Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Jesuits to give a 'Sri Lankan face' to reconciliation

Children's education must be a priority to help war-torn nation heal

Relatives of Tamils who disappeared toward the end of Sri Lanka's protracted civil war stage a protest in the capital Colombo demanding justice in this file photo. ( photo) reporter, Colombo
Sri Lanka
February 27, 2018
Helping a fractured and war-ravaged nation piece itself back together through reconciliation has become a top priority for priests serving the Society of Jesus (SJ) in Sri Lanka.
As part of that, making sure children who live in some of the worst hit areas receive a proper education is crucial to reviving and unifying the country after three decades of violent conflict, they say.
Sri Lanka's bloody 30-year civil war drew to a close in 2009 but nine years on the country still faces a raft of challenges as many parties wait for justice to be served amid allegations of known war criminals going unpunished.
As such, the theme of reconciliation emerged as a key topic at the Feb. 17-21 Jesuit Conference of South Asia.
Notables attending the conference included Father Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal, the Superior-General of the Society of Jesus.
Addressing a congregation featuring 100 priests at the Jesuit Retreat House at Lewella in Kandy on Feb. 18, Father Sosa said there was no official report confirming how many had lost their lives in the last phase of the civil war. But figures supplied by the United Nations estimate that at least 40,000 civilians were killed in the final days of the war alone.
"The killing of ordinary people has to be condemned. There should be justice," Father Sosa said, reminding Sri Lankan Jesuits to get involved rather than staying silent on vital issues.
Father Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal, Superior-General of the Society of Jesus, attends the Jesuit Conference of South Asia in mid-February at the Jesuit Retreat House, Lewella, Kandy. ( photo)
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
People of faith must stand up for immigrants: with Pope Francis's' man in Newark
Posted February 25, 2018 at 10:27 AM | Updated February 25, 2018 at 10:28 AM
Last spring, Cardinal Joseph Tobin escorted Catalino Guerrero to the Federal Building in Newark for his deportation hearing. Guerrero, of Union City, was granted an extension to remain in the U.S. (Aristide Economopoulos | NJ Advance Media for
By Julie O'Connor
Star-Ledger Editorial Board
One week after Donald Trump's inauguration, Cardinal Joseph Tobin released a statement calling his immigration orders "inhuman," and "the opposite of what it means to be an American."
This grandson of immigrants, a man who speaks five languages and newly heads a diocese that speaks 20 – one of the largest in the United States – has welcomed refugees here from places like Syria and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
After a public spat over international borders, Pope Francis and President Trump met last May.
(Photo by Osservatore Romano via Reuters)
He sees this as part of the American tradition. When the Irish, Italians and Jews were met by fear and prejudice, our "signature benevolence" ultimately won out, Tobin said.
"That confident kindness is what has made, and will continue to make, America great."
But now, he's deeply worried that this administration is gearing up for a mass deportation.
In an interview with the Star-ledger editorial board, the cardinal – one of just three Americans Pope Francis has named to such a high rank – joined the U.S. bishops to call on people of faith to protect the Dreamers. Below is an edited transcript.
Monday, February 26, 2018
Catholic colleges say peaceful gun control protests won’t impact admission

Colleen Dulle
February 26, 2018
High school students Mia Arrington, center, 18, of West End, and Cheyenne Springette, right, 17, of Mt. Oliver, lead chants as they march down Liberty Avenue during a walk-out in solidarity with other high schools across the country to show support for Parkland, Fla, students in downtown Pittsburgh. (Stephanie Strasburg/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette via AP)
After a gunman killed 17 students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Feb. 14, the survivors of the shooting quickly mobilized to speak out against gun violence, inspiring a number of protests at high schools across the country.
Students in Arizona, Colorado, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Minnesota, Montana, New Jersey and Washington state staged “walk out” protests as students left class at predetermined times and gathered elsewhere for a rally or demonstration. Some also participated in a “die in” protest, laying on the ground outside the White House.
Still, some high school students may worry that participating in protests could lead to a suspension or other disciplinary action, which could jeopardize their college prospects.
In response, a wave of colleges and universities around the country have issued statements of support for the students, saying that suspensions for peaceful protests will not affect admission decisions—a relief in particular for high school seniors who have already been admitted or wait-listed but have not yet committed to a school. They may have worried that college administrators could still reject their applications.
After a gunman killed 17 students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Feb. 14, the survivors of the shooting quickly mobilized to speak out against gun violence, inspiring a number of protests at high schools across the country.
Students in Arizona, Colorado, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Minnesota, Montana, New Jersey and Washington state staged “walk out” protests as students left class at predetermined times and gathered elsewhere for a rally or demonstration. Some also participated in a “die in” protest, laying on the ground outside the White House.
Still, some high school students may worry that participating in protests could lead to a suspension or other disciplinary action, which could jeopardize their college prospects.
In response, a wave of colleges and universities around the country have issued statements of support for the students, saying that suspensions for peaceful protests will not affect admission decisions—a relief in particular for high school seniors who have already been admitted or wait-listed but have not yet committed to a school. They may have worried that college administrators could still reject their applications.
Ranchers set to fight back against vegetarian 'fake meat'
Jaden Urbi, CNBC
15 seconds ago
Companies like Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat are combining plant-based ingredients and science, rather than animals, to create fake-meat burgers and other products that taste like the real thing.

