Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Two Lawyers In The Presidential Office

Posted by Rose Colombo on Wednesday, October 22, 2008 12:00:00 AM

It's amazing that the American people would vote for two lawyers and if elected could socialize America by implementing big government programs and increasing taxes for people who earn $250,000 which isn't a lot of money today and doesn't even buy a house. Obama says he'll redistribute taxes to the poor and tax the rich, but $250,000 businesses can't hire more people. Good grief, he's redistributed money to himself by abusing his position when he bought his home according to Judicial Watch who filed a complaint with the U.S. Senate Ethics Committee. He also redistributed funds to his anti-American terrorist friend Ayres through a corrupt group who he advised. He also gave millions of tax dollars to his convicted felon friend that was meant for improvements of inner city housing projects in poor Black neighborhoods, but the Black people said that they never saw a dime and lived in apartments infested with mice and cockroaches. There's even a lawsuit pending because a three year old boy died due to the unsafe conditions according to the news. So, what happened to all those tax dollars?

Obama is telling you that he's a socialist by exposing his plan to redistribute the wealth through taxation. Hannity and other reliable news sources and Judeo-Christians are warning Americans that they could lose their freedoms forever if they vote for far left liberal lawyers. Good grief, this reminds me of the movie, "Devil's Advocate" when Al Pacino said that the attorneys would rule the world! Now I know why people say that fiction is scarier than the truth.

Our Constitution guarantees that our government must ensure that there will be three separate branches of government and that the people shall be protected by the inclusion of a system called Checks and Balances. The Trial Lawyers are probably the most well-funded lobbyists in Washington D.C. Lawyers protect themselves by lobbying for or against laws that affect their profession. It is a conflict of interest for lawyers to act as the President of the United States and slants the scales of justice in favor of those who work within the legal system. And, it's even more blatant if the Vice President is also a lawyer. Although, Clinton was a lawyer when elected as President of the United States, as well as, the First Lady, Hillary, and the Rose Law Firm was under investigation during his term of office, the American people didn't understand the fact that lawyers are slanting the scales of justice in favor of all those who work within the Justice Department. Perhaps, you will recall how clever President Clinton behaved like a lawyer when questioned under oath and stated that it all depends on what the word "is" means. Most legislatures are lawyers. Judges are lawyers. Supreme Court Justices are lawyers. District Attorneys and Public Defenders are lawyers. And now, the country could possibly be run by not one lawyer, but two lawyers! Good, grief, America, how can you expect to maintain the Scales of Justice if the lawyers are making the laws, interpreting the laws, and enforcing the laws and using Executive Orders to dictate the laws for you and me but holding themselves above those laws by protecting their own in secret. The allegations are staring American in the face and much evidence is present exposing Obama's connection to anti-American terrorists by reliable news reporters and his own admission. If that doesn't scare you then just the possibility of two lawyers controlling the oval office should frighten you to death. And, what about the conflict of interest when appointing U.S. Supreme Court Justices? The far left would definitely appoint more of their own for life time positions that make supreme laws of the land.
Lawyers have their own justice system. Lawyers believe that they are above the law and they shouldn't be subjected to the same court system as the rest of the people. They discipline their own through secretive State Bar hearings which is the same system that the judges use. The judges judge their own and rarely has a judge been removed from the bench no matter how egregious the public may have felt the wrongdoing in U.S. history without oversight committees.

Several years ago, a major newspaper published a survey and stated that lawyers were voted last even below used car salesmen according to the people. So, if the American people don't trust lawyers then why on earth would they want to vote two lawyers into the highest office in the nation and leave themselves vulnerable to abuse by eliminating the rule of Checks and Balances?

