Friday, September 30, 2016
Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore suspended from office over same-sex marriage order
Court of Judiciary finds him guilty on all six counts

By Tim Lockette, Star Staff Writer,
45 min ago
A panel of judges suspended Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore from office for the remainder of his term Friday, finding Moore guilty on all six charges related to his order telling probate judges to enforce the state’s ban on same-sex marriage.
Members of the Court of the Judiciary cited Moore’s “disregard for binding federal law” and “his history with this court” as their reasons for suspending the judge without pay, according to their 50-page ruling against the judge.
In January, six months after the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic ruling legalizing same-sex marriage, Moore issued an order telling the state’s probate judges they had a “ministerial duty” to enforce Alabama’s ban on same-sex marriage, due to a challenge filed in state court.
The order had little impact. Most counties continued to issue marriage licenses to all, gay and straight. Some counties don’t issue marriage licenses to anyone, but those battle lines were largely drawn before Moore’s order.
Same-sex marriage proponents filed a complaint against Moore with the state’s Judicial Inquiry Commission, arguing that by telling probate judges to defy federal court orders, Moore had violated judicial ethics. On the stand Wednesday, Moore claimed that his order was not a directive to judges, just advice.
“I would never tell them what to do, except to advise them,” Moore said Wednesday.
The nine-member court disagreed. They cited Moore’s last trial before the court – he was removed from office in 2003 after disobeying a court order to remove a Ten Commandments monument from the Supreme Court building in Montgomery – as evidence of a pattern of behavior.
“Chief Justice Moore’s arguments that his actions and words mean something other than what they clearly express is not a new strategy,” the judges wrote.
The order notes that Moore’s complete removal from office would require a unanimous vote, and says that a majority of judges support Moore’s suspension.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Meet the New Authoritarian Masters of the Internet
Getty Images
by John Hayward
29 Sep 2016886
President Barack Obama’s drive to hand off control of Internet domains to a foreign multi-national operation will give some very unpleasant regimes equal say over the future of online speech and commerce.
In fact, they are likely to have much more influence than America, because they will collectively push hard for a more tightly controlled Internet, and they are known for aggressively using political and economic pressure to get what they want.
Here’s a look at some of the regimes that will begin shaping the future of the Internet in just a few days, if President Obama gets his way.
China wrote the book on authoritarian control of online speech. The legendary “Great Firewall of China” prevents citizens of the communist state from accessing global content the Politburo disapproves of. Chinese technology companies are required by law to provide the regime with backdoor access to just about everything.
The Chinese government outright banned online news reporting in July, granting the government even tighter control over the spread of information. Websites are only permitted to post news from official government sources. Chinese online news wasn’t exactly a bastion of freedom before that, of course, but at least the government censors had to track down news stories they disliked and demand the site administrators take them down.
Unsurprisingly, the Chinese Communists aren’t big fans of independent news analysis or blogging, either. Bloggers who criticize the government are liable to be charged with “inciting subversion,” even when the writer in question is a Nobel Peace Prize winner.
Chinese citizens know better than to get cheeky on social media accounts, as well. Before online news websites were totally banned, they were forbidden from reporting news gathered from social media, without government approval. Spreading anything the government decides is “fake news” is a crime.
In a report labeling China one of the worst countries for Internet freedom in the world, Freedom House noted they’ve already been playing games with Internet registration and security verification:
The China Internet Network Information Center was found to be issuing false digital security certificates for a number of websites, including Google, exposing the sites’ users to “man in the middle” attacks.
The government strengthened its real-name registration laws for blogs, instant-messaging services, discussion forums, and comment sections of websites.
A key feature of China’s online censorship is that frightened citizens are not entirely certain what the rules are. Huge ministries work tirelessly to pump out content regulations and punish infractions. Not all of the rules are actually written down. As Foreign Policy explained:
Before posting, a Chinese web user is likely to consider basic questions about how likely a post is to travel, whether it runs counter to government priorities, and whether it calls for action or is likely to engender it. Those answers help determine whether a post can be published without incident — as it is somewhere around 84 percent or 87 percent of the time — or is instead likely to lead to a spectrum of negative consequences varying from censorship, to the deletion of a user’s account, to his or her detention, even arrest and conviction.
This was accompanied by a flowchart demonstrating “what gets you censored on the Chinese Internet.” It is not a simple flowchart.
Beijing is not even slightly self-conscious about its authoritarian control of the Internet. On the contrary, their censorship policies are trumpeted as “Internet sovereignty,” and they aggressively believe the entire world should follow their model, as the Washington Post reported in a May 2016 article entitled “China’s Scary Lesson to the World: Censoring the Internet Works.”
China already has a quarter of the planet’s Internet users locked up behind the Great Firewall. How can anyone doubt they won’t use the opportunity Obama is giving them, to pursue their openly stated desire to lock down the rest of the world?
Russia and China are already working together for a more heavily-censored Internet. Foreign Policy reported one of Russia’s main goals at an April forum was to “harness Chinese expertise in Internet management to gain further control over Russia’s internet, including foreign sites accessible there.”
Russia’s “top cop,” Alexander Bastrykin, explicitly stated Russia needs to stop “playing false democracy” and abandon “pseudo-liberal values” by following China’s lead on Internet censorship, instead of emulating the U.S. example. Like China’s censors, Russian authoritarians think “Internet freedom” is just coded language for the West imposing “cultural hegemony” on the rest of the world.
Just think what Russia and China will be able to do about troublesome foreign websites, once Obama surrenders American control of Internet domains!
Russian President Vladimir Putin has “chipped away at Internet freedom in Russia since he returned to the Kremlin in 2012,” as International Business Times put it in a 2014 article.
One of Putin’s new laws requires bloggers with over 3,000 readers to register with the government, providing their names and home addresses. As with China, Russia punishes online writers for “spreading false information,” and once the charge is leveled, it’s basically guilty-until-proven-innocent. For example, one of the “crimes” that can get a blogger prosecuted in Russia is alleging the corruption of a public official, without ironclad proof.
Human-rights group Agora estimates that Russian Internet censorship grew by 900% in 2015 alone, including both court orders and edicts from government agencies that don’t require court approval. Censorship was expected to intensify even further throughout 2016. Penalties include prison time, even for the crime of liking or sharing banned content on social media.
Putin, incidentally, has described the entire Internet as a CIA plot designed to subvert regimes like his. There will be quite a few people involved in the new multi-national Internet control agency who think purging the Web of American influence is a top priority.
The Russian government has prevailed upon Internet Service Providers to block opposition websites during times of political unrest, in addition to thousands of bans ostensibly issued for security, crime-fighting, and anti-pornography purposes.
Many governments follow the lead of Russia and China in asserting the right to shut down “extremist” or “subversive” websites. In the United States, we worry about law enforcement abusing its authority while battling outright terrorism online, arguing that privacy and freedom of speech must always be measured against security, no matter how dire the threat. In Russia, a rough majority of the population has no problem with the notion of censoring the Internet in the name of political stability, and will countenance absolutely draconian controls against perceived national security threats. This is a distressingly common view in other nations as well: stability justifies censorship and monitoring, not just physical security.