The Impossible Burger aims to combat climate change by alleviating the agricultural footprint of traditional meat and dairy production.
Impossible Foods, Inc.
Now U.S. Cattlemen's Association is looking to draw a line in the sand.
The association launched what could be the first salvo in a long battle against plant-based foods. Earlier this month, the association filed a 15-page petition with the U.S. Department of Agriculture calling for an official definition for the term "beef," and more broadly, "meat."
"While at this time alternative protein sources are not a direct threat to the beef industry, we do see improper labeling of these products as misleading," said Lia Biondo, the association's policy and outreach director. "Our goal is to head off the problem before it becomes a larger issue."
Starting a national dialogue
Not everyone sees it that way. Ethan Brown, founder and CEO of Beyond Meat, said consumers already know what they're looking for when they're browsing the grocery store aisles. But he doesn't necessarily see the petition as a bad thing.
Sunday, February 25, 2018
The Last Crisis
2. For the Coming of the King
"Yet a little while, and He that
shall come will come, and will not tarry."
Hebrews 10:37.
The Last Crisis
We are living in the time of the end. The fast-fulfilling signs of the times declare that the coming of Christ is near at hand. The days in which we live are solemn and important. The Spirit of God is gradually but surely being withdrawn from the earth. Plagues and judgments are already falling upon the despisers of the grace of God. The calamities by land and sea, the unsettled state of society, the alarms of war, are portentous. They forecast approaching events of the greatest magnitude.
The agencies of evil are combining their forces and consolidating. They are strengthening for the last great crisis. Great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid ones.
The condition of things in the world shows that troublous times are right upon us. The daily papers are full of indications of a terrible conflict in the near future. Bold robberies are of frequent occurrence. Strikes are common. Thefts and murders are committed on every hand. Men possessed of demons are taking the lives of men, women, and little children. Men have become infatuated with vice, and every species of evil prevails.
The enemy has succeeded in perverting justice and in filling men's hearts with the desire for selfish gain.
"Justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter." Isaiah 59:14. In the great cities there are multitudes living in poverty and wretchedness, well-nigh destitute of food, shelter, and clothing; while in the same cities are those who have more than heart could wish, who live luxuriously, spending their money on richly furnished houses, on personal adornment, or worse still, upon the gratification of sensual appetites, upon liquor, tobacco, and other things that destroy the powers of the brain, unbalance the mind, and debase the soul. The cries of starving humanity are coming up before God, while by every species of oppression and extortion men are piling up colossal fortunes.
The Last Crisis
We are living in the time of the end. The fast-fulfilling signs of the times declare that the coming of Christ is near at hand. The days in which we live are solemn and important. The Spirit of God is gradually but surely being withdrawn from the earth. Plagues and judgments are already falling upon the despisers of the grace of God. The calamities by land and sea, the unsettled state of society, the alarms of war, are portentous. They forecast approaching events of the greatest magnitude.
The agencies of evil are combining their forces and consolidating. They are strengthening for the last great crisis. Great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid ones.
The condition of things in the world shows that troublous times are right upon us. The daily papers are full of indications of a terrible conflict in the near future. Bold robberies are of frequent occurrence. Strikes are common. Thefts and murders are committed on every hand. Men possessed of demons are taking the lives of men, women, and little children. Men have become infatuated with vice, and every species of evil prevails.
The enemy has succeeded in perverting justice and in filling men's hearts with the desire for selfish gain.
"Justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter." Isaiah 59:14. In the great cities there are multitudes living in poverty and wretchedness, well-nigh destitute of food, shelter, and clothing; while in the same cities are those who have more than heart could wish, who live luxuriously, spending their money on richly furnished houses, on personal adornment, or worse still, upon the gratification of sensual appetites, upon liquor, tobacco, and other things that destroy the powers of the brain, unbalance the mind, and debase the soul. The cries of starving humanity are coming up before God, while by every species of oppression and extortion men are piling up colossal fortunes.
'I Pray for Him Daily.' Why Socially Conservative Women Stand by Trump
By Elizabeth Dias
February 20, 2018
Socially conservative women in politics remain wary but generally supportive of President Donald Trump despite recent allegations of adultery and hush money.
Many white evangelical Christian women leaders see the president as an ally thanks to his conservative judicial appointments, anti-abortion policy changes and decision to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, among other actions.
Still, they’re not enthusiastic about other recent developments. In recent weeks, allegations surfaced that Trump had affairs with porn star Stormy Daniels and Playboy model Karen McDougal after his wife gave birth, that his personal attorney paid Daniels $130,000 shortly before the election and that an ally at the National Enquirer helped keep McDougal quiet. And then there was his defense of top aide Rob Porter in light of accusations of domestic violence.
“Detractors of President Trump would only be satisfied by my complete disavowal and call for his immediate resignation because that’s what they really want,” says Penny Nance, president of the Concerned Women for America, which has half a million members. “We won’t be their little pawns.”
“Though this president’s personal life is alien to us,” she says, “there are things that made us vote for him.”
For Nance, a major reason is that Trump vowed to fight for the causes they believe in, and he has followed through on his promises.
“I’m not surprised by any of this,” she says. “What I was surprised was that American conservative women, primary voters, said it doesn’t matter. The reason they said this is they wanted a champion, who would take the gloves off and punch the bully in the nose.”
Many social conservative women see Trump’s relationship with women as more complicated than just vulgar comments and alleged payouts to porn stars. They are quick to cite his relationship with his daughter Ivanka, how Kellyanne Conway was the first woman to lead a winning presidential campaign and how Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the first mother to serve as White House press secretary. “I do believe on a personal level that the president supports women,” Nance says.
Representatives of different religions unite at a meeting for the hearing-impaired in Moscow
More than 30 people came to fellowship, play games and ask questions about the Bible.
Feb 15, 2018 | Moscow, Russia | Oleg Stepanov

[Photo courtesy of the Euro-Asia Division]
A club for the hearing-impaired, called “Interesting Encounters”, from the community of Khimki, was created to help people get acquainted with Biblical truths. For them, it is necessary, not only to communicate information through sign-language, but to reveal the character of God through friendship and deeds.
During previous meetings, visitors who were not members of the Adventist Church, offered to organize a tea party and a festive dinner. They made a list of guests, and, in spite of vacations and holidays, more than 30 guests came to the club's January 7 meeting.
The Club is composed of the hearing-impaired from various faith groups and religions, who gladly participate in the program. Despite different views, they have become very friendly with each other. Everyone offered assistance in organizing, purchasing, preparing dinner, and cleaning the hall after the event. Several people, in addition to the members of the Adventist Church, devoted several days of their personal time to this outreach.
Representatives from the region of Khimki also came to the meeting. Anna Stepanova, a medical student, spoke about the harmful effects of alcohol, even in small doses. As a future doctor, she explained to people by simple examples with the help of sign language about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
Elena Stepanova spoke about overcoming difficulties and trials with God's help. Using the example of Cliff Young, who became famous for running in marathons, Stepanova talked about how to become a winner in the life struggle.
Pavel Sergeev, through the theme "Worship," gave examples of different people who revealed the truth about how people can worship.
The group also had quizzes, games, skits, and singing. Each participant could ask questions. The participants also watched a new film "The Secret Becomes Obvious", which was filmed by a group of hearing-impaired people in the Khimki community. Six hours passed unnoticed and, despite the end of the program, everyone stayed to talk and spend more time together.
Now on all the social networks and messenger apps, there are groups in which the hearing-impaired can get acquainted and communicate with Adventists to get together, study the Sabbath School lesson and learn about the Bible.
Participants of the 18th-prayer breakfast in Moscow
The event aimed to underscore unifying role of prayer and the Bible in Russian society
feb 25 2018 | Moscow Russia | Elena Leukhina, communication department, Euro-Asian Division

