Sunday, September 15, 2024

The "Fiery" State of the Media | Senile Joe Biden is "Fiery" "Forceful" ...

Ryan Wesley Routh, Would-be Trump Assassin, Fought in Ukraine, Supports War

Published Sep 15, 2024 at 5:42 PM EDTUpdated Sep 15, 2024 at 7:04 PM EDT

By Barney Henderson AND Kaitlin Lewis

A suspect is in custody after an apparent assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump at his golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida.

The suspect was identified as Ryan Wesley Routh, aged 58, officials told The Associated Press.

Routh's support for Ukraine, past criminal offenses

CNN chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst John Miller reported Sunday afternoon that Routh's social media accounts have focused on his "self-proclaimed involvement" in the war in Ukraine, including his supposed effort to recruit soldiers to fight in the conflict. Routh also claimed to have fought in Ukraine as it continues to hold off Russia's invasion.

Miller said that Routh has been living in Hawaii and was formerly a construction worker in North Carolina. The suspect has also reportedly been previously arrested eight times, mostly for minor offenses.

Routh appears to have previously spoken with The New York Times about his effort to recruit Afghan soldiers who fled the Taliban to fight in Ukraine. At the time of the report, which was published on March 25, 2023, Routh told the Times that he had spent several months in Ukraine in 2022.

A Semafor report published on March 10, 2023, cited Routh as the head of the International Volunteer Center (IVC) in Ukraine, a private organization that works to "empower volunteers" and other non-profit groups that work to "enhance the distribution of humanitarian aid throughout Ukraine," according to the IVC's website.

The Associated Press (AP) reported that Routh was convicted in 2002 of possessing a weapon of mass destruction, per online North Carolina Department of Adult Correction records. While the documents reviewed by AP did not provide details about the case, a December 2002 story by News & Record in Greensboro, North Carolina, said that a man with the same name was arrested after a three-hour standoff with police. That report said that Routh was charged with carrying a concealed weapon and possessing a weapon of mass destruction, "referring to a fully automatic machine gun."

Ryan Wesley Routh speaking about the Russia-Ukraine War in 2022
AK-47 pointed into golf course

The MARK of The BEAST: It's NOT What You've Been Told! "666" Bible Study

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Pastor Diop has spoken about those who post videos online about him

“Jesus Christ: God’s self-revelation; our sufficiency.” Pr. Ganoune Diop...

Pope: All religions are paths to God

30x30 Progress Tracker: Scenarios and visualization for achieving 30x30 ...

Pope Francis urges voters to 'choose the lesser evil' between Harris and...

Pope: Both US presidential candidates hold anti-life views


Both candidates hold anti-life views? 

That one candidate in particular believes that Abortion is Health Care is more accurate .

The Cloward-Piven Strategy and Other Plans to Dismantle Society

Sunday Moves Forward, Pastor Marco Pozo

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Summit of the Future Explainer | United Nations

Therefore hath the LORD watched upon the evil, and brought it upon us!

Therefore hath the LORD watched upon the evil, and brought it upon us!


14. Therefore hath the LORD watched upon the evil, and brought it upon us: for the LORD our God is righteous in all his works which he doeth: for we obeyed not his voice. 

15. And now, O Lord our God, that hast brought thy people forth out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand, and hast gotten thee renown, as at this day; we have sinned, we have done wickedly. 

16. O Lord, according to all thy righteousness, I beseech thee, let thine anger and thy fury be turned away from thy city Jerusalem, thy holy mountain: because for our sins, and for the iniquities of our fathers, Jerusalem and thy people are become a reproach to all that are about us. 

"yet made we not our prayer before the LORD our God, that we might (turn from our iniquities*), and (understand thy truth^)."

The answer to this problem; "for from the first day that thou didst (set thine heart to understand^), and to (chasten thyself before thy God*), thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words." "I will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth"

 Daniel 14-16 of Chapter 9 are referencing the times of the destruction of Jerusalem at the end of the first century A.D, although, its relevance to us in the 21st century is not to be underestimated!

