Thursday, January 02, 2025

Europe is Watching The Village Church and Michigan Conference Saga

Europe is Watching The Village Church and Michigan Conference Saga

December 27, 2024 Fulcrum7 Staff

About the Author

My name is Vincent Dehelt. I am an elder of the SDA church of Anzegem, a village in Belgium, Europe.

I can assure you that the recent events in the Village Church, as well as the many points raised by Dr. Conrad Vine, are being followed closely here. I am referring primarily to our church here in Belgium, but also to many brothers and sisters throughout Europe. In contrast to this silent majority, there are also many brothers and sisters who understand the scope of what Dr. Vine has revealed, as well as the events in the Village Church.

At the moment I am serving as General VP of ASI France-Belgium. From 2017 to 2024 I was part of the excom of ASI Europe. First as VP Marketing & Membership Growth, then as VP Evangelism. So I know many brothers and sisters all over Europe and I can assure you that in every single country there are brothers and sisters who are following this whole situation closely and are outraged by the recent events. Here is my letter:

To Everyone Involved in Recent Events at SDA - Village Church

The events in the Village Church have also been closely followed in Europe. The Village Church in general and Brother Conrad Vine in particular have been fighting for religious freedom and freedom of conscience for years. Principles that we as SDAs should hold dear.

It was in the year 2022 that Brother Conrad Vine made an appeal to the SDA nobility. In it, a number of issues were raised with strong arguments. Meanwhile, these same elements have been further substantiated in several other presentations. Given the strong arguments and the intense uproar that ensued, it was expected that the highest levels of our world church would respond in due course. After all, as a church we always want to avoid upset and turmoil, and the only way to do that is to provide open and detailed clarity. Surely it can be assumed that the People of the Book, guided by the Holy Spirit, are capable of understanding a solid response.

To date, however, we have received few official statements from the GC responding to the points raised by Brother Conrad Vine. In one interview, we hear Brother Ganoune Diop deny that the world church ever made a statement that vaccination was a matter of conscience. This false statement was made during an informal interview and can hardly be considered an official response. Moreover, it is also shameful to have to note that such statements are being made when one can easily demonstrate that there are indeed brothers and sisters who have gotten into very serious trouble because of statements and positions that can be found on the communication channels of the world church. One can just as easily deny the existence of the sun.

For example, "Therefore, claims of religious liberty are not appropriately used to object to government mandates or employer programs designed to protect the health and safety of their communities”. (Reaffirming the Seventh-day Adventist Church's Response to COVID-19, October 25, 2021).

After the 2022 General Conference, Brother Conrad Vine wrote another summary and appeal to the GC delegates. It was intended that the general conference in session would address the position of the world church regarding covid vaccination. But Elder Ted Wilson made a remarkable intervention, and although he acknowledged that the procedure was correct and that this point could be discussed in session at the current GC, he used his authority to convince the delegates not to do so. However, such an intervention should not be an end point, but should be followed by a personal effort to address this issue appropriately. Unfortunately, as an ordinary member of the SDA, I have not been able to read any official statement to date.

In the summer of 2024, Brother Conrad Vine gave several presentations at a summer camp in Maine. The presentation "Remnant, Respectable or Regime Church" is probably the best known, but at the same time the most misquoted presentation. Brother Conrad Vine himself indicated that he might get into a controversy. At no time in this presentation was there a call to stop tithing, so it would behoove everyone to quote correctly and not put words in their mouths that were not spoken. What Brother Conrad Vine actually said can be easily found online.

Brother Conrad Vine's prediction proved to be prophetic. The commotion became tremendous. Pastor Mark Finley felt compelled to preach a sermon entitled "Will the Seventh-day Adventist Church Survive? At no point is there any reference to Brother Conrad Vine's statements. Nevertheless, one cannot help but feel that one is not separate from the other. Actually, this would be a credit to Pastor Mark Finley. We address opinions and positions, we don't ignore them. But unfortunately, we can hardly view Pastor Mark Finley's sermon as a response to Brother Conrad Vine's views. Rather, it is an emotional response to fears of how the church might suffer.

Unlike the highest levels of our world church, we see the Michigan Conference taking a stand. In September 2024, Brother Conrad Vine was banned from speaking at the "Religious Liberty Weekend" of the Village Church, the church where he serves as an elder. Despite the fact that it has been shown that this speaking ban was largely in violation of the church's manual, nothing has been done about this speaking ban to date. Neither the Michigan Conference nor higher authorities have corrected this unlawful situation. As an ordinary SDA member, am I to understand that the Church manual applies only to the laity and that members of SDA institutions can make exceptions at their own discretion?

Pastor Ron Kelly was the keynote speaker at the ASI Germany Convention. During his presentations, he made no reference to the whole situation within the Michigan Conference and the Village Church. Nevertheless, he had the courage to hold a half hour question and answer session on Sabbath afternoon. There were quite critical questions about the situation in the Michigan Conference and the World Church. At no time did Pastor R. Kelly utter a single word of criticism toward the church. He called for faith and prayer. Pastor R. Kelly indicated that informal and formal conversations were taking place and would continue to take place. He called for confidence that this whole matter would not be swept under the rug, but would be dealt with appropriately. This gave us hope (I was present at that meeting) and led us to pray for wisdom.

So our outrage is great when we learn that Pastor R. Kelly has been cast aside. Again, we must first guess at the true reasons for the "dismissal" of Pastor R. Kelly. But we must also wonder the process that was followed. Were the rights of Pastor R. Kelly really protected, or should we as ordinary SDA members understand that members of the SDA Institutes are allowed to place themselves above the law if necessary?

If it is true that Pastor R. Kelly was pushed aside because he refused to go along with the methods proposed by the Michigan Conference regarding Brother Conrad Vine, then we can only respond in one way: shame on you! If there are other reasons, let the Michigan Conference clarify them.

The SDA Church is characterized by study. According to 2 Timothy 3:16, we are to study, refute, teach, improve, and instruct in righteousness. Silencing or sidelining those who stand up and speak does not fit that list. May those who have accepted responsibility in our church now have the courage to provide openness and clarity. We have come to understand that there may be a significant price to pay because of potential lawsuits, and that money is a determining factor in how SDA Institutions function. But let us prefer a financially weaker church that upholds justice rather than a financially stronger church that should be ashamed of its actions.

During the week of January 6, there will be meetings to discuss the dismissal of Pastor R. Kelly. Prayer for courage is needed.


Vincent Dehelt
Regular member of the SDA church in Belgium, Europe

Vincent and Nathalie are currently serving in a self-supportive Adventschool. Their school includes both kindergarten and primary school.

In the front of the photo is their daughter Hannah who is studying psychology at the UNASP university of Sao Paulo, Brasil. In the middle is their daughter Sarah who is currently at the Bountiful Blessings Farm in Tennessee, and finally their son Samuel who serves at the mission school Matteson in Norway.


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