Turkey’s crackdown on the Internet was alarming even before the aborted July coup attempt against authoritarian President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Turkey has banned social media sites, including temporary bans against even giants like Facebook and YouTube, for political reasons. Turkish dissidents are accustomed to such bans coming down on the eve of elections. The Turkish telecom authority can impose such bans without a court order, or a warning to offending websites.
Turkey is often seen as the world leader in blocking Twitter accounts, in addition to occasionally shutting the social media service down completely, and has over a 100,000 websites blacklisted. Criticizing the government online can result in anything from lost employment to criminal charges. And if you think social-media harassment from loyal supporters of the government in power can get pretty bad in the U.S., Turks sometimes discover that hassles from pro-regime trolls online are followed by visits from the police.
Turkish law infamously makes it a crime to insult the president, a law Erdogan has already attempted to impose beyond Turkey’s borders. One offender found himself hauled into court for creating a viral meme – the sort of thing manufactured by the thousands every hour in America – that noted Erdogan bore a certain resemblance to Gollum from Lord of the Rings. The judge in his case ordered expert testimony on whether Gollum was evil to conclusively determine whether the meme was an illegal insult to the president.
The Turkish example introduces another idea common to far too many of the countries Obama wants to give equal say over the future of the Internet: intimidation is a valid purpose for law enforcement. Many of Turkey’s censorship laws are understood to be mechanisms for intimidating dissidents, raising the cost of free speech enough to make people watch their words very carefully. “Think twice before you Tweet” might be good advice for some users, but regimes like Erdogan’s seek to impose that philosophy on everyone. This runs strongly contrary to the American understanding of the Internet as a powerful instrument that lowers the cost of speech to near-zero, the biggest quantum leap for free expression in human history. Zero-cost speech is seen as a big problem by many of the governments that will now place strong hands upon the global Internet rudder.
Turkey is very worried about “back doors” that allow citizens to circumvent official censorship, a concern they will likely bring to Internet control, along with like-minded authoritarian regimes. These governments will make the case that a free and open Internet is a direct threat to their “sovereign right” to control what their citizens read. As long as any part of the Internet remains completely free, no sector can be completely controlled.
Saudi Arabia
The Saudis aren’t too far behind China in the Internet rankings by Freedom House. Dissident online activity can bring jail sentences, plus the occasional public flogging.
This is particularly lamentable because Saudi Arabia is keenly interested in modernization, and sees the Internet as a valuable economic resource, along with a thriving social media presence. Freedom House notes the Internet “remains the least repressive space for expression in the country,” but “it is by no means free.”
“While the state focuses on combatting violent extremism and disrupting terrorist networks, it has clamped down on nonviolent liberal activists and human rights defenders with the same zeal, branding them a threat to the national order and prosecuting them in special terrorism tribunals,” Freedom House notes.
USA Today noted that as of 2014, Saudi Arabia had about 400,000 websites blocked, “including any that discuss political, social or religious topics incompatible with the Islamic beliefs of the monarchy.”
At one point the blacklist included the Huffington Post, which was banned for having the temerity to run an article suggesting the Saudi system might “implode” because of oil dependency and political repression. The best response to criticism that your government is too repressive is a blacklist!
The Saudis have a penchant for blocking messaging apps and voice-over-IP services, like Skype and Facetime. App blocking got so bad that Saudi users have been known to ask, “What’s the point of having the Internet?”
While some Saudis grumble about censorship, many others are active, enthusiastic participants in enforcement, filing hundreds of requests each day to have websites blocked. Religious figures supply many of these requests, and the government defends much of its censorship as the defense of Islamic values.
As with other censorious regimes, the Saudi monarchy worries about citizens using web services beyond its control to evade censorship, a concern that will surely be expressed loudly once America surrenders its command of Internet domains.
For the record, the Saudis’ rivals in Iran are heavy Internet censors too, with Stratfor listing them as one of the countries seeking Chinese assistance for “solutions on how best to monitor the Iranian population.”
North Korea
You can’t make a list of authoritarian nightmares without including the psychotic regime in Pyongyang, the most secretive government in the world.
North Korea is so repressive the BBC justly puts the word “Internet” in scare quotes, to describe the online environment. It doesn’t really interconnect with anything, except government propaganda and surveillance. Computers in the lone Internet cafe in Pyongyang actually boot up to a customized Linux operating system called “Red Star,” instead of Windows or Mac OS. The calendar software in Red Star measures the date from the birth of Communist founder Kim Il-sung, rather than the birth of Christ.
The “Internet” itself is a closed system called Kwangmyong, and citizens can only access it through a single state-run provider, with the exception of a few dozen privileged families that can punch into the real Internet.
Kwangmyong is often compared to the closed “intranet” system in a corporate office, with perhaps 5,000 websites available at most. Unsurprisingly, the content is mostly State-monitored messaging and State-supplied media. Contributors to these online services have reportedly been sent to re-education camps for typos. The North Koreans are so worried about outside contamination of their closed network that they banned wi-fi hotspots at foreign embassies, having noticed information-starved North Korean citizens clustering within range of those beautiful, uncensored wireless networks.
This doesn’t stop South Koreans from attempting cultural penetration of their squalid neighbor’s dismal little online network. Lately they’ve been doing it by loading banned information onto cheap memory sticks, tying them to balloons, and floating them across the border.
Sure, North Korea is the ultimate totalitarian nightmare, and since they have less than two thousand IP addresses registered in the entire country, the outlaw regime won’t be a big influence on Obama’s multi-national Internet authority, right?
Not so fast. As North Korea expert Scott Thomas Bruce told the BBC, authoritarian governments who are “looking at what is happening in the Middle East” see North Korea as a model to be emulated.
“They’re saying rather than let in Facebook, and rather than let in Twitter, what if the government created a Facebook that we could monitor and control?” Bruce explained.
Also, North Korea has expressed some interest in using the Internet as a tool for economic development, which means there would be more penetration of the actual global network into their society. They’ll be very interested in censoring and controlling that access, and they’ll need a lot more registered domains and IP addresses… the very resource Obama wants America to surrender control over.
Bottom line: contrary to left-wing cant, there is such a thing as American exceptionalism – areas in which the United States is demonstrably superior to every other nation, a leader to which the entire world should look for examples. Sadly, our society is losing its fervor for free expression, and growing more comfortable with suppressing “unacceptable” speech, but we’re still far better than anyone else in this regard.
The rest of the world, taken in total, is very interested in suppressing various forms of expression, for reasons ranging from security to political stability and religion. Those governments will never be comfortable, so long as parts of the Internet remain outside of their control. They have censorship demands they consider very reasonable, and absolutely vital. The website you are reading right now violates every single one of them, on a regular basis.