AudioVerse Responds To Banning D.rVine.Time To Boycott SDA AudioVerse? B...

Pope speaks to the authorities of one of the world's leading economies ...

Protesters Clash With Police After Storming Mexico’s Senate Over ...




Trump Got Hammered...Right?

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Nearly half of Timor-Leste's population attend mass led by Pope Francis

Illegal migrants are ‘disappearing’ into America: Brad Coe


 Illegal migrants are ‘disappearing’ into America: Brad Coe 

Former NY Homeland Security Adviser Michael Balboni and Kinney County, TX Sheriff Brad Coe discuss the border crisis as migrant crime continues to impact multiple U.S. cities.

Behind the Catholic Right’s Celebrity-Conversion Industrial Complex

Bad Faith

From Russell Brand to JD Vance to Candace Owens, what happens when the Catholic Church chases influencers—and their legions of followers—down the rabbit hole of the right?

By Illustration by September 10, 2024

Illustration by MARC BURCKHARDT.

On Thursday, May 30, 593 years after Joan of Arc was burned at the stake, Candace Owens came to Scottsdale to take up her sword. It was the feast day of St. Joan, and there was an evening Mass at Phoenix’s Joan of Arc Church, then a trek to the suburban Hilton, where an upstart group named Catholics for Catholics was throwing a party to welcome Owens “home.” The group, founded in 2022 to declare non-Catholic Republicans “more Catholic” than their Democratic opponents, was presenting Owens its Joan of Arc Award for “giving Christ the King his proper due.”

It was a month out from Owens’s April announcement that she’d joined the Catholic Church and two months since she’d been fired by the right-wing Daily Wire. The events weren’t unrelated.

As a pundit and livestream host with an audience of millions, Owens has built a career premised on outrage. Before 2016 she’d been one among many writers peddling women’s-interest hot takes. But when she leapt right that year—after liberals criticized her plan to create a registry of online trolls—she found new support on the alt-right. She made videos declaring she didn’t care about Charlottesville and urged fellow Black voters to wage a “Blexit” from the Democratic “plantation.” She wore matching “White Lives Matter” T-shirts with Kanye West just before he began praising Hitler, then stayed largely silent when he did.

It only followed that Owens’s conversion would come wrapped in controversy too, namely her very public split with the Daily Wire. The controversy centered on her repeated use of the phrase “Christ is king,” a mantra with a contested legacy among Catholics but which in recent years has become associated with the young men who shout it the loudest—the far-right “groyper” movement that follows white nationalist livestreamer Nick Fuentes. Owens denounced the comparison as guilt by association, but her other recent comments—about WWII Germans being the victims of a “Christian Holocaust,” “gangs” of Hollywood Jews, and her taunt that the Daily Wire’s Jewish cofounder Ben Shapiro couldn’t “serve both God and money”—didn’t help her insistence that she was just making a statement of faith. In late March, the company announced it had parted ways with Owens, with one former colleague, Andrew Klavan, a Jewish convert to Christianity, suggesting she’d been fired for antisemitism, including her “Christ is King” tweets. (The Daily Wire did not respond to a request for comment.)

A bonanza of speculation arose about who might be next: Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Trump himself?

Dick Cheney's Kamala Endorsement; Kamala's "Issues" Page Finally Posted; Jill Stein Interview on Dems, 2024, and AOC | SYSTEM UPDATE #329

The 'Largest Global Movement We Have Ever Faced'

Sunday, September 08, 2024

KAMALA, WALZ & ISLAM - 9.5.24 - Noise Of Thunder Radio

Thursday, September 5, 2024 at 7:53PM
Today's Show: KAMALA, WALZ & ISLAM - 9.5.2024

Chris discusses the current drive to make Kamala Harris the next president of the United States.  Will the deep state allow Donald Trump to win? We also discuss the choice of Tim Walz as the vice presidential candidate.  Vice President Harris announced a program to combat "Islamophobia" across America, while Governor Walz oversaw the change of the flag of Minnesota to give it the appearance of the flag of Jubaland, Somalia -- where Islam is the official religion. Have they been chosen by the deep state to advance Islam in the United States?


