Friday, February 09, 2007


Miranda RightsSpanish from the Drudge Report:

Usted tiene el derecho de guardar el silencio. Caulquier cosa que Usted diga puede ser usada contra Usted en una corte de ley.
Usted tiene el derecho de hablar con un abogado, y tener un abogado presente durante neustras preguntas.
Si Usted quiere un abogado antes de o durante nuestras preguntas, pero no tiene medios para emplear un abogado, se le asignara uno, sin costo, antes de iniciarse las preguntas.

You have the right to keep silence. Caulquier thing that You say you can be used against You in a law cut.
You have the right to speak with a lawyer, and to have a present lawyer during neustras questions.
If You love a lawyer before or during our questions, but she does not have means to use a lawyer, assigned one to him, without cost, before beginning the questions.

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