There may come a day we can safely remand control of Internet domains to an international body, but that day is most certainly not October 1, 2016.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
The Sunday Syndrome
Shouldn’t the weekly off day be a matter of choice, instead of being dictated by law?
|Published On:September 29, 2016 12:03 Am
This is an old chestnut, but I want to use the peg to make a different point. How did Sunday become a holiday in India? The best answer lies in the DoPT response, in 2012 to an RTI filed in Jammu by Raman Sharma, asking the same question. It said, “There is no information regarding declaration of Sunday as holiday.” However, in 1985, DoPT issued an order, which said: “The Government of India is pleased to introduce five-day week in the civil administration offices of the Government of India with effect from June 3, 1985. Such government offices would now work for five days a week from Monday to Friday, with all Saturdays as closed.” By implication, Sunday would be a holiday.
The complete answer, as with many of our labour laws, lies in the labour movement and factory legislation in Britain — replicated in India. In June 1949, Raja Kulkarni wrote in the Economic Weekly: “The first Factory Act in 1881 was enacted… at the instance of the Lancashire mill-owners who brought pressure upon the government to fight… competition from the Indian Mills who could produce at cheap rates because of cheap labour, lack of stay (sic) regulation of working hours or restriction on the employment of women and children, etc. The Lancashire mill-owners were interested in getting the hours of work and employment of women and children regulated in order to enhance the cost of production of the Indian mills, their competitors.” The 1881 Act was replaced by a second Factory Act in 1891. The act drew upon the Bombay Factory Commission of 1884 and Factory Labour Commission of 1890. The Sunday holiday story has to do with these two commissions. You could say that the explanation of “public holiday” in the Negotiable Instruments Act refers to Sunday. But remember, the Negotiable Instruments Act also dates to 1881.
The manager of the Empress Mill testified in 1884 before the Factory Commission: “…Mills should close every Sunday and give the hands a rest, but when a native holiday occurs, I would work on the Sunday.” The manager of the Sewlal Motilal Spinning Mill testified: “I would not give holidays on Sundays always… if a native holiday came during the week I would work the following Sunday. The operatives would object to have their holidays fixed for any special day… they would prefer their own holidays to Sundays.”
The Commission concluded: “The operatives in all the provinces visited by us desire that it shall be one fixed day in the week, that all the factories shall be closed on the same day, and that the law shall fix Sunday as the day of rest. We observe that in the Bill before the Legislative Council, no mention is made of Sunday, and we suppose that a reference to a Sunday holiday was omitted in consideration of the fact that that intentions of the British Government might be mistaken in appointing the Christian Sabbath as the day of rest. After a careful enquiry… we have come to the conclusion that they ask that Sunday should be the day fixed for the holiday, because it is the most convenient day for meeting their friends who are employed in other mercantile establishments and government offices, where a Sunday holiday, has always been the rule.”
There are shops and establishments outside the purview of factory-related labour legislation. These have to be closed on one day of the week, but that doesn’t have to be Sunday. In Delhi, for instance, “different days may be specified for different classes of shops or commercial establishments or for different areas”. I don’t see why this flexibility shouldn’t be extended across the board, getting away from the Sunday syndrome. There is a difference between an establishment remaining closed on a fixed day of the week and each individual worker getting a day off once a week. It is perfectly possible for an establishment to remain open all seven days, as long as each worker gets a day off. This is a matter of choice. Why must law mandate this? Unfortunately, that is the equation in the shops and establishments legislation. This is also the de facto provision in the Weekly Holidays Act of 1942. We should get away from factory mindsets.
This is an old chestnut, but I want to use the peg to make a different point. How did Sunday become a holiday in India? The best answer lies in the DoPT response, in 2012 to an RTI filed in Jammu by Raman Sharma, asking the same question. It said, “There is no information regarding declaration of Sunday as holiday.” However, in 1985, DoPT issued an order, which said: “The Government of India is pleased to introduce five-day week in the civil administration offices of the Government of India with effect from June 3, 1985. Such government offices would now work for five days a week from Monday to Friday, with all Saturdays as closed.” By implication, Sunday would be a holiday.
The complete answer, as with many of our labour laws, lies in the labour movement and factory legislation in Britain — replicated in India. In June 1949, Raja Kulkarni wrote in the Economic Weekly: “The first Factory Act in 1881 was enacted… at the instance of the Lancashire mill-owners who brought pressure upon the government to fight… competition from the Indian Mills who could produce at cheap rates because of cheap labour, lack of stay (sic) regulation of working hours or restriction on the employment of women and children, etc. The Lancashire mill-owners were interested in getting the hours of work and employment of women and children regulated in order to enhance the cost of production of the Indian mills, their competitors.” The 1881 Act was replaced by a second Factory Act in 1891. The act drew upon the Bombay Factory Commission of 1884 and Factory Labour Commission of 1890. The Sunday holiday story has to do with these two commissions. You could say that the explanation of “public holiday” in the Negotiable Instruments Act refers to Sunday. But remember, the Negotiable Instruments Act also dates to 1881.
The manager of the Empress Mill testified in 1884 before the Factory Commission: “…Mills should close every Sunday and give the hands a rest, but when a native holiday occurs, I would work on the Sunday.” The manager of the Sewlal Motilal Spinning Mill testified: “I would not give holidays on Sundays always… if a native holiday came during the week I would work the following Sunday. The operatives would object to have their holidays fixed for any special day… they would prefer their own holidays to Sundays.”
The Commission concluded: “The operatives in all the provinces visited by us desire that it shall be one fixed day in the week, that all the factories shall be closed on the same day, and that the law shall fix Sunday as the day of rest. We observe that in the Bill before the Legislative Council, no mention is made of Sunday, and we suppose that a reference to a Sunday holiday was omitted in consideration of the fact that that intentions of the British Government might be mistaken in appointing the Christian Sabbath as the day of rest. After a careful enquiry… we have come to the conclusion that they ask that Sunday should be the day fixed for the holiday, because it is the most convenient day for meeting their friends who are employed in other mercantile establishments and government offices, where a Sunday holiday, has always been the rule.”
There are shops and establishments outside the purview of factory-related labour legislation. These have to be closed on one day of the week, but that doesn’t have to be Sunday. In Delhi, for instance, “different days may be specified for different classes of shops or commercial establishments or for different areas”. I don’t see why this flexibility shouldn’t be extended across the board, getting away from the Sunday syndrome. There is a difference between an establishment remaining closed on a fixed day of the week and each individual worker getting a day off once a week. It is perfectly possible for an establishment to remain open all seven days, as long as each worker gets a day off. This is a matter of choice. Why must law mandate this? Unfortunately, that is the equation in the shops and establishments legislation. This is also the de facto provision in the Weekly Holidays Act of 1942. We should get away from factory mindsets.