The Shaking

Saturday, September 07, 2024

The Jesuits

Our Government is Preparing for Civil Unrest-Elections

What I Learned from Covid-19(Santa Clara, CA 2024)-Pastor Bill Hughes

The Testimonies Slighted

Chapter 5—The Testimonies Slighted

Healdsburg, California,

June 20, 1882

Dear Brethren and Sisters in Battle Creek,

I understand that the testimony [Reference is here made to the preceding article.] which I sent to Brother -----, with the request that it be read to the church, was withheld from you for several weeks after it was received by him. Before sending that testimony my mind was so impressed by the Spirit of God that I had no rest day or night until I wrote to you. It was not a work that I would have chosen for myself. Before my husband's death I decided that it was not my duty to bear testimony to anyone in reproof of wrong or in vindication of right, because advantage was taken of my words to deal harshly with the erring and to unwisely exalt others whose course I had not in any degree sustained. Many explained the testimonies to suit themselves. The truth of God is not in harmony with the traditions of men, nor does it conform to their opinions. Like its divine Author, it is unchangeable, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Those who separate from God will call darkness light, and error truth. But darkness will never prove itself to be light, nor will error become truth. 5T 62.1

The minds of many have been so darkened and confused by worldly customs, worldly practices, and worldly influences that all power to discriminate between light and darkness, truth and error, seems destroyed. I had little hope that my words would be understood; but when the Lord moved upon me so decidedly, I could not resist His Spirit. Knowing that you were involving yourselves in the snares of Satan, I felt that the danger was too great for me to keep silent. 5T 62.2

For years the Lord has been presenting the situation of the church before you. Again and again reproofs and warnings have been given. October 23, 1879, the Lord gave me a most impressive testimony in regard to the church in Battle Creek. During the last months I was with you I carried a heavy burden for the church, while those who should have felt to the very depths of their souls were comparatively easy and unconcerned. I knew not what to do or what to say. I had no confidence in the course which many were pursuing, for they were doing the very things which the Lord had warned them not to do. 5T 63.1

That God who knows their spiritual condition declares: They have cherished evil and separated from Me. They have gone astray, every one of them. Not one is guiltless. They have forsaken Me, the Fountain of living waters, and have hewed out to them broken cisterns that can hold no water. Many have corrupted their ways before Me. Envy, hatred of one another, jealousy, evil surmising, emulation, strife, bitterness, is the fruit that they bear. And they will not heed the testimony that I send them. They will not see their perverse ways and be converted, that I should heal them. 5T 63.2

Many are looking with self-complacency upon the long years during which they have advocated the truth. They now feel that they are entitled to a reward for their past trials and obedience. But this genuine experience in the things of God in the past makes them more guilty before Him for not preserving their integrity and going forward to perfection. The faithfulness for the past year will never atone for the neglect of the present year. A man's truthfulness yesterday will not atone for his falsehood today. 5T 63.3

Many excused their disregard of the testimonies by saying: “Sister White is influenced by her husband; the testimonies are molded by his spirit and judgment.” Others were seeking to gain something from me which they could construe to justify their course or to give them influence. It was then I decided that nothing more should go from my pen until the converting power of God was seen in the church. But the Lord placed the burden upon my soul. I labored for you earnestly. How much this cost both my husband and myself, eternity will tell. Have I not a knowledge of the state of the church, when the Lord has presented their case before me again and again for years? Repeated warnings have been given, yet there has been no decided change. 5T 63.4

Thursday, September 05, 2024

An Era Of Shocking Events

Volume 43 Issue Nine September 2024

Last Trumpet Ministries · PO Box 806 · Beaver Dam, WI 53916

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“For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?” I Cor. 14:8

An Era Of Shocking Events

“Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.”