[Photo courtesy of the Euro-Asia Division]
On February 20, the 18th national prayer breakfast was held in Moscow, Russia, at the President Hotel. The theme of this year’s meeting was "Prayer for Russia." This event, organized by the National Morning Prayer Foundation, unites Russian religious and political figures and representatives of government and business, in the discussion of pressing problems and prayers for the country.
"Another five to six years ago, a national prayer breakfast was considered a religious event in which politicians did not like to participate,” said Petr Sautov, chairman of the National Morning Prayer Foundation.
“To date,” Sautov continued, “we have changed attitudes towards this event among political elites, and thus the attitude towards the Protestant community of Russia as a whole has changed. The task of the national prayer breakfast is to create a platform for dialogue between people of different political and religious beliefs.”
Arguing against the belief that the joint prayer by representatives of different faiths is a loss of identity and even a betrayal of their faith, Oleg Goncharov, director of the Public Affairs and Religious Liberty department, emphasized: "Each of the assembled representatives of different faiths professes their doctrines, but here we look at what unites us, our common values.
“When we meet together, we destroy those barriers, which are many among believers. Thus, we do what Jesus Christ teaches us -- to love our neighbors, to love even those who do not agree with our opinion and worldview,” said Goncharov. “At meetings like this prayer breakfast, those who wish prosperity of Russia gather and are ready together to meet this goal.”
Despite the fact the prayer breakfast in Russia is attended by a large number of foreign guests, Sautov noted the Russian event is not a copy of the Washington prayer breakfast: "We do not try to copy what happens abroad, we are looking for our own way and try to take all the best from those prayer breakfasts that are held all over the world.”
"Every prayer breakfast is a powerful impetus to the development and stabilization of society. Prayer does not go away just like that, it goes to the Lord and comes back with His answer. Every prayer breakfast brings us closer to the main thing - that our people will be blessed, that Russia will be blessed, every prayer brings us closer to God - the Source of well-being, health and prosperity,” said the permanent bishop of the Russian Union of Christians of Evangelical Faith, Sergey Ryakhovsky.
Many participants stressed the importance of the Bible as a unifying force that could play a role in the consolidation of Russian society. Archpriest Alexander Borisov, a Soviet biologist, publicist and public figure, complained that during the 25-year period of religious freedom in Russia, only 7-10% of the country's population read the Gospel. "The Bible is able to unite and spiritually enrich the inhabitants of Russia," the priest believes. "The main thing is that people read and know the gospel. After all, this is the basis of our state, our culture.”
Entrepreneur from Nizhny Novgorod, Svetlana Malova, known as the author and performer of Christian songs, noted: "At the prayer breakfast, they talked about the need to revive the spirituality of Russia. People need to know and read the Word of God, the Bible. The Bible is an instruction to life. If the people of Russia live by the Bible, we will have harmony in all spheres of our life.”
The chief cardiac surgeon of the Ministry of Health of Russia Leo Bokeria said: "Without a foundation, there can be no movement forward, and the Word of God, the Bible, is undoubtedly the necessary foundation, a lesson for comparing your life with what it should be. I personally read the Bible, and without the Bible I cannot imagine this life.” Bokeria, who is also the president of the Russian NGO League Of Health Of The Nation, stressed: "Believers can do a lot to contribute to the nation's recovery. For example, we still do not have a law on organ transplantation in childhood. The most advanced in this issue were Italy and Spain, where the church appealed to people.”
Speaking about the plans for the development of the National Prayer Breakfast, Sautov said, "We hope and work to ensure that sooner or later the President of Russia participates in the national prayer breakfast and was the leading figure here, as is customary throughout the world. I think that the participation of the President will contribute to the creation of a positive image of the President himself inside and outside the country. And also to create a positive image of Russia around the world.”
The world community,” he continued, “should see that Russia is a country that prays, turns to God, seeks His will to solve emerging problems. Today it is the responsibility of all Christians who are worried about the future of our country to pray and pray intensely, so that the Lord begins to act, began to change the hearts of people.”
Oleg Goncharov
First Deputy Chairman of the Euro-Asia Division (Branch) of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Church
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Desis increasing prominence in American government and corporations
Desi is a loose term for the people, cultures, and products of the Indian subcontinent or South Asia and their diaspora, derived from the Ancient Sanskrit देश ...

Google CEO Sundar Pichai.

Who is Ajit Pai FCC Chairman

Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah heads back into the White House after briefly talking to reporters about the ongoing partial federal government shutdown. Reports have emerged that the Indian American Republican strategist once called President Donald Trump “a deplorable” during the 2016 presidential cycle, when he was working for the Republican National Committee. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
January 20, 1964 (age 54)
Mumbai, India
Citizenship United States[1]
Education Cathedral and John Connon School, Mumbai, India
Alma mater Yale University
Harvard University
Occupation Journalist, author
Notable credit(s) Fareed Zakaria GPS, host (2008–present)
Time magazine, contributing editor (2010–2014)
Newsweek International, editor (2000–2010)
Foreign Exchange, host (2005–2007)
Foreign Affairs, former managing editor
Fareed Rafiq Zakaria (/fəˈriːd zəˈkɑːriə/; born January 20, 1964) is an American journalist and author. He is the host of CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS and writes a weekly column for The Washington Post. He has been a columnist for Newsweek, editor of Newsweek International, and an editor at large of Time.[3]
Neel Kashkari

Neel Tushar Kashkari is an Indian American banker and politician who is President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. As interim Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability from October 2008 to May 2009, he oversaw the Troubled As…
Born: Jul 30, 1973 (age 44) · Akron, OH
Office: President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis (Since 2016)
Education: Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania · University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign · University of Pennsylvania
United States Ambassador to the United Nations
Nimrata "Nikki" Haley is the 29th and current United States Ambassador to the United Nations. She served as the 116th governor of South Carolina and is a former member of the South Carolina House of Representatives. Haley was the first female governor of South Carolina and the second Indian-American, after fellow Republican Bobby Jindal, to serve as a …
Bobby Jindal (Piyush Jindal) ex-Governor of Louisiana.
Just wondering... How did this happen all of the sudden?
There must be a purpose and an agenda associated to this recent spontaneous escalation.
Forgot one!
About Hari
Hari Sreenivasan joined the PBS NewsHour in 2009. He is the Anchor of PBS NewsHour Weekend and a Senior Correspondent for the nightly program.
Prior to joining NewsHour, he was at CBS News, reporting for the "CBS Evening News,” "The Early Show" and "CBS Sunday Morning." Before that, he served as an anchor and correspondent for ABC News, working extensively on the network's 24-hour digital service "ABC News Now." Sreenivasan also reported for "World News Tonight with Peter Jennings," "Nightline with Ted Koppel," and anchored the overnight program “World News Now.”
Forgot one!

