13:05)
(7) Satan is using Brexit to develop scoffers. (18:05)
(8) The Lord has given to us the following statement to help us to make sense of Brexit and what will happen next. See The Great Controversy, pages 444,445. Additionally, Pope Francis: “As such, the journeEducationqnism is not just about relations between Christian denominations. It is much more than this and is a sign for the world and for peace in the world.” (21:35)
(9) Satan’s Endgame is being fulfilled. “Today, the two biggest coalitions of cities in the world – the EU-based Covenant of Mayors and the UN-backed Compact of Mayors – are forming an alliance to link more than 600 million city dwellers in the fight against climate change…Our new alliance, now called the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy, will provide unprecedented support for city efforts and accelerate progress against climate change in a number of ways, including: The Global Covenant will link more than 7,100 cities, representing more than 600 million people, in one unified effort to address the causes and impacts of climate change. Cities will speak with one clear, coordinated voice, sending a strong signal to national governments…” (27:39)
(10) Brexit shows us that we are on schedule for the fulfillment of the mark of the beast and that it is the people who will vote and demand it, according to Revelation 13:13-15. Additionally, “Britain’s exit from the European Union shocked global markets…The vote could be a sign that major democracies are vulnerable to the influence of populist political movements.”
Pope Francis stated in regards to Britain’s exit from the European Union via a referendum: “The ‘will of the people’ must be respected.” See The Great Controversy, page 592. (33:18)
(11) World is looking to Pope Francis as the man of peace and safety. “U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry extended his official congratulations to Francis, thanking him for his role in renewing the country’s diplomatic ties with Cuba as well has his efforts to facilitate dialogue between the Colombian government and FARC rebels.” “The Pope also expressed his satisfaction over the signing of a ceasefire in Columbia between the government and the FARC rebels.” (47:17)
(12) Since we are in this warfare, we must put on the third part of the armor of God, preparing and proclaiming the gospel of peace, the gospel of the atonement.
Gerald CELENTE - SPECIAL Brexit Episode - (Predictions After BREXIT) JUNE 2016

financial argument
Published on Jun 24, 2016
Economic collapse and financial crisis is rising any moment. Getting informed about collapse and crisis may earn you, or prevent to lose money. Do you want to be informed with Max Keiser, Alex Jones, Gerald Celente, Peter Schiff, Marc Faber, Ron Paul,Jim Willie,Paul Craig Roberts, and arguments many specialists about...
Gunman’s Employer Dealt Another in a Series of Black Eyes

G4S security officers in Britain in 2012. The British government had to enlist its own troops during the first days of the Olympics that year because the company could not provide enough security.
JUNE 17, 2016
The past few years have not gone smoothly for G4S, the giant security firm based in Britain that employed the Orlando nightclub killer, Omar Mateen.
Just before the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, the British government had to enlist its own troops because the company initially could not provide enough security, which its chief executive at the time called a “humiliating shambles.”
The next year, a coroner’s inquest in Britain found that an Angolan father of five was “unlawfully killed” while in the custody of G4S guards, who held his head down during a deportation flight despite his crying out, “I can’t breathe.”
The guards were acquitted of manslaughter, but the company’s image was not aided by the disclosure of virulently racist and anti-immigrant texts on the guards’ phones.
And in 2015, another inquest revealed that a G4S subsidiary improperly vetted an employee with a criminal record who later was convicted in Iraq of killing two colleagues.
This week, the company has faced scrutiny over its handling of Mr. Mateen, who was employed by G4S for nine years and was most recently stationed at a guard house in a residential golfing community.
JUNE 17, 2016
The past few years have not gone smoothly for G4S, the giant security firm based in Britain that employed the Orlando nightclub killer, Omar Mateen.
Just before the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, the British government had to enlist its own troops because the company initially could not provide enough security, which its chief executive at the time called a “humiliating shambles.”
The next year, a coroner’s inquest in Britain found that an Angolan father of five was “unlawfully killed” while in the custody of G4S guards, who held his head down during a deportation flight despite his crying out, “I can’t breathe.”