Of course, there are some excellent lawyers, but there are some very corrupt lawyers, too. So, how will the people know what to expect if they don't even know how to prevent themselves from being taxed to death through redistribution. The lawyers will exercise Executive Orders and create laws that will take away your freedoms because far left liberals don't like people who speak out. They don't like Judeo Christians who read the Bible, or preachers who discuss marriage according to the Bible; or kids who pray in school to God. In fact, they don't like God. How will the people be able to fight all three branches of government since the majority of legislatures are liberal lawyers who are deadset on promoting more government, more taxes, and more laws that reign in your civil rights? Obama claims to be a Christian, but he votes that it's okay to abort American babies for any reason by stabbing them in the head and sucking out their brains and if they live outside of the womb then it should be legal to kill them after birth. Obama's a lawyer who has failed to defend the life of living American babies, so how can he say he's a Christian or is that for convenience, too, like wearing the U.S. flag on his lapel?

And, Senator Biden wants to know why people don't think that the far left believes in God. God and the Far Left 101.

How will you stop liberal lawyers from passing laws since they make the laws and execute the laws? Obama wants to keep the borders open and continue to let Mexican illegals cross over, but opens the door for anti-American terrorists to get fake American ID Drivers Licenses. Since Obama favors giving driver's licenses to illegals then he's technically breaking the law. Illegal means that some thing's wrong and it ain't legal! Good grief, I had to hand over my Driver's License just to get into Disneyland and Sea World, but it's okay to drive around illegally with fake Driver's Licenses? What law school teaches this? Any politician who doesn't want to close our borders, especially during war time or after our citizens have been attacked and threatened doesn't have the safety of the American people at heart. Anti-American terrorists and suicide bombers can get drivers licenses with fake Spanish surnames and create chaos, It's possible that suicide bombers could enter the U.S. illegally with fake IDs and we would have to suffer the consequences just like on 911. I'm sure that Ayres would jump for joy unless he happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when it occurred like other innocent victims who died on 911. But, we must remember that Ayres is a friend of Obama who he respects as a professor.

Obama doesn't mention that 3,000 Americans were tragically killed by radical Moslim suicide bombers, but he does mention that our solders killed civilians in Iraq. He doesn't sing praises about our military men and women who fought for our freedom so that blood would be shed on terrorist soil rather than American soil. Thank God, for President Bush who knew that the terrorists wanted to enter our country with fake ID's and create chaos and blood shed on our soil, so how much is saving American lives worth to the American people? Yet, I don't hear Obama praise President Bush and Senator McCain for protecting us and winning the surge nor do I hear him singing praises for U.S. military men and women, only praises for his scary friends. Far left liberals, especially lawyers know how to make laws that would eliminate our freedoms. The far left lawyers will continue to create more laws that undermine the U.S. Constitution and deny us our freedoms while pushing for socialism and marxism and the end of democracy through redistribution, open borders and fake licenses.

So, if you don't care that the far left liberals such as Obama, who don't want to place their hands on their hearts and recite the Pledge of Allegiance or wear their U.S. flag on their lapel which he stated with his own lips while his wife said this is the first time she's been proud of our country, and allegedly refused to place his hand on the Judeo Christian Bible when he took office as senator, then change is what you will get. America will be changed forever. Americans should be demanding that Obama produce an authentic birth certificate, not just take his word for it that he was born in Hawaii. If he was born in Hawaii then the U.S. would have a birth certificate, but he does have a Indonesian birth certificate. So, how can Obama become President without a legitimate birth certificate? Why not just hand over the Presidency to anyone if that's the case such as an illegal alien because we don't know who they are, either.

Obama is a typical lawyer. He doesn't answer the questions. He says what you want to hear. He says, "Trust me," and the sheep follow someone who says he's the one. Good grief, the American people need to wake up fast and read, research, and watch the videos that let you listen to Obama and his wife and his anti-American terrorists friends who hate Americans.

May America wake up and May God Keep His Hand on Our Country, our Military, and our Citizens. May the people reject a man who hasn't produced a U.S. birth certificate and refuses to publish his Thesis and respects anti-American terrorists who want to kill more Americans and bomb more buildings. Do your homework, America. Check out the videos and audios and listen to Obama and his wife and their anti-American friends produced by Hannity, My Space bloggers, and news reporters.....listen to the words that come directly out of their mouths before bad mouthing Palin and McCain. At least, they are true Americans, General Powell.


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