About Hari
Hari Sreenivasan joined the PBS NewsHour in 2009. He is the Anchor of PBS NewsHour Weekend and a Senior Correspondent for the nightly program.
Prior to joining NewsHour, he was at CBS News, reporting for the "CBS Evening News,” "The Early Show" and "CBS Sunday Morning." Before that, he served as an anchor and correspondent for ABC News, working extensively on the network's 24-hour digital service "ABC News Now." Sreenivasan also reported for "World News Tonight with Peter Jennings," "Nightline with Ted Koppel," and anchored the overnight program “World News Now.”
by Chris Pinto
“I’ve found that my beliefs are essentially the same as those of orthodox Roman Catholics.”
– Billy Graham 1
To understand Billy Graham, his involvement in the Ecumenical Movement, and why he would accept something like the Templeton Award, we must understand his relationship with Rome. While the principles of ecumenism can be traced back for centuries (through the Gnostics, Rosicrucians, Freemasons, and of course the Parliament of World Religions) it was Rome’s Vatican II that “officially” launched the modern ecumenical movement. Vatican II opened the doors of Roman Catholicism (which the world largely views as the oldest form of Christianity) to all other religions of the world. This is why Vatican II is often referred to as “the ecumenical council.” As such, as the relationship of Billy Graham developed with the Vatican and the popes, his views became increasingly ecumenical. This has confused many people because they don’t make the Rome-connection. Graham, like many other Protestant Evangelicals, seems to be working to fulfill – not the Great Commission – but the mandate of Vatican II. Once this is understood, the rest of what Billy Graham has done begins to make sense.
The subject of Graham and Rome has been handled by many Christian writers, not the least of which is Ewin Wilson in his book, The Assimilation of Evangelist Billy Graham into the Roman Catholic Church. Wilson writes:
"For some unexplainable or even mysterious reason, Billy Graham is unable to discern the theological, moral, and spiritual soul of Roman
Catholicism. Likewise, he has failed to grasp, or worse still, has chosen to ignore the historical character of the entire Vatican system. Instead, he has chosen to become attracted, impressed, and finally to honor and follow the Holy See.
The result has been a tragic failure on his part to understand the difference between the truth of God's Word and the utter blackness of Roman Catholicism …” 5
A Catholic Agenda
Among the chief agents of the papacy are the Knights of Malta. It was two very powerful Knights of Malta, William Randolph Hearst and Henry Luce that made “Billy Graham” a household name. Hearst was the founder and president of a newspaper empire, and was openly known as a liar and manipulator of information. Perhaps the most notorious example of his dishonesty comes from the story of a reporter who was sent to cover a war story. “When the reporter cabled back that there was no war in progress and that he was ready to come home, Hearst reportedly wired back, ‘Please remain. You supply the pictures, and I'll supply the war.’”1 The term “yellow journalism” was originally coined to describe his journalistic practices. This same Hearst ordered his editors to “Puff Graham,” something that Graham himself acknowledged. In a later on-camera interview, the famous evangelist appeared bewildered when describing how certain reporters had told him, “You’ve just been kissed by William Randolph Hearst.” Meanwhile, Henry Luce was the founder of TIME, LIFE, and Fortune magazines, not to mention Sports Illustrated,who in 1961 was called “the giant of twentieth-century American journalism …” by Current Biography. He was also a Yale graduate, and member of the Skull & Bones Society. Henry Luce had articles specifically written about Billy Graham, and put him on the cover of TIME magazine in 1954. The rest, as we know, is history.
It was Luce, along with Hearst who are said to be most influential in making Graham the chief spokesman of Protestant Christianity. This is odd when one considers that both Hearst and Luce were members of a devout Catholic order that openly declares its purpose is “service to … the Holy Father (i.e. the pope).”2 Was it their intent to create a kind of “Protestant Pope” to guide the beliefs of non-Catholics? Whether they intended this or not, that is exactly what Billy Graham would become.
The Gospel according to Antichrist
“There was a pause in the conversation; suddenly the Pope's arm shot out and he grabbed the lapels of my coat, he pulled me forward within inches of his own face. He fixed his eyes on me and said, 'Listen Graham, we are brothers'" – Billy Graham, on his meeting with Pope John Paul II,(6/8/89, Today).8
Leadership Summit, Unity, and Biblical Basis
Theme of Leadership Summit
“The Spiritual Necessity of Church Unity and Biblical Authority to Accomplish God’s Mission” was the theme at the 11th annual Adventist Global Leadership Summit, held on February 6, 2018, in Lisbon, Portugal.
Keynote Address
In his keynote address, Elder Ted Wilson, president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, pointed repeatedly to the importance of 1) a biblical base and 2) the guidance of the Holy Spirit, as well as 3) the Spirit of Prophecy, as the foundation of true unity:
In the process of listening to God’s will, we must have great respect for Him and His Word.”
When the Word of God is held paramount.”
The church is governed by the leading of the Holy Spirit and the biblical beliefs and mission we accept from God’s hand . . . outlined in God’s Holy Word and the Spirit of Prophecy.”
The backdrop of the keynote address is clearly the current challenge of the Church after the San Antonio vote on women’s ordination in 2015.
It is definitely encouraging that Wilson stresses the importance of the Bible as paramount when it comes to unity. The Theology of Ordination Study Committee (TOSC) consisting of 106 carefully appointed members, were appointed to the task of "reviewing and analyzing data from the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy” (#1 Term of Reference).
Predominantly Black and White Adventist Churches Come Together
Some local Adventist churches in southern US are coming together for fellowship and against racism and bigotry. [Photo: Michael A. Hubbard, Southern Union Conference News]
February 23, 2018
In southern US, churches are working toward color-blind congregations.
By: Lucas L. Johnson II, Southern Union Conference News
At a time of heightened racial discord and tragedy across the country, two predominantly black and white Seventh-day Adventist conferences are seeking ways to worship together.
Called “Imagine Nashville,” the first event took place September 30, 2017, at Riverside Chapel Church in the South Central Conference, and a follow-up event was held October 28, 2017, at the Madison Campus Church in the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference.
“Jesus said it is by this love that people will know you’re My disciples”
During each event, there were activities that encouraged people of various ethnicities to interact with one another, and dialogues that conveyed a simple message: people are more alike than they are different.
Pastors from churches in both conferences also asked attendees to “imagine” how much more good they could do for the kingdom of God, for their communities, if they work together, much like Jesus asked His disciples to do.
“Jesus said it is by this love that people will know you’re My disciples,” Furman Fordham, Riverside Chapel pastor, said in an interview before the October event.
“The disciples had different challenges and issues. The proof that they really were directed by a spiritual power was the fact that they had love one for another.”
The first event at Riverside drew the attention of local media because there was a deadly church shooting about a week before in a neighborhood just outside of Nashville, Tennessee.
While the Imagine Nashville events were planned weeks in advance, they took place amid a national backdrop of church shootings and racially-charged rallies, which church leaders say makes their message of unity even more relevant — and powerful.
“Christians are fond of saying that when God does something, Satan makes a counterfeit,” said Ken Wetmore, Madison Campus pastor. “Well, I think when Satan tries to do something, God brings around the real deal, and this is the real deal. This is about loving each other, and it’s long overdue in our community.”
The idea for Imagine Nashville, organizers say, actually started from a request by the conference presidents to bring all the churches together for an evangelistic meeting. The pastors were okay with that, but some suggested going a little deeper, to “really talk about being one, instead of a temporary kind of thing that will pass,” Fordham said.
“And so, it literally all started from this challenge to come together for an evangelistic meeting, and us saying we think it needs to go further than that,” Fordham said.
Wonder Drake, an elder at Riverside, said she’s glad to see Imagine Nashville taking place.
“I was very excited to see that my Caucasian brothers and sisters truly wanted to be united in Christ,” said Drake, who attended both Imagine Nashville events. “And, I was very excited to see that the African-Americans wanted to extend that love.”
James Livingston, a member of Nashville First Church in the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference, said the joint events caused him to imagine even more what Heaven will be like.
“We’re all going to come together as one big family,” Livingston said.
Moving forward, pastors plan to have a variety of activities and training events each month.
Frederick Crowe, a 102-year-old former Riverside pastor and retired conference treasurer, said Imagine Nashville is a “good example” of what true unity should look like.
“The church has come a long way,” Crowe said. “This is another step in the right direction. And, the more we do this, the better.”
An original version of this story was published in Southern Tidings
Russian Protestants celebrated the 500 anniversary of the reformation in the Pashkov House
Российские протестанты отпраздновали 500-летие Реформации ... this page
31 октября российские протестанты ... в Доме Пашкова. ... 500-летие Реформации. В ...
Russian Protestants celebrated the 500 anniversary of the reformation in the Pashkov House