The guards were acquitted of manslaughter, but the company’s image was not aided by the disclosure of virulently racist and anti-immigrant texts on the guards’ phones.
And in 2015, another inquest revealed that a G4S subsidiary improperly vetted an employee with a criminal record who later was convicted in Iraq of killing two colleagues.
This week, the company has faced scrutiny over its handling of Mr. Mateen, who was employed by G4S for nine years and was most recently stationed at a guard house in a residential golfing community.
Jesuit appointed head of US religious freedom commission
Catholic News Agency
June 24, 2016

Thomas Reese. (Courtesy of USCIRF)
Jesuit Father Thomas Reese was appointed chairman of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, becoming the first priest to hold this position. He replaces Princeton law professor Dr. Robert George.
The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom has a new chairman, and for the first time, the position will be held by a Catholic priest.
Jesuit priest Father Thomas Reese was first appointed to a two-year term as a member of the commission by President Barack Obama in 2014, and re-appointed in 2016.
Now he will take over as the chair of the organization, an independent, bipartisan commission that monitors and reviews religious freedom violations around the world, and makes policy recommendations to the Secretary of State, Congress and the president.
“I am honored to serve as USCIRF’s Chair and work with my fellow Commissioners in support of freedom of religion or belief,” Reese said in a statement.
“World events underscore the importance of this fundamental right: A key factor in many of the United States’ foreign policy challenges, religious freedom is under serious and sustained attack across much of the globe,” he added.
Created by the 1998 International Religious Freedom Act, the commission issues annual reports on the state of religious freedom around the world, and names countries that are guilty of severe religious freedom violations during the previous year. It also holds public hearings and conducts fact-finding missions to aid in its efforts.
In taking over as chair of the body, Reese replaces Princeton law professor Dr. Robert George.
Reese serves as the senior analyst for the National Catholic Reporter. Previously, he served as editor-in-chief at AmericaMagazine - a publication of the Jesuit order - from 1998-2005 after being its associate editor from 1978-1985. Reese also was a senior fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center from 1985-1998, and again from 2008-2013.
In his time at America, the Vatican raised issues with several articles published at the magazine, including some on abortion and homosexuality. Fr. Reese resigned from the publication in May 2015.
This week, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom also appointed two vice-chairs: Dr. Daniel Mark, an assistant professor of political science at Villanova University and visiting fellow in the Department of Politics at Princeton University; and Dr. James Zogby, founder and president of the Arab American Institute, and Managing Director of Zogby Research Services, which conducts specialized public opinion polling within the Arab world.
Mark had been reappointed as a member of the commission Speaker of the House Paul Ryan in May 2016, and President Barack Obama reappointed Zogby in May 2015
Saturday, June 25, 2016

Bible Flock Box
The interactive transcript could not be loaded.
Published on Jun 25, 2016
The United Kingdom has recently voted to leave the European Union and the news has shocked the world. Some fear that this could have serious repercussion on the British Economy. The British pound dropped 11% in value, a 30 year low, the day the news was announced; and global markets also suffered. Some even fear an economic collapse may result. Right wing parties from other European countries are reconsidering their relationship with the European Union, as well, including Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and France; and Italy is considering dumping the Euro. Some fear it's only a matter of time before the European Union crumbles.
Many complain that the disadvantages outweigh the benefits of being an EU member. The middle class in economies like Britain haven't improved much since joining the EU, and the EU's immigration policy is causing tension in some countries. Muslim Refugees are also an issue.
This is significant in terms of end time Bible prophecy. The Bible indicates, in the book of Daniel 2, that Europe will never be able to remain politically united. Throughout history, many have tried and failed. Moreover, the Bible indicates that we are at the end of the timeline of prophetic history and Jesus Christ is coming soon. Watch this video to learn more!
