THIS WEEK: It's a video showing his longtime pastor Jeremiah Wright, denouncing and condemming the United States.
Contrary to Ms. Geraldine Ferraro's statements: "If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color), he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is."
If Obama 'were' all white, instead of 1/2 black, he wouldn't get so much flack.
All these red herrings popping out of the woodwork because he's not wholly WASP, or Italian.
Can America forget her Ante-bellum past? Forget the Jim Crow biases? Apparently, the good-olde boys-n-gals, just can't.
That also includes 'Johnny come lately' northerner, junior Senator from New York, Hillary Clinton; who prides herself of being down with the black folks.
Yet, she won't pass up an opportunity to attack, Barack.
Playing the so-called race card. As they say: Go figure?
First Hillary whined about Barack not getting the same treatment by the media, then her 'slapstick' comedie noire on Saturday Night Live, exaggeration of the same 'trifling' issue. Then, she wanted a do-over of the Democrat Primaries in Michigan and Florida, to get more delegates, since she's behind.
So Obama's weak point has finally been found by the Democrat opponent's campaign strategists: to weaken Baracks credibility they will capitalize on his race, and now his religion.
Great going Hillary and Krewe: "It does take a village".
It take a village idiot, not to see a fraud when it's perpetrated in broad daylight.
And a village of biggots, and gold-olde, run o the mill racists!
The state of New York is really getting their money's worth in your exemplary representation of it.
America is your next village. Good luck.
It will either be thou, Ms. Nemesis Clinton, or Mr. Enigma McCain.
If I were Obama, I'd bow out! And let "les bon temps roulez".
The Illuminati sure picked a fine pair of winners this time!