The writer is member, Niti Aayog. Views expressed are personal
Exclusive: World’s first baby born with new “3 parent” technique

New Scientist
Published on Sep 27, 2016
A five-month-old boy is the first baby to be born using a new technique that incorporates DNA from three parents, New Scientist reveals. Full story:
Trump, Clinton to trade jokes instead of barbs at Al Smith dinner
FAITH 2016
Trump, Clinton to trade jokes instead of barbs at Al Smith dinner
By David Gibson | 24 hours ago
Republican U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Hillary Clinton shake hands at the end of their first presidential debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, on September 26, 2016. Photo courtesy of Reuters/Mike Segar *Editors: This photo may only be republished with RNS-ALSMITH-DINNER, originally transmitted on September 27, 2016.
NEW YORK (RNS) This has been an unconventional election by almost any measure, with both candidates garnering record high negatives from the voters and political newcomer Donald Trump — a real estate and casino mogul — lowering the bar on almost every previous standard of acceptable campaign rhetoric.
But the Catholic Church likes nothing better than to stick with tradition, and so Trump, the Republican nominee, and his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, will be headlining the glitzy Al Smith Dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in Manhattan next month to trade jokes (hopefully) rather than barbs in a custom that goes back more than 70 years.
“The presidential nominees will share the dais with Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, and they will deliver the evening’s speeches in the spirit of collegiality and good-humor that has become a hallmark of the gala,” said a statement issued Tuesday (Sept. 27) by the New York Archdiocese and the foundation that runs the event.
The Oct. 20 dinner “honors a cause that transcends the polarizing political rhetoric of the day and exemplifies the vision of Gov. Alfred E. Smith, known as ‘The Happy Warrior’ for his ability to maintain his positive outlook even as he tackled the pressing social issues of his day,” the statement said.
The dinner’s namesake was the New York governor who in 1928 became the first Catholic nominee for president. Smith was known as a reformer and “man for the people,” but anti-Catholicism was still so virulent at the time and the pre-Depression economy of the 1920s roaring so fiercely that the Democrat was trounced by Republican Herbert Hoover.
A charitable foundation that takes his name was launched in 1946, two years after Smith’s death, and over the years its annual dinner has become “a ritual of American politics,” as historian Theodore H. White put it, where candidates of opposing parties would come together for a few hours of comic relief at the height of an intense campaign battle.
But the white-tie dinner itself has not been free of controversy, especially for its host. Dolan, for example, was excoriated by conservative Catholics in 2012 when he continued the tradition by inviting President Obama, whose stance in support of abortion rights and other issues outraged some.
READ: Cardinal Timothy Dolan defends Obama invitation to Al Smith Dinner
There was some precedent for Dolan to punt on an invitation to Obama: In 1996, then-Cardinal John O’Connor did not invite either of that year’s candidates because he did not want to give President Bill Clinton, an abortion rights supporter who was running for re-election, a church-sponsored platform that tends to show the candidates in a flattering light.
And in 2004, then-Cardinal Edward Egan did not invite either candidate, President George W. Bush or his challenger Democratic nominee, John Kerry, a Catholic who supports abortion rights.
But Dolan is an outgoing personality who tends to prefer engagement to picking fights, and he also enjoys an evening that can showcase his own deft talent for quips.
Four years ago, Dolan defended himself from the critics, saying the dinner is a time for civility, engagement and dialogue — and raises money for needy children.
“Those who started the dinner 67 years ago believed that you can accomplish a lot more by inviting folks of different political loyalties to an uplifting evening, rather than in closing the door to them,” Dolan wrote at the time.
He added that he believed he was also following the example of Jesus, “who was blistered by his critics for dining with those some considered sinners; and by the recognition that, if I only sat down with people who agreed with me, and I with them, or with those who were saints, I’d be taking all my meals alone.”
Whether Dolan will be criticized again this year, or in the same way, remains to be seen. The real interest may be on how the candidates comport themselves.
Trump has upended conventional Republican politics, especially its family values agenda: He is a thrice-married businessman with a legacy as a playboy and someone who has supported abortion rights and gay rights. He has made headlines by insulting ethnic and religious minorities, women and the handicapped, among others.
While Trump has said he will oppose abortion as president, many remain dubious, and some of his other statements have upset Catholic leaders.
Trump has also shown himself to be relatively thin-skinned when it comes to criticism or teasing, which is unusual for a candidate for such a high office, where calumny and comedy are daily fare.
And if Clinton is not quite the tummler that other candidates have been, she has shown an ability to tweak Trump, as she did in the first of three presidential debates on Monday night.
David Gibson is a national reporter for RNS and an award-winning religion journalist, author and filmmaker. He has written several books on Catholic topics. His latest book is on biblical artifacts: "Finding Jesus: Faith. Fact. Forgery," which was also the basis of a popular CNN series.
More Wealth, More Jobs, but Not for Everyone: What Fuels the Backlash on Trade

Cathy Marsh, a former employee of the steel mill in Granite City, Ill., organized donated food for laid-off workers this month. Credit Whitney Curtis for The New York Times
Trade is under attack in much of the world, because economists failed to
anticipate the accompanying joblessness, and governments failed to help.
SEPT. 28, 2016
ROTTERDAM, the Netherlands — For as long as ships have ventured across water, laborers like Patrick Duijzers have tied their fortunes to trade.
A longshoreman here at Europe’s largest port, his black Jack Daniels T-shirt, hoop earrings and copious rings give Mr. Duijzers the look of a bohemian pirate. His wages put him solidly in the Dutch middle class: He has earned enough to buy an apartment while enjoying vacations to Spain.
Lately, though, Mr. Duijzers has come to see global trade as a malevolent force. His employer — a unit of the Maersk Group, the Danish shipping conglomerate — is locked in a fiercely competitive battle with giants scattered from Dubai to South Korea.
He sees trucking companies replacing Dutch drivers with immigrants from Eastern Europe. He bids farewell to older co-workers reluctantly taking early retirement as robots capture their jobs. Over the last three decades, the ranks of his union have dwindled to about 7,000 members, from 25,000.
“More global trade is a good thing if we get a piece of the cake,” Mr. Duijzers said. “But that’s the problem. We’re not getting our piece of the cake.”
The Mette Maersk, a Danish-flagged behemoth, at APM Terminals in Rotterdam. On a recent afternoon, 18,000 shipping containers were stacked like children’s blocks on a deck longer than three football fields, bearing auto parts, scrap metal and electronics. Credit Ilvy Njiokiktjien for The New York Times
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Two thirds of people feel they need more rest
Two thirds of people feel they need more rest: Over two thirds of the public would like more rest, a new study reveals.
Millennial Outreach and Engagement Summit
Come one, come all technique...
Unity.. By any means necessary.
Unity.. By any means necessary.
'The Gathering': America Can Only Be Saved by Spiritual Revival, Not a 'Political Awakening,' Christian Leaders Say
'The Gathering': America Can Only Be Saved by Spiritual Revival, Not a 'Political Awakening,' Christian Leaders Say
Sep 22, 2016
America won't be saved by a "political awakening," said Pastor Ronnie Floyd, who was among over 40 Christian leaders that came together at The Gathering to pray for a spiritual transformation in the nation.