31 October Russian Protestants gathered in Moscow's cultural and exhibition complex «Pashkov House to officially mark the 500-year anniversary of the Reformation. The Pashkov House were invited leaders of various religious denominations, including Ted Wilson, President of the World Church of seventh-day Adventists, as well as representatives of the secular State power.
Two and a half, hundreds of people came to October 31 at the Pashkov House, to celebrate the birth of Protestantism, where 31 October 1517 Martin Luther year suburbia ozdil Vittenbergskoj door church his famous 95 theses. After bans in Soviet times, the Protestant community had been legalised in Russia in October 1990 year. The celebration of the 500 anniversary of the Reformation was the first triumph for them on this scale.
Among the fifteen speakers — first Deputy Head of administration of the President of the Russian Federation Sergei Kiriyenko, who conveyed greetings from Protestants President Vladimir Putin (for the first time since the fall of the monarchy).
"Government authorities perceive the Protestants of Russia as an integral part of traditional religious community multinational Russia, Kiriyenko said. — The Protestant community of Russia plays an important role in social service, assistance to people in difficult life situation, irrespective of their confessional affiliation.
"Luther was not the goal of creating a separate denomination, he wanted to reform the Church and gained broad support in this matter," said the Archbishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Russia, Dietrich Brower — But the Reformation led to the formation of many denominations. We are all heirs of that era, because the Reformation touched not only the Central theological themes, but carried out a coup in the minds of people. "
According to Mr. Brouwer, due to the Reformation, a new attitude towards the Holy Scripture, to the outside world, to man. "In Russia the ideas of the Reformation came very early, people ispovedavshie the new faith, gladly settled in our country, without hiding their beliefs, said Archbishop. — attitude was friendly, because they brought new knowledge". He recalled that the head of the Lutheran Church in Russia before the revolution of 1917 was the Emperor, in Soviet times, the Lutheran Church in Russia was completely destroyed and its leaders punished. "Restoration of the Lutheran heritage of our country was and remains one of the central challenges — concluded Dietrich Brower — Protestant churches in modern Russia gained their freedom to carry out its mission.
"It is a great privilege to continue in this day of Reformation in our hearts through 500 years after the beginning of the Reformation, when the world seemed to have so many nestabil and evil," said the President of the World Church of seventh-day Adventists Ted Wilson's brief speech more than 200 leaders gathered at the event "the Reformation: 500 years."
He said that the Adventist Church is grateful to Luther for the foundations of the Reformation, which brought a few basic principles: only the Bible, salvation is only by faith in Jesus Christ is the only Mediator, eternal life is only by the grace of Jesus, and all the glory belongs to God alone. Wilson said that these truths of the Reformation proclaimed through the lead three angels on the soon coming of Christ recorded in the book of Revelation 14 .
Unity for the good of the country. The celebration of the 500 anniversary of the reformation in the Pashkov House»
(Translated from an article in Russian)
Powered by Microsoft Translator
Unity for the good of the country. The celebration of the 500 anniversary of the reformation in the Pashkov House»
November 1, 2017, 15:21
October 31, 2017, in Moscow in cultural and exhibition complex «Pashkov House hosted the main event devoted to the celebration of the 500-year anniversary of the Reformation. At a ceremony attended by representatives of public authorities, diplomats, public figures, heads of the Protestant churches of Russia and the clergy of the Christian denominations.
Welcoming guests to the ceremony, Archbishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Russia Dietrich Brower recalled that exactly 500 years ago there was an event that marked the beginning of the Reformation: the Augustinian monk Martin Luther published the 95 theses, in which criticized the abuses of the Church. He did not want to create a separate denomination, but has sought to reform the Church. "Yes, the Reformation led to the formation of later new denominations, but it taught us peer inside yourself and accept differences, admit mistakes and come to terms in the name of Christ," said the Archbishop. According to him, the Reformation "carried out a coup in the minds of men", and primarily taught to perceive God "not as distant and incomprehensible despot, but through the good news of Jesus Christ." In addition, one of the cornerstones of the theology of the Reformation was the idea of the "height of Christian freedom, which equates to a deep responsibility."
Powered by Microsoft Translator
Unity for the good of the country. The celebration of the 500 anniversary of the reformation in the Pashkov House»
November 1, 2017, 15:21
October 31, 2017, in Moscow in cultural and exhibition complex «Pashkov House hosted the main event devoted to the celebration of the 500-year anniversary of the Reformation. At a ceremony attended by representatives of public authorities, diplomats, public figures, heads of the Protestant churches of Russia and the clergy of the Christian denominations.
Welcoming guests to the ceremony, Archbishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Russia Dietrich Brower recalled that exactly 500 years ago there was an event that marked the beginning of the Reformation: the Augustinian monk Martin Luther published the 95 theses, in which criticized the abuses of the Church. He did not want to create a separate denomination, but has sought to reform the Church. "Yes, the Reformation led to the formation of later new denominations, but it taught us peer inside yourself and accept differences, admit mistakes and come to terms in the name of Christ," said the Archbishop. According to him, the Reformation "carried out a coup in the minds of men", and primarily taught to perceive God "not as distant and incomprehensible despot, but through the good news of Jesus Christ." In addition, one of the cornerstones of the theology of the Reformation was the idea of the "height of Christian freedom, which equates to a deep responsibility."
Billy Graham Exposed Full Documentary
To understand Billy Graham, his involvement in the Ecumenical Movement, and why he would accept something like the Templeton Award, we must understand his relationship with Rome. While the principles of ecumenism can be traced back for centuries (through the Gnostics, Rosicrucians, Freemasons, and of course the Parliament of World Religions) it was Rome’s Vatican II that “officially” launched the modern ecumenical movement. Vatican II opened the doors of Roman Catholicism (which the world largely views as the oldest form of Christianity) to all other religions of the world. This is why Vatican II is often referred to as “the ecumenical council.” As such, as the relationship of Billy Graham developed with the Vatican and the popes, his views became increasingly ecumenical. This has confused many people because they don’t make the Rome-connection. Graham, like many other Protestant Evangelicals, seems to be working to fulfill – not the Great Commission – but the mandate of Vatican II. Once this is understood, the rest of what Billy Graham has done begins to make sense.
Friday, February 23, 2018
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Neil deGrasse Tyson concurs: Catholicism is the science-friendly religion
01/17/2018 at 3:56 PM
Posted by Mary Anne Hackett
By Matthew Becklo | Jan 12, 2018
Despite lazy narratives, the Church’s enthusiasm for scientific research and discovery is actually enshrined in its Catechism.
On a recent episode of The Late Show, host Stephen Colbert and frequent visitor Neil deGrasse Tyson joked about the astronomical insignificance of New Year’s Day.
Before long, Tyson was talking about the role the Catholic Church played in creating the calendar as we know it. “The world’s calendar is the Gregorian calendar after Pope Gregory,” Tyson explains. “Put that into place in 1582, because the previous Julian calendar was messing up in the year. It was off by ten days. And the pope said, ‘We got to fix this…’ There’s a Vatican Observatory to this day. At the time, before telescopes were invented, these Jesuit priests were put into the service of figuring out why the calendar was shifting in the year.”
Colbert, known for his openness about his Catholic faith, then asks Tyson if it’s true that a Catholic priest formulated the Big Bang Theory. “Yes,” Tyson responds. “Georges Lemaître. Using Einstein’s equations … he deduces that the history of the universe must’ve started with a bang. So Catholics have been in there in multiple places.”
This little exchange might have seemed uninteresting in another era, but not today. The rise in the new atheism and Biblical literalism have made it a commonplace that science and religion are in conflict, and young people are absorbing the idea as axiomatic. In her recent book iGen, about the least religious generation in U.S. history, Dr. Jean Twenge quotes one young person as saying: “I knew from church that I couldn’t believe in both science and God, so that was it. I didn’t believe in God anymore.”
By Matthew Becklo | Jan 12, 2018
Despite lazy narratives, the Church’s enthusiasm for scientific research and discovery is actually enshrined in its Catechism.
On a recent episode of The Late Show, host Stephen Colbert and frequent visitor Neil deGrasse Tyson joked about the astronomical insignificance of New Year’s Day.
Before long, Tyson was talking about the role the Catholic Church played in creating the calendar as we know it. “The world’s calendar is the Gregorian calendar after Pope Gregory,” Tyson explains. “Put that into place in 1582, because the previous Julian calendar was messing up in the year. It was off by ten days. And the pope said, ‘We got to fix this…’ There’s a Vatican Observatory to this day. At the time, before telescopes were invented, these Jesuit priests were put into the service of figuring out why the calendar was shifting in the year.”
Colbert, known for his openness about his Catholic faith, then asks Tyson if it’s true that a Catholic priest formulated the Big Bang Theory. “Yes,” Tyson responds. “Georges Lemaître. Using Einstein’s equations … he deduces that the history of the universe must’ve started with a bang. So Catholics have been in there in multiple places.”
This little exchange might have seemed uninteresting in another era, but not today. The rise in the new atheism and Biblical literalism have made it a commonplace that science and religion are in conflict, and young people are absorbing the idea as axiomatic. In her recent book iGen, about the least religious generation in U.S. history, Dr. Jean Twenge quotes one young person as saying: “I knew from church that I couldn’t believe in both science and God, so that was it. I didn’t believe in God anymore.”
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
The Subject Should Be Kept Before the People
There are many who do not understand the prophecies relating to these days and they must be enlightened. It is the duty of both watchmen and laymen to give the trumpet a certain sound.—Evangelism, 194, 195 (1875).
Let the watchmen now lift up their voice and give the message which is present truth for this time. Let us show the people where we are in prophetic history.—Testimonies for the Church 5:716 (1889).
There is a day that God hath appointed for the close of this world's history: “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Prophecy is fast fulfilling. More, much more, should be said about these tremendously important subjects. The day is at hand when the destiny of souls will be fixed forever....
Great pains should be taken to keep this subject before the people. The solemn fact is to be kept not only before the people of the world but before our own churches also, that the day of the Lord will come suddenly, unexpectedly. The fearful warning of the prophecy is addressed to every soul. Let no one feel that he is secure from the danger of being surprised. Let no one's interpretation of prophecy rob you of the conviction of the knowledge of events which show that this great event is near at hand.—Fundamentals of Christian Education, 335, 336 (1895).
Last Day Events, p.16.
Say hello to a better way to pay, by Google
Gerardo Capiel
Product Management Director, Consumer Payments
Varouj Chitilian
Engineering Director, Consumer Payments
Varouj Chitilian
Engineering Director, Consumer Payments
Published Feb 20, 2018
Fast, simple checkout. Easy access to rewards and offers. One spot for purchases, passes, and payment methods. All of these are ways we’ve been working to make paying safer and easier for everyone, everywhere. And you can make the most of these features with the new Google Pay app for Android.
The app, which begins rolling out today, is just one part of everything we’ve got planned. We’re currently working on bringing Google Pay to all Google products, so whether you’re shopping on Chrome or with your Assistant, you’ll have a consistent checkout experience using the cards saved to your Google Account. We’re also working with partners online and in stores, so you’ll see Google Pay on sites, in apps, and at your favorite places around the world.
As we continue to expand to even more devices and services, the new app offers an exciting glimpse of what’s to come. Here’s a closer look.
Helpful info while you shop
Google Pay’s new Home tab gives you the info you need, right when you need it. See your recent purchases, find nearby stores, enjoy easy access to rewards, and get helpful tips.
A new spot for your stuff
The Cards tab is an easy way to keep everything you need at checkout organized and at the ready. It’s where you’ll store your credit and debit cards, loyalty programs, offers, and even that stack of gift cards from last year’s birthday.
Fast, simple checkout. Easy access to rewards and offers. One spot for purchases, passes, and payment methods. All of these are ways we’ve been working to make paying safer and easier for everyone, everywhere. And you can make the most of these features with the new Google Pay app for Android.
The app, which begins rolling out today, is just one part of everything we’ve got planned. We’re currently working on bringing Google Pay to all Google products, so whether you’re shopping on Chrome or with your Assistant, you’ll have a consistent checkout experience using the cards saved to your Google Account. We’re also working with partners online and in stores, so you’ll see Google Pay on sites, in apps, and at your favorite places around the world.
As we continue to expand to even more devices and services, the new app offers an exciting glimpse of what’s to come. Here’s a closer look.
Helpful info while you shop
Google Pay’s new Home tab gives you the info you need, right when you need it. See your recent purchases, find nearby stores, enjoy easy access to rewards, and get helpful tips.

