Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Shoe Strike for Climate Justice

Shoe Strike for Climate Justice (Photo: John Palminteri)

Shoe Strike for Climate Justice (Photo: John Palminteri)

Shoe Strike for Climate Justice (Photo: John Palminteri)

JUL 28 2020 12:30 PM

A "Shoe Strike for Climate Justice" demonstration showing the importance of action against climate change was held this past weekend.

The Society of Fearless Grandmothers Santa Barbara, in cooperation with 350SB and the Greta Thunberg Fridays for Future international organization, sponsored the strike on Saturday at the County Administration Building at 105 E. Anapamu in Santa Barbara.

The "shoe strike" was a COVID-19 safe demonstration without the need for a large in-person gathering. Modeled on the SkoStrejk movement that started in Sweden, the strike is now spreading across the world by displaying shoes to represent the people who, but for the pandemic, would be demonstrating in the streets.

Shoe strikes are being held worldwide on the last Saturday of each month to raise awareness of the need for Climate Justice and to demand that elected officials at every level of government take immediate action to address the climate crisis and the social and economic impacts of climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic. These two unprecedented crises require unprecedented action to protect our citizens and our planet, according to organizers.

The organizers demand local elected officials at all levels to deny any new permits for fossil fuel projects, focus responses to the COVID-19 crisis on a just transition from the fossil fuel economy; protect people and the environment -- not corporate profit; and end systemic oppression to stop the long history of racial and economic injustice.

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