"Many of us, as believers, at times if we're not careful, we're more committed to some kind of political awakening," said Floyd at the solemn assembly hosted by Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, Wednesday night.
"That's not the answer to this nation. The answer to the nation is the next great awakening with the Holy Spirit of God. And He wakes up the Church and He shakes the Church," added Floyd, who's the senior pastor of Cross Church in Northwest Arkansas and former president of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Christian leaders from diverse denominational and racial backgrounds led thousands of believers in prayer for personal repentance, their marriages, families, communities, and for Christians who are persecuted throughout the world.
James Robison, founder and president of LIFE Outreach International, stressed that "there is no substitute for repentance. Not a political party, not a political candidate."
"In election years if you're highly visible and you have an audience and you have any influence, candidates will tend to come to you and ask for your support," Robison said.
"I've made it clear, my entire ministry, I don't endorse candidates. I endorse biblical truth and I endorse the principles in the Word of God."
Robison spoke with concern about the current social climate of the United States, especially the U.S. Supreme Court's role in legalizing abortion and gay marriage via judicial fiat.
"We've reached the point where five people can determine the future of the United States of America," said Robison. "If the Church doesn't come out of the pew and stand up and become the city set on the hill that cannot and must not be hidden, we will be trampled as worthless salt under the feet of men."
Floyd's and Robison's calls for personal and public spiritual revival were echoed by Pastor Tony Evans of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, who served as the main organizer of The Gathering.
America won't be saved by a "political awakening," said Pastor Ronnie Floyd, who was among over 40 Christian leaders that came together at The Gathering to pray for a spiritual transformation in the nation.
"Many of us, as believers, at times if we're not careful, we're more committed to some kind of political awakening," said Floyd at the solemn assembly hosted by Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, Wednesday night.
"That's not the answer to this nation. The answer to the nation is the next great awakening with the Holy Spirit of God. And He wakes up the Church and He shakes the Church," added Floyd, who's the senior pastor of Cross Church in Northwest Arkansas and former president of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Christian leaders from diverse denominational and racial backgrounds led thousands of believers in prayer for personal repentance, their marriages, families, communities, and for Christians who are persecuted throughout the world.
James Robison, founder and president of LIFE Outreach International, stressed that "there is no substitute for repentance. Not a political party, not a political candidate."
"In election years if you're highly visible and you have an audience and you have any influence, candidates will tend to come to you and ask for your support," Robison said.
"I've made it clear, my entire ministry, I don't endorse candidates. I endorse biblical truth and I endorse the principles in the Word of God."
Robison spoke with concern about the current social climate of the United States, especially the U.S. Supreme Court's role in legalizing abortion and gay marriage via judicial fiat.
"We've reached the point where five people can determine the future of the United States of America," said Robison. "If the Church doesn't come out of the pew and stand up and become the city set on the hill that cannot and must not be hidden, we will be trampled as worthless salt under the feet of men."
Floyd's and Robison's calls for personal and public spiritual revival were echoed by Pastor Tony Evans of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, who served as the main organizer of The Gathering.
The Foundation of Our Faith
The Lord will put new, vital force into His work as human agencies obey the command to go forth and proclaim the truth. He who declared that His truth would shine forever will proclaim this truth through faithful messengers, who will give the trumpet a certain sound. The truth will be criticized, scorned, and derided; but the closer it is examined and tested, the brighter it will shine.
As a people, we are to stand firm on the platform of eternal truth that has withstood test and trial. We are to hold to the sure pillars of our faith. The principles of truth that God has revealed to us are our only true foundation. They have made us what we are. The lapse of time has not lessened their value. It is the constant effort of the enemy to remove these truths from their setting, and to put in their place spurious theories. He will bring in everything that he possibly can to carry out his deceptive designs. But the Lord will raise up men of keen perception, who will give these truths their proper place in the plan of God.
Monday, September 26, 2016
Ultimate TV Mind Control Documentary
Some obscene language used in this video.
Ultimate TV Mind Control Documentary

ODD Reality
Published on Aug 13, 2016
Ultimate TV Mind Control Documentary | Mainstream Media Exposed
The TV Mind Control Movie (Remade and Enhanced)
Gathered & Edited by ODD TV
-TV is a Weapon for Mind Control
-They've been Doing it Since the Beginning
-They Program Us Early On in Life
-Operation Mockingbird & Crisis Actors
-All News Outlets are Controlled by One Entity
-Repetitive Keywords to Keep us in a State of Fear
-Digital Sigils for Inducing a Trance
-Predictive Programming
-Dumbing Down the Population
-Conspiracy Ridicule
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Please watch: "Stranger Things | Based on a True Story | Montauk Project"
Ultimate TV Mind Control Documentary

ODD Reality
Published on Aug 13, 2016
Ultimate TV Mind Control Documentary | Mainstream Media Exposed
The TV Mind Control Movie (Remade and Enhanced)
Gathered & Edited by ODD TV
-TV is a Weapon for Mind Control
-They've been Doing it Since the Beginning
-They Program Us Early On in Life
-Operation Mockingbird & Crisis Actors
-All News Outlets are Controlled by One Entity
-Repetitive Keywords to Keep us in a State of Fear
-Digital Sigils for Inducing a Trance
-Predictive Programming
-Dumbing Down the Population
-Conspiracy Ridicule
Email Me:
Vlog Channel:
Please watch: "Stranger Things | Based on a True Story | Montauk Project"
Sunday, September 25, 2016
No Man Might Buy or Sell ~ A New Economic Order ~ Get Out of the Cities
Published on Aug 26, 2016
Playlist -
This is Part 1 of a 3 part series on how there is a sign before us to give a loud cry to get out of the cities.
There is a new economic and world order, the writing is on the wall, there have been churches that have been weighed in the balance and found wanting, and the announcement is that Babylon is fallen, and to come out of her.
The woman in Revelation has been made desolate by the 10 horns, and an important sign has been given to us that we must "know" and "understand" which will be concluded in the third part of this series.
Part 1 and 2 will lay the groundwork for the grand finale, part 3.
So be sure to like, share and subscribe for more.
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Video from brother David Barron
Pope urges 'sincere dialogue' as he meets Nice attack victims
Catherine MARCIANO
September 24, 2016

Pope Francis blesses a woman as he meets with survivors and relatives of the victims of the July 14 Nice attack in the Paul VI hall at the Vatican on September 24, 2016 (AFP Photo/Vincenzo Pinto)
Rome (AFP) - Pope Francis on Saturday called for a "sincere dialogue" between Christians and Muslims as he met grieving relatives and survivors of France's Bastille Day attack, in which a jihadist ploughed his truck into a crowd.
The pope, who this week denounced violence in the name of religion, declaring "there is no God of war", met 180 people who were wounded or left traumatised or bereaved by the July 14 attack in Nice which claimed 86 lives.