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"NASDAQ stock market displays at Times Square" image courtesy of bfishadow at
Background music entitled "Decisions" and "Killing Time" by Kevin MacLeod (
"Swoosh 1" sound effect courtsy of man at
"Swoosh 3" sound effect courtesy of man at
Daniel 2 ~ King Nebuchadnezzar ~ by Bill Hughes
Published on Jun 22, 2016
Playlist :
A bible study on the book of Daniel !
by pastor Bill Hughes.
Pastor Bill Hughes.
Author of the Secret Terrorists & The Enemy Unmasked.
Please write to him:
Box 1417
Eustis, FL 32727
The Secret Terrorists (pdf)
The Enemy Unmasked (pdf)
Prophecy Arise - by Bill Hughes (playlist)
Bill Hughes (Sermons)
The Mark of the Beast 666 - Third Angel's Message
Sunday Law is coming - LRLTV Special Report׃ April 3rd, 2015
See HOW the Sunday Law is being Pushed Today
Arizona State Sen. Sylvia Allen Wants SUNDAY LAWS !
The Mark Of The Beast Is NOT A Microchip! (HD)
RE: The Mark Of The Beast Is NOT A Microchip! [PART 2] (HD)
History_of_the_Jesuits Their Origin, Progress, Doctrines, and Design by G. B. Nicolini.pdf
The Secret History of Jesuits by Edmond Paris (1975).pdf
The Black Pope, A History of the Jesuits by M. F. Cusack Formerly the Nun of Kenmare. pdf
A bible study on the book of Daniel !
by pastor Bill Hughes.
Pastor Bill Hughes.
Author of the Secret Terrorists & The Enemy Unmasked.
Please write to him:
Box 1417
Eustis, FL 32727
The Secret Terrorists (pdf)
The Enemy Unmasked (pdf)
Prophecy Arise - by Bill Hughes (playlist)
Bill Hughes (Sermons)
The Mark of the Beast 666 - Third Angel's Message
Sunday Law is coming - LRLTV Special Report׃ April 3rd, 2015
See HOW the Sunday Law is being Pushed Today
Arizona State Sen. Sylvia Allen Wants SUNDAY LAWS !
The Mark Of The Beast Is NOT A Microchip! (HD)
RE: The Mark Of The Beast Is NOT A Microchip! [PART 2] (HD)
History_of_the_Jesuits Their Origin, Progress, Doctrines, and Design by G. B. Nicolini.pdf
The Secret History of Jesuits by Edmond Paris (1975).pdf
The Black Pope, A History of the Jesuits by M. F. Cusack Formerly the Nun of Kenmare. pdf
Why We Have a Police State
Published on Sep 6, 2013
This is a poem which I wrote which sums up the state in which we find ourselves because of our rejection of God and His law. For more information, check out:
We Have Rejected God - A Poem
By: Pastor Chad Wagner
We have rejected God's omnipotence; now we have a powerful Police State.
We have rejected God as our king; now we have an emperor.
We have rejected God's dominion and kingdom; now we have an empire.
We have rejected God's omnipresence; now we have a surveillance state with cameras everywhere.
We have rejected God's omniscience; now we have the NSA and government databases which know everything about us.
We have rejected the Great Physician; now we have Obama Care.
We have rejected God's provision; now we have a Welfare State.
We have rejected Jesus Christ, the bread of heaven; now we have Monsanto and GMO food.
We have rejected God's protection; now we have the Military Industrial Complex.
We have rejected God's word and wisdom; now we have government education.
We have rejected God's law; now we have more laws than we can count.
We have rejected God's good news (the gospel); now we have CNN and Fox News.
We have rejected Jesus who is the way, the truth, and the LIFE; now we murder the unborn.
We have rejected God's truth; now we have Mainstream Media propaganda.
We have rejected God's religion; now we worship the State and the religion of secular humanism.
We have rejected God's institution of marriage; now we have a Sodom and Gomorrah society.
We have rejected God's light which exposes darkness; now we have secret societies, secret FISA courts, and secret wars.
