Saturday, April 09, 2011

The Emerging Church and Spiritual Formation

April 2011

Dear Friends, Welcome to Keep the Faith Ministry. Thank you for joining us this month as we explore a major development that God’s church is facing in the last days. Perhaps one of the most significant developments in religious history was the formation of the Society of Jesus. Ignatius Loyola... READ MORE

1 comment:

LVB said...

They will appeal to us with anything and everything, except the true word of God.

Deceiving and being deceived.

I recall years back a close friend of mine very suddenly became hyper-interested in the "Course In Miracles" b.s. that the Catholic church was spewing at the time, telling their people that these two nuns had received "special visions", which were so important that they needed to be added to the Bible. Have you heard of this before? I'm fairly certain you have...maybe you can do an article on that one day?

Of course, we must need these "add on" pieces to the Bible, because God surely could not have gotten it all right the first time, by Himself. Right?? :)

It was, and is, obviously cultish in its methods of attracting followers, and evil in its intent to distract and deceive the true Christian believers away from the solid foundation they already have with their Creator and The Lord Jesus Christ. I remember telling the person, sorry, but I don't have any need of these two nuns and their "visions" to help me better understand God.

I've made a long and sincere effort since childhood to know God, and it has worked out well. He knows me well, in ways that no one else ever can, and I know Him in all the ways that He allows me to comprehend. That's the best I could ask for as a humble servant of God, and that I am. Nothing more.

Thank you for these warnings, Arsenio, they are valuable and appreciated by all of us. :)