A new spot for your stuff
The Cards tab is an easy way to keep everything you need at checkout organized and at the ready. It’s where you’ll store your credit and debit cards, loyalty programs, offers, and even that stack of gift cards from last year’s birthday.
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Leaked docs raise question of Pope’s personal role in new Vatican financial scandal

Tue Feb 20, 2018 - 12:14 pm EST

John-Henry Westen
ROME, February 20, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Leaked documents obtained by LifeSiteNews connect the Pope himself to a new Vatican financial scandal and raise serious questions about his global reputation as the “pope for the poor.”
LifeSiteNews has obtained internal documents of the U.S.-based Papal Foundation, a charity with a stellar history of assisting the world’s poor, showing that last summer the Pope personally requested, and obtained in part, a $25 million grant to a corruption-plagued, Church-owned dermatological hospital in Rome accused of money laundering. Records from the financial police indicate the hospital has liabilities over one billion USD – an amount larger than the national debt of some 20 nations.
The grant has lay members of the Papal Foundation up in arms, and some tendering resignations. Responding to questions from LifeSiteNews, Papal Foundation staff sent a statement saying that it is not their practice to comment on individual requests.
Speaking of grants in general, the Papal Foundation said their mission has not changed. “The grants to help those in need around the world and of significance to the Holy Father are reviewed and approved through well-accepted philanthropic processes by the Board and its committees,” it said.
Lay membership or becoming a “steward” in the Papal Foundation involves the pledge “to give $1 million over the course of no more than ten years with a minimum donation of $100,000 per year.” Those monies are invested in order to make a perpetual fund to assist the Church.
However, the majority of the board is composed of U.S. bishops, including every U.S. Cardinal living in America. The foundation customarily gives grants of $200,000 or less to organizations in the developing world (see a grant list for 2017 here) via the Holy See.
ROME, February 20, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Leaked documents obtained by LifeSiteNews connect the Pope himself to a new Vatican financial scandal and raise serious questions about his global reputation as the “pope for the poor.”
LifeSiteNews has obtained internal documents of the U.S.-based Papal Foundation, a charity with a stellar history of assisting the world’s poor, showing that last summer the Pope personally requested, and obtained in part, a $25 million grant to a corruption-plagued, Church-owned dermatological hospital in Rome accused of money laundering. Records from the financial police indicate the hospital has liabilities over one billion USD – an amount larger than the national debt of some 20 nations.
The grant has lay members of the Papal Foundation up in arms, and some tendering resignations. Responding to questions from LifeSiteNews, Papal Foundation staff sent a statement saying that it is not their practice to comment on individual requests.
Speaking of grants in general, the Papal Foundation said their mission has not changed. “The grants to help those in need around the world and of significance to the Holy Father are reviewed and approved through well-accepted philanthropic processes by the Board and its committees,” it said.
Lay membership or becoming a “steward” in the Papal Foundation involves the pledge “to give $1 million over the course of no more than ten years with a minimum donation of $100,000 per year.” Those monies are invested in order to make a perpetual fund to assist the Church.
However, the majority of the board is composed of U.S. bishops, including every U.S. Cardinal living in America. The foundation customarily gives grants of $200,000 or less to organizations in the developing world (see a grant list for 2017 here) via the Holy See.
Monday, February 19, 2018
UK appoints a “minister of loneliness” to tackle the “hidden epidemic” that affects nine million Britons
PM Theresa May described loneliness as “the sad reality of modern life” affecting millions of people.
Britain appointed a “minister for loneliness” on Wednesday to tackle what Prime Minister Theresa May described as “the sad reality of modern life” affecting millions of people. Tracey Crouch, a junior minister for sport and civil society, will take on the role as part of a broader strategy to combat loneliness in Britain.
“For far too many people, loneliness is the sad reality of modern life,” May said.
“I want to confront this challenge for our society and for all of us to take action to address the loneliness endured by the elderly, by carers, by those who have lost loved ones - people who have no one to talk to or share their thoughts and experiences with,” the prime minister added.
More than nine million people say they are always or often lonely, out of a population of 65.6 million, according to the British Red Cross.
The charity describes loneliness and isolation as a “hidden epidemic” affecting people across all ages at various moments in their life, such as retirement, bereavement or separation.
Britain appointed a “minister for loneliness” on Wednesday to tackle what Prime Minister Theresa May described as “the sad reality of modern life” affecting millions of people. Tracey Crouch, a junior minister for sport and civil society, will take on the role as part of a broader strategy to combat loneliness in Britain.
“For far too many people, loneliness is the sad reality of modern life,” May said.
“I want to confront this challenge for our society and for all of us to take action to address the loneliness endured by the elderly, by carers, by those who have lost loved ones - people who have no one to talk to or share their thoughts and experiences with,” the prime minister added.
More than nine million people say they are always or often lonely, out of a population of 65.6 million, according to the British Red Cross.
The charity describes loneliness and isolation as a “hidden epidemic” affecting people across all ages at various moments in their life, such as retirement, bereavement or separation.
Sunday, February 18, 2018
James Carafano: Amnesty Proposal Gets "Everything Exactly Wrong"
Feb 15, 2018
The Heritage Foundation's Dr. James Carafano, vice president of the Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy, released the following statement Thursday regarding the policy implications of the "Immigration Opportunity and Security Act:"
“Compromise is not about getting everything exactly wrong. Unfortunately, that is exactly what the misnamed ‘Immigration Opportunity and Security Act’ does. Amnesties are bad immigration policy –they undermine the rule of law and create a magnet for further illegal migration.
“This legislation would likely result in a greater amnesty than the 1986 amnesty, which created a massive stimulus for further illegal border crossing and unlawful presence. This act offers toothless border security and internal enforcement promises, and fails to address key public safety issues, like sanctuary cities. What weak promises are made offer little hope for improvement, however, as we all know both parties have shown no hesitance in breaking promises of future enforcement time and time again.
“It is far past time to put teeth into existing enforcement measures, secure our southern border, end chain migration and diversity visa programs, and take a meaningful step to restoring Americans’ faith in the rule of law.”
Feb 15, 2018
The Heritage Foundation's Dr. James Carafano, vice president of the Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy, released the following statement Thursday regarding the policy implications of the "Immigration Opportunity and Security Act:"
“Compromise is not about getting everything exactly wrong. Unfortunately, that is exactly what the misnamed ‘Immigration Opportunity and Security Act’ does. Amnesties are bad immigration policy –they undermine the rule of law and create a magnet for further illegal migration.
“This legislation would likely result in a greater amnesty than the 1986 amnesty, which created a massive stimulus for further illegal border crossing and unlawful presence. This act offers toothless border security and internal enforcement promises, and fails to address key public safety issues, like sanctuary cities. What weak promises are made offer little hope for improvement, however, as we all know both parties have shown no hesitance in breaking promises of future enforcement time and time again.
“It is far past time to put teeth into existing enforcement measures, secure our southern border, end chain migration and diversity visa programs, and take a meaningful step to restoring Americans’ faith in the rule of law.”
