The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works (iniquity), there is none that doeth good. (Psalms 14:1)
What this passage of the Bible says is that God wants us to know that He exists and is not willing to let anyone get away with compromise, for to compromise would mean you are hiding behind a lie. Such a person declares that there is a God but lives as if God actually didn't exist, or that he simply isn't bothered. Though they may engage in charitable works, God does not consider their deeds righteous, in fact (as the prophet Isaiah wrote), their works are as filthy menstrual (Hebrew: iddah) rags (Hebrew: beged) (Isaiah 64:6) strongs reference filthy H5708 and rags H899.
The Masonic Order is one such example. To be a Mason one must accept that there is a god, and engage in philanthropic endeavours, yet the very nature of Freemasonry is shrouded in
secrecy, occultic rituals and, at its highest levels is, according to some of it's highest ranking leaders, Luciferian. These are fools that hide behind a lie (as if there were no God, or that he simply wasn't bothered) in order to justify their abominable works/iniquities.
They think by doing good works they will gain favour from the Lord, yet they choose to compromise the gospel in the name of humanitarian aid, thus they become futile in their deeds and their good works are not accounted as righteous because they have forsaken the very things that God has said.
Having dealings with the occult the Bible says:
”For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.” (1 Sam. 15:23)
Back Ground Information
Audio recording of William Booth
William Booth Sons And Daughters Of Misery.
General William Booth (1829-1912), founder of the Salvation Army c.1900
The photograph above shows Booth with two of his grandchildren. John Wesley’s life and ministry has been a source of inspiration to many within the evangelical tradition. Some churches may not have the name Methodist in their title, but are nevertheless members of the Wesleyan family .
William Booth was a minister of the Methodist New Connexion before founding the Salvation Army. Booth’s travelling ministry, organisational skill, outreach to the poor and patriarchal image identifies him as a true ‘Gospel Son’ of John Wesley, Booth is buried next to his wife Catherine.
Even when the gospel was preached it was also being undermined by William Booth's acquaintances, especially with one luciferian, in particular Lord Rothschild (a high ranking freemason who appreciated Booth's work so much he gave him £1000) [1] Booth had no issues in receiving money from anyone or group as he did not believe in dirty money.
Even though Booth was mixed up with Lord Rothschild and had Masonic friends, I have no reason to believe that he himself was a mason; he just got mixed up and associated with the wrong type of people. This did him no justice. There is confusion because many Masonic sites list the "General" as a famous mason. However what we have here are two different William Booth's. The William H. Booth, who is listed as a freemason, was married to Mary Kelso Booth [2], The William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, was not a freemason and did not even have a middle name. He was married to Catherine Booth [3] This affirmation therefore is simply not true.
Because of William Booth's association with Lord Rothschild this had led to The Salvation Army coming directly under the influence of freemasonry.
Acording to a reference quoted by many (Wilson, op. cit., p. 92.) The Rothschilds also wielded much influence and power not only in Secret Societies, but also in Christendom’s churches. The Salvation Army under the suggestion of the Rothschilds adopted the Red Shield (Roth-red Schild-shield) for their logo. One history of the Rothschilds remarks, "The Rothschilds had rapidly propelled themselves into a position of immense financial power and political influence. They were an independent force in the life of Europe, accountable to no one and, to a large extent, reliant on no one. Popular lampoons depicted them as the real rulers of Christendom..."
The infiltration of Luciferians has for a very longtime been at the root of Christendom, there are many people we look to who have decieved and are still decieving to this very day.
The connection and partnership between the Salvation Army and freemasonry is stronger today than it ever was. Officially the Salvation Army has stated it recognises that freemasonry is incompatible with Christianity and, therefore officially membership of the craft is not compatible with the Salvation Army. Salvationists are discouraged from being members of the masonic fraternity.
In 1925 General Bramwell Booth sent a letter to every officer in the Salvation Army in which he said: “No language of mine could be too strong in condemning and officer’s affiliation with any society which shuts Him (Christ) outside its temples; and which in its religious ceremonies gives neither Him nor His Name any place…the place where Jesus Christ is not allowed is no place for any Salvation officer.”
Bramwell Booth recognised that in the masonic fraternities are incompatible with Christian teaching, it is masons who conduct ceremonies will have devoted themselves to Lucifer at as stated by Manley P Hall 33 o, "When The Mason learns that the Key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the Mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply this energy." (The Lost Keys Of Freemasonry, p. 48)
The Salvation Army still bears the name of Rothschild today (Red Shield), and there is even greater affiliation with freemasonry. The Salvation Army globally has members (and even officers) who are active freemasons, which is something the Salvation Army has been quiet about, others are in denial. Past Grand Master, Forrest D. Haggard, writes in the book "The Clergy and the Craft" p.134 published in 1930 "Lt. Colonel Reginald E. Clevett of the Salvation army feels "that we who have given time to Masonry have received from it a great deal, even much more then we are able to give."
P.136 Major H. H. Lawson of the Salvation Army, Johnson City, Tennessee: "Masonry has provided the most profound lessons to be found anywhere - and you find them, carefully followed, complimenting your own private faith."