We have rejected the unsearchable riches of Christ; now we have a 17 trillion dollar national debt, banks too big to fail, and bankers too big to jail.
We have rejected God's golden rule; now we have global rule.
We have rejected God's Book which tells us what we are; now we have Facebook which tells the government what we are.
We have rejected God's institution of the family; now we have a Big Brother.
We have rejected Christ who makes us free; now we have the TSA which restricts our travel and gropes our genitals.
We have rejected the liberty which Christ gives; now we have indefinite detention under the NDAA.
We have rejected God's requirement to give a portion of our income back to Him; now we have a government that takes more than God ever asked for.
We have rejected God's eyes which run to and fro throughout the whole earth beholding the evil and the good; now we have drones going to and fro throughout the skies bombing the evil and the good.
We have rejected the Prince of Peace; now we have perpetual war.
We have rejected the house of God; now we have a house of cards.
Wouldn't you say it's about time we stop rejecting God and start seeking Him again?
Isa 55:6 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:
Isa 55:7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
This is a poem which I wrote which sums up the state in which we find ourselves because of our rejection of God and His law. For more information, check out:
We Have Rejected God - A Poem
By: Pastor Chad Wagner
We have rejected God's omnipotence; now we have a powerful Police State.
We have rejected God as our king; now we have an emperor.
We have rejected God's dominion and kingdom; now we have an empire.
We have rejected God's omnipresence; now we have a surveillance state with cameras everywhere.
We have rejected God's omniscience; now we have the NSA and government databases which know everything about us.
We have rejected the Great Physician; now we have Obama Care.
We have rejected God's provision; now we have a Welfare State.
We have rejected Jesus Christ, the bread of heaven; now we have Monsanto and GMO food.
We have rejected God's protection; now we have the Military Industrial Complex.
We have rejected God's word and wisdom; now we have government education.
We have rejected God's law; now we have more laws than we can count.
We have rejected God's good news (the gospel); now we have CNN and Fox News.
We have rejected Jesus who is the way, the truth, and the LIFE; now we murder the unborn.
We have rejected God's truth; now we have Mainstream Media propaganda.
We have rejected God's religion; now we worship the State and the religion of secular humanism.
We have rejected God's institution of marriage; now we have a Sodom and Gomorrah society.
We have rejected God's light which exposes darkness; now we have secret societies, secret FISA courts, and secret wars.
We have rejected the unsearchable riches of Christ; now we have a 17 trillion dollar national debt, banks too big to fail, and bankers too big to jail.
We have rejected God's golden rule; now we have global rule.
We have rejected God's Book which tells us what we are; now we have Facebook which tells the government what we are.
We have rejected God's institution of the family; now we have a Big Brother.
We have rejected Christ who makes us free; now we have the TSA which restricts our travel and gropes our genitals.
We have rejected the liberty which Christ gives; now we have indefinite detention under the NDAA.
We have rejected God's requirement to give a portion of our income back to Him; now we have a government that takes more than God ever asked for.
We have rejected God's eyes which run to and fro throughout the whole earth beholding the evil and the good; now we have drones going to and fro throughout the skies bombing the evil and the good.
We have rejected the Prince of Peace; now we have perpetual war.
We have rejected the house of God; now we have a house of cards.
Wouldn't you say it's about time we stop rejecting God and start seeking Him again?
Isa 55:6 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:
Isa 55:7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
BABYLON - Pope Francis and Evangelicals UNITING at National Mall Event
Published on Jun 12, 2016
Another event is taking place in America that is pushing this unity between all denominations - 'Together 2016' at the national mall in washington DC. Revelation 17 is being fulfilled. Babylon and her daughters are uniting, and the Roman Catholic Church is growing in power!
Why do we say Happy Sabbath?
Because it is the only weekly, perpetual reminder that the Lord created us. The 7th day Sabbath is the sign of God, His trademark. Every 7 days, every weekend we are reminded who created us and created our world. Thank you.
This is why we call it a Happy Sabbath:
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
Exodus 20: 8-11
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