Tuesday, April 26, 2022

New World Order Plans for the Economy. Be Prepared!

April 24, 2022 James Arendt

New World Order Plans for the Economy. Be Prepared!

So says Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum. Happy like you, Mr. Schwab?


Transcription of the video

Lockdowns do work. Not at stopping the spread of a virus, but they’re successful at destroying economies. This virus is statistically as devastating to the population as a bad flu.

So why have the governments implemented and held such a disproportionate response, destroying their economies and pretending that it doesn’t matter? It’s because COVID is the scapegoat, and an excuse or an opportunity to bring about their “Great Reset”.

QE [Quantiative Easing. See https://www.investopedia.com/terms/q/quantitative-easing.asp] started in 2008, following the banking crisis caused by misuse of the lending markets, and the economy has been on life support ever since. In September 2019. a month before Bill Gates’ Event 201, the overnight money market seized, the Federal Reserve had to step in printing $50 million to $100 million per night to try and fix it. But there was no fixing it.

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