Though Booth issued his condemnation of masonry, his association with the Rothschild's has led the Salvation Army not only to accept Masonry, but even collude with masonry.
Below is a compendium of official information on Salvation Army officials colluding and its affiliations to Freemasonry.
The Compromise is not only with Freemasonry, it is also with the Pope at the Vatican in Rome.

Salvation Army's statement:
The Pope greets the Army's international leaders at an ecumenical gathering the day following his inauguration.
Photograph by Arturo Mari courtesy of L'Osservatore Romano.
The person who is shaking the Pope's hand is Commissioner Freda Larsson seen with her husband Commissioner John Larsson became chief of the staff, second in command of The Salvation Army worldwide. His wife, Commissioner Freda Larsson, became World Secretary for Women’s Organisations (later Women's Ministries). They are now retired.
Following their comments they state: Great respect and hospitality was extended to The Salvation Army throughout the weekend visit. The General was seated on the front row during Sunday’s inauguration service, also attended by Majors Massimo and Jane Paone (Command Leaders, Italy).
Bramwell Booth recognised that in the masonic fraternities are incompatible with Christian teaching, it is masons who conduct ceremonies will have devoted themselves to Lucifer at as stated by Manley P Hall 33 o, "When The Mason learns that the Key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the Mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply this energy." (The Lost Keys Of Freemasonry, p. 48)
The Salvation Army still bears the name of Rothschild today (Red Shield), and there is even greater affiliation with freemasonry. The Salvation Army globally has members (and even officers) who are active freemasons, which is something the Salvation Army has been quiet about, others are in denial. Past Grand Master, Forrest D. Haggard, writes in the book "The Clergy and the Craft" p.134 published in 1930 "Lt. Colonel Reginald E. Clevett of the Salvation army feels "that we who have given time to Masonry have received from it a great deal, even much more then we are able to give."
P.136 Major H. H. Lawson of the Salvation Army, Johnson City, Tennessee: "Masonry has provided the most profound lessons to be found anywhere - and you find them, carefully followed, complimenting your own private faith."
Though Booth issued his condemnation of masonry, his association with the Rothschild's has led the Salvation Army not only to accept Masonry, but even collude with masonry.
Below is a compendium of official information on Salvation Army officials colluding and its affiliations to Freemasonry.
The Compromise is not only with Freemasonry, it is also with the Pope at the Vatican in Rome.
Salvation Army's statement:
The Pope greets the Army's international leaders at an ecumenical gathering the day following his inauguration.
Photograph by Arturo Mari courtesy of L'Osservatore Romano.
The person who is shaking the Pope's hand is Commissioner Freda Larsson seen with her husband Commissioner John Larsson became chief of the staff, second in command of The Salvation Army worldwide. His wife, Commissioner Freda Larsson, became World Secretary for Women’s Organisations (later Women's Ministries). They are now retired.
Following their comments they state: Great respect and hospitality was extended to The Salvation Army throughout the weekend visit. The General was seated on the front row during Sunday’s inauguration service, also attended by Majors Massimo and Jane Paone (Command Leaders, Italy).
General John Larsson and Commissioner Freda Larsson attended the inauguration of Pope Benedict XVI in Rome as guests of the Vatican. This was the first time a General of The Salvation Army has been present at a papal inauguration.
The Salvation Army purports "The Pope preached a powerful, Christ-centered address using simple gospel imagery. It was pastoral and evangelical. And it was interrupted by applause again and again.’ "
The next day, the Pope met the General and Commissioner Larsson during an ecumenical gathering with Christian leaders and representatives of different faiths.
Then they go on to say:
The General thanked the Pope for his Christ-centered message on the Sunday and assured him of the prayers of Salvationists. The pontiff thanked the General and expressed his hope that all Christians everywhere would work together to meet the challenges of a secular society.
Commissioner Larsson commented: ‘We came away from this historic occasion with a sense that Christian leaders have a renewed willingness to talk to each other and build on our points of unity.
The General added: 'Cardinal Walter Kasper, who is responsible at the Vatican for ecumenical matters, spoke for us all when he commented that the things that unite us are greater than those which divide.’
Papal Visit UK 2010
A British Christian, Ecumenical and known for supporting roles and advocates in the pro-homosexual community [see info...] reports "Commissioner Betty Matear of the Salvation Army and the Presidents of the ecumenical grouping Churches Together in England, have welcomed Pope Benedict XVI’s visit"
Commissioner John Matear, the Territorial Commander of the Salvation Army, hoped that the Papal visit would help the churches to "…together proclaim the good news of the Kingdom in word and deed".
Action of Churches Together Scotland reports:
Lieut - Colonel Alan Burns, Scotland Secretary for the Salvation Army says, 'On behalf of Salvationists in Scotland I’m pleased to welcome Pope Benedict XV1. His visit, coinciding with the feast of St Ninian, will give Christians throughout the nation opportunity to collectively celebrate the life and work of the Churches throughout the ages.
Statement from Scottish Christian:
Salvation Army Commissioner Betty Matear, said they hoped Pope Benedict XVI’s visit would be a source of encouragement to all of England’s churches.
