Monday, March 10, 2008


All About The Money

LAST WEEK, After the explosive attack of a small Armed Forces Recruiting Office in between 7th Avenue, and Broadway, in the Times Square area of New York City; Mayor Michael Bloomberg held a news conference in which he pledged to bring to justice the "terrorists" that had fire bombed the Recruiting Station, recently. He then added (by the way-) that all tourists, and visitors should be aware that NYC, "was open for business".

After the deadly attacks on September 11, 2001; President George W. Bush, promised that he would hunt down the (surviving) culprits of the dastardly deeds, dead or alive. A few days lapsed, then the President commented that the people should buy and sell, and carry on as in normal times for the sake of the economy. He said it was "business as usual".

Let me point out that from both these incidents, and the reaction from the two executives; It seems that what 'really' matters, is that the buying and selling of everyday existence continues as usual. That the main concern is that the funds continue to flow. Which brings me to the conclusion that it's all about the money! Everything else is a side issue, and second in importance to the money concern. Money talks.


P.S. And the value of the dollar keeps diminishing, day by day!

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