Friday, September 09, 2011

Ten Years of Terror Talk

As I listen to the news about the latest dubious "chatter" of possible TERROR ATTACKS in New York and Washington D.C., it brings to mind the Newspeak that has invaded the popular media jargon:

  1. Chatter  
  2. Lock-Down
  3. Boots on the ground
  4. Up-tick
  5. Ramp-up
  6. Ratchet -up
Is this the new normal?
Is this the same country?
Are we running scared?
What's this world coming to? Specifically what has this Constitutional Republic become?  East Germany?
Pinochet's or Allende's Chile?  Or, perhaps more precisely Castro's Cuba or Chavez's Venenezuela?

As I listen I fear, not for the rumors that abound;  But, of the people that claim they have the "GREATER GOOD IN MIND".   


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