"We need to start a sincere dialogue and have fraternal relations between everybody, especially those who believe in a sole God who is merciful," he said, speaking in the Vatican's giant Paul VI audience hall, adding that this was "an urgent priority."
"It is with a feeling of great emotion that I am meeting you, those who are suffering in body and in spirit because an evening of festivity turned into one of violence which struck blindly at all, without taking into account their origins or religion," the pontiff said.
"We can only respond to the Devil's attacks with God's works which are forgiveness, love and respect for the other, even if they are different," he said.
Members of 58 families were flown in especially from the French Riviera resort city of Nice.
They were joined in Rome by 150 others who travelled from France by car and a delegation from a French regional interreligious group, including the Catholic bishop of Nice and Muslim, Jewish, Orthodox and Protestant representatives.
- 'Magical solace ' -
"It was a moment of magical solace after what happened to us 73 days ago," said Vincent Delhommel Desmarest, who runs a restaurant on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice where the attack happened.
Desmarest has been on sick leave ever since and now sees a psychologist three times a week.
"I don't sleep at night. The whole scene of the lorry moving, the mutilated bodies, decapitated, the entrails," he said.
The 49-year-old has decided to create a local association to support the victims of that night.
Abdhallah Kebaier, who has to walk with a stick after being injured in the attack, said it was "comforting to be in the gathering as we had the feeling we'd been forgotten.
"The attack resembled a war scene," he said. "I live only 400 metres (1,300 feet) away from the Promenade des Anglais but I never go there any more," he said.
Last month the Argentine pontiff met French President Francois Hollande to offer his support and condolences to a country which has been rocked by a series of deadly attacks since early 2015.
While speaking out against violent acts carried out in the name of any god, Francis this week reminded the West that there were parts of the world being flattened by fighting.
- 'Open to all faiths' -
Speaking in the Italian town of Assisi on Tuesday he said, "We are frightened... by some terrorist acts", but "this is nothing compared to what is happening in those countries, in those lands where day and night bombs fall."
French police on Tuesday arrested eight associates of Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, the 31-year-old Tunisian, who rammed the 19-tonne truck through the crowd of more than 30,000 people on the seafront Promenade des Anglais on July 14 before police shot him dead.
A total of 434 people were injured in the attack.
A third of those who died in the Nice attack were of the Muslim faith, said Imam Boubekeur Bekri, vice-president of the Southeast France regional Muslim council, who also attended the meeting.
"The Muslim presence here today was indispensable," he said.
Bekri hailed the pope's "intense humanism", expressed through his visit to mainly Muslim refugees on the Greek island of Lesbos.
Maurice Niddam, president of the Jewish community in Nice, did not accompany the Jewish victims of the attack, but he similarly praised a pope "open to all faiths".

Pope Francis blesses a woman as he meets with survivors and relatives of the victims of the July 14 Nice attack in the Paul VI hall at the Vatican on September 24, 2016 (AFP Photo/Vincenzo Pinto)
Rome (AFP) - Pope Francis on Saturday called for a "sincere dialogue" between Christians and Muslims as he met grieving relatives and survivors of France's Bastille Day attack, in which a jihadist ploughed his truck into a crowd.
The pope, who this week denounced violence in the name of religion, declaring "there is no God of war", met 180 people who were wounded or left traumatised or bereaved by the July 14 attack in Nice which claimed 86 lives.
"We need to start a sincere dialogue and have fraternal relations between everybody, especially those who believe in a sole God who is merciful," he said, speaking in the Vatican's giant Paul VI audience hall, adding that this was "an urgent priority."
"It is with a feeling of great emotion that I am meeting you, those who are suffering in body and in spirit because an evening of festivity turned into one of violence which struck blindly at all, without taking into account their origins or religion," the pontiff said.
"We can only respond to the Devil's attacks with God's works which are forgiveness, love and respect for the other, even if they are different," he said.
Members of 58 families were flown in especially from the French Riviera resort city of Nice.
They were joined in Rome by 150 others who travelled from France by car and a delegation from a French regional interreligious group, including the Catholic bishop of Nice and Muslim, Jewish, Orthodox and Protestant representatives.
- 'Magical solace ' -
"It was a moment of magical solace after what happened to us 73 days ago," said Vincent Delhommel Desmarest, who runs a restaurant on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice where the attack happened.
Desmarest has been on sick leave ever since and now sees a psychologist three times a week.
"I don't sleep at night. The whole scene of the lorry moving, the mutilated bodies, decapitated, the entrails," he said.
The 49-year-old has decided to create a local association to support the victims of that night.
Abdhallah Kebaier, who has to walk with a stick after being injured in the attack, said it was "comforting to be in the gathering as we had the feeling we'd been forgotten.
"The attack resembled a war scene," he said. "I live only 400 metres (1,300 feet) away from the Promenade des Anglais but I never go there any more," he said.
Last month the Argentine pontiff met French President Francois Hollande to offer his support and condolences to a country which has been rocked by a series of deadly attacks since early 2015.
While speaking out against violent acts carried out in the name of any god, Francis this week reminded the West that there were parts of the world being flattened by fighting.
- 'Open to all faiths' -
Speaking in the Italian town of Assisi on Tuesday he said, "We are frightened... by some terrorist acts", but "this is nothing compared to what is happening in those countries, in those lands where day and night bombs fall."
French police on Tuesday arrested eight associates of Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, the 31-year-old Tunisian, who rammed the 19-tonne truck through the crowd of more than 30,000 people on the seafront Promenade des Anglais on July 14 before police shot him dead.
A total of 434 people were injured in the attack.
A third of those who died in the Nice attack were of the Muslim faith, said Imam Boubekeur Bekri, vice-president of the Southeast France regional Muslim council, who also attended the meeting.
"The Muslim presence here today was indispensable," he said.
Bekri hailed the pope's "intense humanism", expressed through his visit to mainly Muslim refugees on the Greek island of Lesbos.
Maurice Niddam, president of the Jewish community in Nice, did not accompany the Jewish victims of the attack, but he similarly praised a pope "open to all faiths".
September 24, 2:36 PM EDT
POZA RICA, Mexico (AP) -- In this eastern Mexican oil town already weary of rising gangland violence and extortion, the abduction and murder of two priests this week sank many residents only deeper into despair.
The killings in Poza Rica, in the troubled Gulf state of Veracruz, also came at a moment of heightened tension between the Roman Catholic Church and Mexico's government.
Church leaders are increasingly frustrated by authorities' inability to protect their priests under President Enrique Pena Nieto's administration, and the church is openly opposing his proposal to legalize gay marriage by encouraging the faithful to join demonstrations around the country.
"This, in combination with the recent protests of gay marriage coordinated by the church, I think we're seeing a new low point in the relationship between the church and the PRI," said Andrew Chesnut, chairman of Catholic studies at Virginia Commonwealth University, referring to Pena Nieto's ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party. "I think the overarching picture is that ... the open-season on priests has just proliferated with the intensification of the drug war."