Mark 13:35-37

On August 19, 2024, the elitist World Economic Forum published an article on its website warning of the danger and volatility in our world today. The list of threats runs the gamut from the ongoing outbreak of mpox, global wars, climate change, and technological disruptions with the potential to upend our everyday lives. The article contends that we could soon see “an era of shock events.” (1) One could argue, however, that we have already seen our fair share of shocking events in recent years. The Covid-19 pandemic, lockdowns, and vaccine mandates were all shocking. The ensuing supply chain disruptions were shocking. The inflation crisis, which made groceries, automobiles, and housing unaffordable, was shocking. We’ve seen the shocking brutality of war on full display in Ukraine, Sudan, and the Middle East. We have just watched the Hollywood elite collude and conspire with the news media to steal a presidential nomination from Joe Biden and bestow it upon Kamala Harris. Someone tried to assassinate presidential candidate Donald Trump and nearly succeeded. Can we infer from the aforementioned article that what is coming will be worse than the shocks we’ve already seen? It’s hard to imagine.

The Apostle Paul warns in II Timothy 3:13, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ also warned that shocking events would come upon the earth. In Luke 21:25-26, we read, “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” This indeed sounds very much like an “era of shock events.” The most shocking event of all, however, is described in Luke 21:27, which declares, “And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” No one knows the day or the hour of our Savior’s coming, but we should always be ready to meet Him. In Luke 12:40, Jesus admonishes, “Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.” He further instructs us to watch and pray as we await His return. Mark 13:35-37 tells us, “Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.” If we follow His instructions, He will give us the strength to endure to the end, even as shocking events unfold all around us.

Pope says battling climate change and religious extremism a common cause

Pope Francis (C) and Grand Imam of Istiqlal Mosque Nasaruddin Umar (center, L) pose with religious leaders at the Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta on September 5. Yasuyoshi Chiba/AFP/Getty Images

On visit to Southeast Asia’s largest mosque, Pope says battling climate change and religious extremism a common cause

By Christopher Lamb, Kathleen Magramo, Masrur Jamaluddin, James Legge and Antonia Mortensen, CNN

Updated 2:32 AM EDT, Thu September 5, 2024

Jakarta, IndonesiaCNN —

Since his papacy began in 2013, Pope Francis has signaled his intention to build bridges with other faiths. The global growth of Islam, and the rise of extremism across religions, also made this an urgent priority.

On Thursday, in the biggest mosque in the world’s largest Muslim-majority nation, the pontiff used a joint statement with Indonesia’s Grand Imam Nasaruddin Umar to pinpoint “two serious crises” facing the world: dehumanization and climate change.

“The global phenomenon of dehumanization is marked especially by widespread violence and conflict, frequently leading to an alarming number of victims,” said the statement, signed in the sprawling capital Jakarta.

“It is particularly worrying that religion is often instrumentalized in this regard, causing suffering to many, especially women, children and the elderly,” it continued. “The role of religion, however, should include promoting and safeguarding the dignity of every human life.”

On climate change, the declaration stated that “human exploitation of creation” had led to “various destructive consequences such as natural disasters, global warming and unpredictable weather patterns,” and an “obstacle to the harmonious coexistence of peoples.”

Monday, September 02, 2024

Should Adventist Christians Embrace Go Woke, Go Broke…

Russia's Putin Arrives in Mongolia Despite ICC Arrest Warrant

Pope Francis arrives at Jakarta airport | REUTERS


LIVE: Pope Francis arrives at Jakarta airport | REUTERS


#Pope #PopeFrancis #Jakarta

Pope Francis arrives at the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Indonesia's Jakarta where the 87-year-old leader of the global Catholic Church will start an ambitious 12-day tour to four countries in Southeast Asia. #Pope #PopeFrancis #Jakarta #Indonesia #live #Reuters #news 

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