Robert M. Gates is a shoe-in (shoo-in) for the nomination for Secretary of Defense. His father before him, Thomas Gates was Secretary of Defense during the Eisenhower administration. With an impressive career begun as an U. S. Air Force officer with the Strategic Air Command (SAC trained killer), then a prolonged period with the NSA, and CIA, where he was (twice) director under G. H. W. Bush. He also acquired a PHD ( in Russian and Soviet History) at Georgetown (home of the Jesuit "Hoyas") University, and has served on the board of trustees of several respectable corporations. He has also worked with the CFR, Council on Foreign Relations, a Think- tank that has been so prominent in the federal government since the days of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Eventually he lectured at many universities, then became Interim Dean of the George Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A & M. In August 2002 he became President of Texas A & M; Where he has been ever since.
All these achievements are remarkable by any standards, and well deserved. My concern is the proliferation of dignitaries bearing the credentials of the CFR, and Georgetown University instruction. This combination is pervasive among the movers and shakers in Washington, D.C. Vigilance is required when NSA, CIA, CFR, and Georgetown University, are all used to refer to a public servant's curricullum vitae.
(SAC trained killer): Cliche used among Air Force personnel.
*"From the Shadows: The Ultimate Insider's Story of Five Presidents and How They Won The Cold War". Title of Robert M. Gates's memoirs 1996.
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