Read more
Saturday, September 24, 2016
They indulge lustful appetite
Some are indulging lustful appetite which wars against the soul and is a constant hindrance to their spiritual advancement. They constantly bear an accusing conscience, and if straight truths are talked they are prepared to be offended. They are self-condemned and feel that subjects have been purposely selected to touch their case. They feel grieved and injured, and withdraw themselves from the assemblies of the saints. They forsake the assembling of themselves together, for then their consciences are not so disturbed. They soon lose their interest in the meetings and their love for the truth, and, unless they entirely reform, will go back and take their position with the rebel host who stand under the black banner of Satan. If these will crucify fleshly lusts which war against the soul, they will get out of the way, where the arrows of truth will pass harmlessly by them. But while they indulge lustful appetite, and thus cherish their idols, they make themselves a mark for the arrows of truth to hit, and if truth is spoken at all, they must be wounded. Some think that they cannot reform, that health would be sacrificed should they attempt to leave the use of tea, tobacco, and flesh meats. This is the suggestion of Satan. It is these hurtful stimulants that are surely undermining the constitution and preparing the system for acute diseases by impairing Nature's fine machinery and battering down her fortifications erected against disease and premature decay.
Testimonies for the Church, Vol. I, p. 548
Friday, September 23, 2016
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Italy: choose Jesuits new order line
(Google Translate version)
Italy: choose Jesuits new order line
Ignatius of Loyola - AP
22/09/2016 16:00
The Jesuits opened on Sunday 2 October in Rome its General Congregation. It involves the highest collective management body of almost 500 years old Order, the Pope Francis belongs. When opening service on October 2, at 17.30, in the church Il Gesu 215 religious delegates will concelebrate from around the world, such as the Jesuit Curia in Rome announced on Thursday. The Superiors of the Jesuits come in the following days in the Kongregations auditorium at the Roman Borgo Santo Spirito to their full session and then a new superior general will choose.
It is the 36th General Congregation in history founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola in 1534 Order. Pope Francis is the first Jesuit at the head of the Catholic Church.
Reigning Superior General, Adolfo Nicolas Pachon (80), had announced two years ago to try in 2016 to resign his office. After the head of the Provinces have the resignation formally adopted - what to expect - the General Congregation must select a new line. The Jesuits are 17,300 members of the largest male order of the Catholic Church.
The Jesuits are now active in 125 countries around the world. The community, founded with his companions in Paris Inigo (Ignatius) Lopez de Loyola on August 15, 1534 wearing a correct name the name "Societas Jesus" (Society of Jesus / SJ). Jesuits are no monks, they lead a monastic life, and they do not wear religious clothing. Besides poverty, celibacy and obedience they undertake in a fourth vow to special obedience to the Pope. They also put on an additional promise not to strive for church ministries.
(Kap 9/22/2016 mg)ählen_neue_ordensleitung/1260051
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Tim Kaine mangles the Bible to score a political point
By Trevin Wax | September 19, 2016
U.S. Democratic vice presidential candidate and Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine greets well-wishers at the airport in Cleveland on Sept. 5, 2016. Photo courtesy of Reuters/Brian Snyder
(RNS) Vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine has figured out a way to reconcile his “devout” Catholic faith with his support for same-sex marriage: a new reading of Genesis 1.
Speaking to the Human Rights Campaign, a leading LGBT organization, Kaine said he believes the Catholic Church will change its view of marriage.
“My church also teaches me about a Creator in the first chapter of Genesis,” he said, “who surveys the entire world including mankind and said, ‘It is very good.’”
Then, he added: “Who am I to challenge the beautiful diversity of the human family? I think we’re supposed to celebrate, not challenge it.”
Part of me wants to point Kaine toward a theology class. But then again, a basic literature course might suffice, followed by an ethics class, since Kaine’s all-encompassing “celebration” of the diversity of the human family leaves him without any principle by which he can criticize any kind of family arrangement at all.
Let’s start with Kaine’s reading of the Bible.
Genesis 1 does indeed show God declaring everything he has created to be good. But this comes right after he created a male and a female and tasked them with filling the earth with more humans who bear the image of God.
There is only one family structure declared to be good in this chapter, and it’s the one that celebrates the true gender diversity of male and female and their union that leads to new life.
In other words, God’s original design is a man, a woman, and their children.
What happens two chapters later is that the first humans rebel against God, unleashing sin into the world. Everything is affected, including the family. Here is where “family diversity” shows up, and the rest of Genesis reveals not the beauty but the sordid details of family life after humanity’s fall into sin.
In the Bible, polygamy is the first indication that things have gone awry with the family structure, and the descriptions there — of favoring of wives, conning a father, sleeping with a slave girl — are tragic, not celebrated. The Bible gives us these details, not because it’s celebrating polygamous practices, but in order to demonstrate how far they fall from God’s original intent.
I realize there are many Americans who may read the Bible with interest but don’t believe it to have any authority in these debates. So let’s turn to Kaine’s principle of celebrating family diversity and see what that looks like from a sociological perspective.
What do we do with the overwhelming statistics that show how much family structure really does matter?
If gender doesn’t matter to marriage, why should number? If number doesn’t matter to marriage, why should permanence?
According to Kaine’s foundational principle of “diversity” as a trump card in the case of gay marriage, why should we expect him to oppose a court case asking the government to legally recognize a well-known polygamous family?
Furthermore, does Kaine disagree with President Obama’s lament for the fatherlessness of so many in our country? “I know the toll it took on me, not having a father in the house,” Obama said in 2008. “The hole in your heart when you don’t have a male figure in the home who can guide you and lead you.”
If the diversity of the family should be celebrated, not condemned, then we shouldn’t judge any family as being more ideal than another, right? Shouldn’t Obama buck up, stop talking about the hole in his heart from missing his dad, and realize that any gender or number of parents should have sufficed?
Is J.D. Vance’s best-seller, “Hillbilly Elegy,” in which he painfully describes a revolving door of boyfriends for his mother, a never-ending mirage of father figures, misguided? Shouldn’t Vance instead celebrate the family structure he grew up in?
Jesus knew a thing or two about reading the Bible. When he was asked about marriage, he did what Kaine did — went back to the first chapters of Genesis.
But Jesus’ takeaway was different. He stressed the true diversity of the human family — the two sides of humanity, male and female coming together in unity, not the flattened-out gender-neutral ideology that says that “two dads” or “two moms” are equivalent to a mother and father. And Jesus stressed God’s original design for the permanence of the marriage relationship.
In this, Jesus takes his stand with God’s design in Genesis 1, a design that says one man, one woman, for life is ideal. This sets Jesus over against the ancient patriarchs who opted for polygamy, over against the religious leaders of his day who wanted easy divorce, and over against the revisionist, schismatic interpretations of the Bible that come from people like Kaine, who mangle the storyline of Scripture to suit political ends.
