Published by Office 2 January 28th, 2010
Dear family & friends in Christ in Australia and around the World,
We thank our faithful Father in heaven for an amazing unity in the Body of Christ at the National Australia Day Prayer Gathering in Melbourne, buzzing with more than 3 hours of Holy Spirit empowered prayer, praise and worship to the reigning King of kings and Lord of lords, our Lord Jesus Christ!
Between 750-800 Christians from many churches, denominations, generations, and ethnicities (many travelling from interstate and some from overseas) packed the Springvale City Hall in Melbourne, Australia to pray for this Great South Land of the Holy Spirit! Many brought their Australian flags with them and waved them throughout the entire service declaring ‘Australia for Jesus’!
The CTFM worship team led the interdenominational Christian prayer gathering in ushering in the manifest glory of God’s awesome and holy presence, as God’s people passionate for Australia’s transformation, joined hearts and hands in Kingdom unity to worship King Jesus!
The 20+ denominational representatives from the Salvation Army, CRC, Catholic Charismatic, Baptist, Anglican, AOG, Seventh Day Adventist, Uniting, Indigenous, and Christian ministry representatives from Culturewatch, Catch the Fire, Australian Marketplace Connections, Gospel Ministry, and Salt Shakers, led their prayer segment with the passion, fire, and love of Jesus for our nation of Australia, to absolutely storm heaven in prayer, standing on the sure promise of God’s Word from 2 Chronicles 7:13-14. We asked the Lord to protect Australia from natural disasters, especially during this bushfire season. There was also much intercessory and prophetic prayer for Rain, Farmers, Persecuted Church Worldwide, Government, Harvest of Lost Souls, Armed Forces, Pastors & Unity in the Body of Christ, Families, Children & Youth, Business & Marketplace, Indigenous People, and additional critical issues in the Kingdom of God. The Samoan Choir stirred up the crowd with 2 special songs of exuberant praise and worship!
I thank the Lord for giving me (Pastor Jason) the exciting opportunity to pray for the Children and Youth of Australia to become the Holy Spirit Revival Fire of the Glorious Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the Nations of the World! At the altar, more than 150 young people (under 25 years old) received impartation prayer and commissioning to do and to become the supernatural miracles, signs, and wonders of God in their generation! (Acts 2:17-18, Isaiah 8:18)
We thank our loving Father God in heaven for the few beautiful atheists who gathered outside the National Australia Day Prayer Gathering to protest! Most of the Christian crowd ignored their opposition by simply worshipping the Lord although some had the opportunity to share the love and truth of Jesus with them!
Dr Jackson from the USA encouraged the Body of Christ in Australia to trust in the Lord as our Shepherd! (Psalm 23) Many were mightily touched by the prophetic Word from the Lord and the presence of God! Pastor Daniel also received his Honorary Doctorate of Divinity Degree from St Thomas Christian College in Jacksonville, Florida, USA. Dr Jackson officially conferred this degree on him and then pronounced, “from today you shall now be called Dr Daniel Nalliah.” At this point the whole crowd erupted in a standing ovation of highly emotional shouts of joy and praise to God!
Then the lovely wife and beautiful children of Dr Daniel joined hands with him, along with his sister and her husband who had travelled all the way from Sri Lanka for this very special day, to thank their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for this wonderful honour. With tears of joy, Dr Daniel shared, “I do not deserve this. It is nothing but the grace of God. I thank you all for standing together with us as a family and ministry. I know for sure that we can reclaim Australia for Jesus. We cannot let another generation pass by. I believe that we in this generation will see the promises of God and His prophetic destiny for our nation of Australia fulfilled in this Great South Land of the Holy Spirit.”
The service finished with the singing of our national anthem as many were in tears, thanking the Lord for our great nation of Australia!
To order the DVD ($15 plus $5 postage) of the National Australia Day Prayer Gathering in Melbourne please email or call (03) 9794 8211.
Click the following link to read a local newspaper report on the National Australia Day United Prayer in Melbourne (Springvale). Although the newspaper claims that Pastor Daniel cures people, this is not true, as he said that he prays for people and the Lord heals them, as only Jesus is the Healer!
Rising Up Australia and the Nations as His Kingdom Comes,
Jason Golden
Catch the Fire Ministries
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