The Aussie Invasion: Hillsong Hits America's Shores
February 18, 2018
By James Arlandson
The Australians in the form of the global Hillsong churches, are coming. Actually, they are already here.
Let's take stock.
Just after Memorial Day weekend 2016, the massive Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN) invited Hillsong church to begin its own channel, calling it the Hillsong Channel. I have been watching them since then and lead global pastor Brian C. Houston's preaching for a number of years now on his own half-hour show. He is better than most TV preachers. For starters, his accent is charming, and he's needlessly a little defensive about it. He elides the "r," as in chu'ch, just as one example. It doesn't sound exactly British, but it is not American, either. It's proudly Australian. Houston is also positive – and here he is unusual for a man of English heritage. In my experience, Aussies, Kiwis, and Britons can be sour and negative among church folks. In contrast, Americans are optimistic and bubbly. And so his upbeat slogan fits an American outlook: "Your best is yet to come!" Finally, to match the slogan, he has a nice smile. Americans like big smiles.
The imaging and edits at Hillsong Channel are first-rate. The creative team behind their promos – cool trombones and syncopated drumbeats, guys! – is modern and upbeat. Their montages of white horses, people on beaches or in church with their hands raised, of the Christ statue in Brazil, of people smiling and dancing and leaping and hugging, and solemn worshipers – are all marvelous and attractive. It projects the youthful cool factor. And of course, their worship ministry, their mainstay, is of the highest quality. It is also a huge money-maker – $300 million is one figure thrown around. Their original programs are deep, but simple enough for the new convert to understand.
Is Hillsong political in the American sense? As far as I can tell from its TV broadcasts, it is not, and that's one of its most attractive features. I heard Pastor Houston only barely refer to Trump shortly after the election, and he merely said he was surprised that people reacted so strongly one way or the other. Wise. The Aussies appear to be blissfully naïve about such matters. Now we can watch them without feeling tense or angry.
I got a shock when for the first time I recently visited Hillsong, L.A., right in the degraded city center next to the tall showcase skyscrapers. In the foyer, I saw posters stapled to wooden sticks as if they could be used for marches. February is Black History Month, so the images on the posters were of black leaders throughout American history, like Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King, Jr. – and even extra-controversial and hard-left Jesse Jackson. I didn't look closely enough to see if hate-filled Malcolm X or anti-Semitic Muslim Louis Farrakhan were included. It is a good thing to honor men like Douglass and King (though one wonders whether King could withstand scrutiny in the current climate of anti-sexual harassment, since he committed adultery often enough). King's personal foibles aside, he and Douglass contributed nationally to improving black life. Fine.
By James Arlandson
The Australians in the form of the global Hillsong churches, are coming. Actually, they are already here.
Let's take stock.
Just after Memorial Day weekend 2016, the massive Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN) invited Hillsong church to begin its own channel, calling it the Hillsong Channel. I have been watching them since then and lead global pastor Brian C. Houston's preaching for a number of years now on his own half-hour show. He is better than most TV preachers. For starters, his accent is charming, and he's needlessly a little defensive about it. He elides the "r," as in chu'ch, just as one example. It doesn't sound exactly British, but it is not American, either. It's proudly Australian. Houston is also positive – and here he is unusual for a man of English heritage. In my experience, Aussies, Kiwis, and Britons can be sour and negative among church folks. In contrast, Americans are optimistic and bubbly. And so his upbeat slogan fits an American outlook: "Your best is yet to come!" Finally, to match the slogan, he has a nice smile. Americans like big smiles.
The imaging and edits at Hillsong Channel are first-rate. The creative team behind their promos – cool trombones and syncopated drumbeats, guys! – is modern and upbeat. Their montages of white horses, people on beaches or in church with their hands raised, of the Christ statue in Brazil, of people smiling and dancing and leaping and hugging, and solemn worshipers – are all marvelous and attractive. It projects the youthful cool factor. And of course, their worship ministry, their mainstay, is of the highest quality. It is also a huge money-maker – $300 million is one figure thrown around. Their original programs are deep, but simple enough for the new convert to understand.
Is Hillsong political in the American sense? As far as I can tell from its TV broadcasts, it is not, and that's one of its most attractive features. I heard Pastor Houston only barely refer to Trump shortly after the election, and he merely said he was surprised that people reacted so strongly one way or the other. Wise. The Aussies appear to be blissfully naïve about such matters. Now we can watch them without feeling tense or angry.
I got a shock when for the first time I recently visited Hillsong, L.A., right in the degraded city center next to the tall showcase skyscrapers. In the foyer, I saw posters stapled to wooden sticks as if they could be used for marches. February is Black History Month, so the images on the posters were of black leaders throughout American history, like Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King, Jr. – and even extra-controversial and hard-left Jesse Jackson. I didn't look closely enough to see if hate-filled Malcolm X or anti-Semitic Muslim Louis Farrakhan were included. It is a good thing to honor men like Douglass and King (though one wonders whether King could withstand scrutiny in the current climate of anti-sexual harassment, since he committed adultery often enough). King's personal foibles aside, he and Douglass contributed nationally to improving black life. Fine.
Biodegradable Seed Starting Pots and Mini Greenhouse, Garden DIY Hack
Christa's Garden Published on Mar 2, 2017
In this video I will show you how to make your own mini greenhouse and biodegradable seed starter pots using toilet paper rolls. You can plant the entire pot, just tear off the bottom, or remove the cardboard completely. It is up to you! Thanks for watching. Please like and subscribe.
R.I. State Police urge officers to bring concealed weapons to church
Rhode Island State Police Capt. Derek Borek shares best practices at an active shooter preparedness session Saturday at St. James Church, in North Providence. [The Providence Journal / Sandor Bodo]
By Jacqueline Tempera
Journal Staff Writer
Saturday Posted Feb 17, 2018 at 11:07 AM Updated Feb 17, 2018 at 7:24 PM
NORTH PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Rhode Island State Police are encouraging law enforcement officers to carry concealed weapons when they attend church services, Capt. Derek Borek said at an active shooter preparedness session Saturday morning.
More than 100 clergymen, greeters, ushers, and parishioners from churches across the state packed the hall at St. James Episcopal Church for the presentation. Borek taught the crowd of mostly seniors how they could stop — or at least slow down — deadly shootings in their own parish halls.
“If someone comes in here shooting,” Borek said, gesturing toward the door, “what are our options? What can we do?”
They could run out the door, a man suggested. But the trooper countered: “Do we know what we’re running into? How many people do you think we can get out of here in 15 seconds?”
“I’m not telling you what’s right or wrong,” Borek said. “I just want to get you thinking.”
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Selfie pay: Security fears as facial recognition set to revolutionise payments
A LEADING privacy group has warned that so-called selfie pay is another massive step towards a “Big Brother” society.
By Paul Harper / Published 3rd February 2018
Facial recognition ID is predicted to replace cash and cards in future as a standard form of payments.
Just last week it emerged MasterCard customers will be able to pay for their shopping by using a selfie from April next year.
Mark Barnett, from Mastercard, said: “Biometric technologies perfectly meet the public’s expectation for state-of-the-art security when making a payment.
"This will be of great benefit to everyone: consumers, retailers and banks.”