(Trevin Wax is managing editor of The Gospel Project and author of multiple books, including “Clear Winter Nights: A Journey Into Truth, Doubt and What Comes After”)
Duty to the Poor
55. Duty to the Poor
The managers of the sanitarium should not be governed by the principles which control other institutions of this kind, in which the leaders acting from policy, too often pay deference to the wealthy, while the poor are neglected. The latter are frequently in great need of sympathy and counsel, which they do not always receive, although for moral worth they may stand far higher in the estimation of God than the more wealthy. The apostle James has given definite counsel with regard to the manner in which we should treat the rich and the poor:
"For if there come unto your assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment; and ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here in a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool: are ye not then partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts? Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which He hath promised to them that love Him?"
Although Christ was rich in the heavenly courts, yet He became poor that we through His poverty might be made rich. Jesus honored the poor by sharing their humble condition. From the history of His life we are to learn how to treat the poor. Some carry the duty of beneficence to extremes and really hurt the needy by doing too much for them. The poor do not always exert themselves as they should. While they are not to be neglected and left to suffer, they must be taught to help themselves.
The cause of God should not be overlooked that the poor may receive our first attention. Christ once gave His disciples a very important lesson on this point. When Mary poured the ointment on the head of Jesus, covetous Judas made a plea in behalf of the poor, murmuring at what he considered a waste of money. But Jesus vindicated the act, saying: "Why trouble ye her? she hath wrought a good work on Me." "Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her." By this we are taught that Christ is to be honored in the consecration of the best of our substance. Should our whole attention be directed to relieving the wants of the poor, God's cause would be neglected. Neither will suffer if His stewards do their duty, but the cause of Christ should come first.
The loftiness of man shall be bowed down
The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.
2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of theLord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.
3 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.
5 O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the Lord.
6 Therefore thou hast forsaken thy people the house of Jacob, because they be replenished from the east, and are soothsayers like the Philistines, and they please themselves in the children of strangers.
7 Their land also is full of silver and gold, neither is there any end of their treasures; their land is also full of horses, neither is there any end of their chariots:
8 Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made:
9 And the mean man boweth down, and the great man humbleth himself: therefore forgive them not.
10 Enter into the rock, and hide thee in the dust, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty.
11 The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and theLord alone shall be exalted in that day.
12 For the day of the Lord of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low:
13 And upon all the cedars of Lebanon, that are high and lifted up, and upon all the oaks of Bashan,
14 And upon all the high mountains, and upon all the hills that are lifted up,
15 And upon every high tower, and upon every fenced wall,
16 And upon all the ships of Tarshish, and upon all pleasant pictures.
17 And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low: and theLord alone shall be exalted in that day.
18 And the idols he shall utterly abolish.
19 And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.
20 In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which they made each one for himself to worship, to the moles and to the bats;
21 To go into the clefts of the rocks, and into the tops of the ragged rocks, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.
22 Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of ?
Isaiah 2
Jubilee: 700 years seeking forgiveness
Genres: Documentary
Duration: 48 minutes
Availability: Worldwide
We will travel next to experts in history and cultural leaders of the four basilicas, they had to visit by the pilgrims to get indulgence and we will show that the significance of each of the four holy doors.
Observe that because of two floods and a fire had to change the place, in the various holy years, of worship planned for that year jubilee. The Colosseum is one of the protagonists.
The documentary focuses especially in the main jubilee took place in history, it was one of the year 2000. It will be Joaquin Navarro-Valls, spokesman for Pope John Paul II, who will tell us firsthand details until now unknown.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Monday, September 19, 2016
World leaders at UN summit adopt 'bold' plan to enhance protections for refugees and migrants
Greek volunteer life-guards help a young child out of a boat that reached the shores of Lesbos, having crossed the Aegean sea from Turkey. Photo: UNHCR/Achilleas Zavallis
19 September 2016 – With more people forced to flee their homes than at any time since World War II, world leaders came together at the United Nations today to adopt the New York Declaration, which expresses their political will to protect the rights of refugees and migrants, to save lives and share responsibility for large movements on a global scale.
At the opening of the UN General Assembly's first-ever Summit for Refugees and Migrants, delegations adopted the landmark Declaration, which contains bold commitments both to address current issues and to prepare the world for future challenges, including, to start negotiations leading to an international conference and the adoption of a global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration in 2018, as well as, to:
Protect the human rights of all refugees and migrants, regardless of status. This includes the rights of women and girls and promoting their full, equal and meaningful participation in finding solutions;
Ensure that all refugee and migrant children are receiving education within a few months of arrival;
Prevent and respond to sexual and gender-based violence;
Support those countries rescuing, receiving and hosting large numbers of refugees and migrants:
Work towards ending the practice of detaining children for the purposes of determining their migration status;
Find new homes for all refugees identified by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) as needing resettlement; and expand the opportunities for refugees to relocate to other countries through, for example, labour mobility or education schemes; and
Strengthen the global governance of migration by bringing the International Organization for Migration (IOM) into the UN system.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon congratulated Member States saying: “Today's Summit represents a breakthrough in our collective efforts to address the challenges of human mobility.” He said the adoption of the New York Declaration will mean that “more children can attend school; more workers can securely seek jobs abroad, instead of being at the mercy of criminal smugglers, and more people will have real choices about whether to move once we end conflict, sustain peace and increase opportunities at home.”
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon addresses the opening segment of the UN high-level summit on large movements of refugees and migrants. UN Photo/Cia Pak
Peter Thomson, President of the UN General Assembly pledged to take forward the commitment of the membership “to begin a process leading to a global compact on migration, as well as to support a global compact on refugees. I will be urging Member States to maintain their high levels of ambition throughout these processes, and to always reach for the higher ground. The fate of millions of refugees and migrants rests with us.” Mogens Lykketoft, President of the 70th session of the UN General Assembly, emphasized that all countries must do their part in responding to the global challenge.
“The desperation and suffering of people in flight tugs at our collective conscience, and compels us all to act compassionately to forge a global response to what is clearly a global challenge,” he said.
Calling on all partners to support implementation of the Declaration’s commitments, Mr. Lykketoft also welcomed the Secretary-General’s campaign to counter xenophobia and intolerance. He said: “In the face of a changing world, it is vital that we do not give in to fear, but that we strive to maintain our principles and common humanity.”
Catholic Church and the European Solidarity
latest press releases
Webnews 15/09/2016
Catholic Church and the European Solidarity
September 21-22, 2016, Kraków (Poland)
The appreciation of solidarity is a key competence in solving multifaceted problems that Europe is facing today. The sixteenth edition of the Conference on the role of the Catholic Church in the process of European integration co-organised by COMECE together with partners will focus this time on an imperative necessity of the European solidarity: in the security and defence policy, in the migration and asylum issues, in the energy and climate policy to finally draw attention to the role of Churches and religious communities in strengthening solidarity in Europe.
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