It's like the 'Eveready Rabbit', it keeps going, and going, and going, etc.
Someone must be making a bundle out of this boondoggle? Or is it a killing? First, they toppled Saddam Hussein, then they find him in a cave, then they occupy the country with hundred of thousands of military personnel. Then, there were unlawful enemy combatants, insurgents, then shia militants, then sunni militiamen, then Al Qaeda in Iraq, then we're back to the Mahdi Army, aka the Shia Army of Muftada AlSadr. What will they think of next? Illegal Arab Islamist Fascist Aliens in Iraq? These so-called enemies don't have the weapons, the machinery, the logistical knowledge, or the food to defeat the world's best equipped Armed Forces. Gimme' a break, will ya'! Like the popular saying goes now a days, Get over it! Get it over with. Enough with the foot draggin', and half-steppin'. Even Jose Feliciano can see the fallacy of this war in a country that had no WMD's, or took no part in Sept. 11.
Yet, nothing has been achieved by this aggression, Osama Bin Ladin (the alleged Kingpin) is still on the lam, and the whole region is worse off now than it was prior to the invasion. So, somebody, anybody, please recognize that this whole war business is out of control. It's time to do as Richard Nixon, finally admitted 'Peace with Honor'. Let's give peace a chance. Stop the lolly-gagging, and propagandizing. We all know it's a front!
Who's on first? What's on second? I don't know's on third!
Shhhhhhhhhhh! It's just another game to these boys of Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring. Play ball!