THREAT: Selfie pay face payment systems have raised fears of Big Brother-style surveillance
Artificial intelligence: AI in the past, present and future
AI is creeping into ever corner of our lives

Getty Images
A 1949 illustration shows a man with an electronic circuit board for a brain
Mary Ann Glendon resigns from Vatican Bank oversight board

Mary Ann Glendon, who resigned from the IOR's Board of Superindentence Feb. 16, 2018.
Credit: Harvard Law Records (CC BY 2.0).
Vatican City, Feb 16, 2018 / 03:40 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Prominent American professor Mary Ann Glendon has resigned from the Board of Superintendence which oversees the Institute of Religious Works, the so-called Vatican Bank.
“Professor Glendon has expressed a desire to devote more time to other Catholic causes, and the IOR wishes her all of the best for the future, both personally and professionally,” the institute said Feb. 16.
The statement thanked the 79-year-old Glendon for her contributions, especially in the process of defining its legal framework.
The Massachusetts-born Glendon served as U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See under President George W. Bush from 2008-2009. She is a professor at Harvard Law School with an expertise in international human rights, comparative law, and constitutional law.
Under Pope Francis, Glendon was a member of a papal commission set up to ensure transparency at the Vatican Bank and make recommendations for its future from June 2013 to May 2014. She then served as a member of the IOR’s Board of Superintendence beginning July 9, 2014.
Vatican City, Feb 16, 2018 / 03:40 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Prominent American professor Mary Ann Glendon has resigned from the Board of Superintendence which oversees the Institute of Religious Works, the so-called Vatican Bank.
“Professor Glendon has expressed a desire to devote more time to other Catholic causes, and the IOR wishes her all of the best for the future, both personally and professionally,” the institute said Feb. 16.
The statement thanked the 79-year-old Glendon for her contributions, especially in the process of defining its legal framework.
The Massachusetts-born Glendon served as U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See under President George W. Bush from 2008-2009. She is a professor at Harvard Law School with an expertise in international human rights, comparative law, and constitutional law.
Under Pope Francis, Glendon was a member of a papal commission set up to ensure transparency at the Vatican Bank and make recommendations for its future from June 2013 to May 2014. She then served as a member of the IOR’s Board of Superintendence beginning July 9, 2014.
Catholic Inquisition and The Torture Tools by Former Priest Richard Bennett
Published on Mar 7, 2007
Elusive Justice: The Search for Nazi War Criminals
A Vatican City priest baptized Nazi who were hiding in seminaries and then they were able to secure International Red Cross passports to allow them to flee to Argentina.
Most people have some knowledge of the holocaust. The 6 years of torture and atrocities that the Jews suffered under Hitler and the Nazis during the Second World War. While in no way downplaying the terrible events of the holocaust, such a massacre does not compare to the severity to the torture and murder that took place under Papal authority during the 605 years of the Inquisition. From the beginning of the Papacy, until the present time, it is estimated by credible historians that more than 50,000,000, men and women have been slaughtered for the crime of heresy charged against them by Papal Rome. This Video contains actual photographs of some of the instruments of torture that were used. Since we consider this Video on the Inquisition one of the more important message that we have given, please make it known to others, and if possible post the link on your own website.
Elusive Justice: The Search for Nazi War Criminals
A Vatican City priest baptized Nazi who were hiding in seminaries and then they were able to secure International Red Cross passports to allow them to flee to Argentina.
Most people have some knowledge of the holocaust. The 6 years of torture and atrocities that the Jews suffered under Hitler and the Nazis during the Second World War. While in no way downplaying the terrible events of the holocaust, such a massacre does not compare to the severity to the torture and murder that took place under Papal authority during the 605 years of the Inquisition. From the beginning of the Papacy, until the present time, it is estimated by credible historians that more than 50,000,000, men and women have been slaughtered for the crime of heresy charged against them by Papal Rome. This Video contains actual photographs of some of the instruments of torture that were used. Since we consider this Video on the Inquisition one of the more important message that we have given, please make it known to others, and if possible post the link on your own website.
"The Hollywood Commandments" - DeVon Franklin
September 24, 2017 all-day
One Church
614 N La Brea Ave
Los Angeles
CA 90036
DeVon will be preaching at:
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
*September 24, 2017 was a SUNDAY, folks!
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