Commissioner Betty Matear of the Salvation Army:
After the visit of the Pope to Westminster Abbey for the celebration of evening prayer, I was privileged to be invited to participate in a dinner and discussion hosted by our Government, involving Roman Catholic cardinals and bishops.
It confirmed that engagement of Church and State is critical and productive. It is important that the different parts of the Body of Christ, the Church, talk to one another. The recent visit gives us the opportunity to build and strengthen relationships and to be confident in the gospel of grace we share.
(Comment: No Commissioner Betty Matear the Church of Rome and the ecumenical movement do not share the same Gospel, the Church of Rome and the Pope is an abomination before God).
Together as the Body of Christ we work to express and understand the common faith we share and how we might live out the gospel of Jesus Christ.
(Comment: No Commissioner Betty Matear Common Faith with the Pope is not something we should share.)
I want to confirm that our Salvation Army is at the heart of all of this.
In recent days we took time to ask every division to share where we were working ecumenically and, to date, the responses stretch to a 28-page listing! There are no exceptions; in every division there is involvement at every level.
The words of 1 Corinthians 12 regarding the Body of Christ describe our interconnectedness, our roles and God’s desire and design for unity.
(Commissioner Betty Matear this is false doctrine and pure Blasphamy.)
The following described how the Salvation Army with their involvement with freemasonry has been falling into total apostasy.
Berwick on Tweed - 19th June 1937 Masonic Parade.
© Rosslyn Templars
Since we posted this interesting photograph several months ago we have received several enquiries asking what the organisation parading is or was. A number of suggestions have been offered but none of them were correct. We can now that the parade is being led by a Salvation Army Band and the main body is that of the International Order of Good Templars (IOGT). The Order originated in Syracuse, New York State, USA, in 1852. It later spread to many parts of the world including Scotland. It was conceived as a temperance organisation and remains so to this day.
[4] (Freemasonry Today Magazine Summer 2004 Issue 29) "the majority of Standard Lodge are members of the Salvation Army and are brass band players. Three such lodges were originally founded by Salvationists and in addition to Standard these are Constant trust, No. 7347, and Jubilate, No. 8561.
David B. Mortlock, Retired Bandmaster, Reading Central Salvation Army Band, Standard Lodge, No. 6820, Clerkenwell, London."
[5] Standard Lodge is now qualified as a Grand Patron for the Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys. Leslie Condon Trust – As with previous masters W.Bro Ray is pleased for the Lodge to support this trust in its assisting young Salvationists from developing countries to achieve their spiritual and musical aspirations.
[6] The Worshipful Master: "Joy, my wife, who has supported me in all my activities within the SA and professional life supports me in my new role as Master. " - W.Bro Ray
Since 17th June 1949 Todays Connection in freemasonry in the UK and Abroad can be seen from the following UK lodge has been founded by Salvation Army members for 58 years.
on the register of the United Grand Lodge of England and Wales Consecrated on 17th June 1949, Standard Lodge was formed by a number of members of The Salvation Army as a place where Salvationist brethren could join together in friendship. 58 years on, the lodge continues to go from strength to strength, growing in number, with the same aim and purpose of its founders, sharing fellowship under two flags.
Under its History:
Standard Lodge - its background and raison d'etre
The Lodge was founded in 1949, the first master being the late W.Bro. Charles Harris, PAGStB. The last remaining founder of the Lodge W Bro Will Gale, a grand officer, was promoted to the Grand Lodge Above during 1997. The invitation letter stated that it was desired that the founders should be members of the Salvation Amy or `very near Salvationists' and that the composition of the Lodge thereafter should be on those lines. It was to be a strictly temperance lodge. In obtaining the Army's acknowledgment of the establishment of the Lodge an undertaking was given that the Lodge would not initiate serving officers, it being the Army's belief that, with a full time commitment to the ministry, an officer would not have the available time and resources to participate in masonry.
Indeed, we understand that officers are now obliged to declare membership of freemasonry. The Lodge grew and many Salvationists were initiated into masonry and experienced the very special, rich fellowship which we all continue to enjoy today.
Extracted from a lecture by
W. Bro. Ollie Allen
Members are listed as:
W.Bro. F. Bailey,
W.Bro. T. T. Steventon,
W.Bro. I. Janes,
W.Bro. R. Guess,
W.Bro. C.Crosby,
W.Bro. G. Steventon,
W.Bro. C. Crosby,
Bro. D. B. Mortlock,
W.Bro. K Gamblin,
Bro. R. Crosby
W.Bro. N. Garbutt,
Bro. D. B. Mortlock,
Bro. M. R. Whybrow,
Bro. J. Staves
Bro. A. Mitchell
Bro. A. Munn
Bro. R. F. Munn
Bro. G. Twist
PM Senior Warden
PM Junior Warden
PM Chaplain
PM Treasurer
PM, LGR Secretary
PM, LGR Director of Ceremonies
PM, LGR Almoner
LR Charity Steward
PM, LGR Senior Deacon
Junior Deacon
PM 7347, SLGR, SLGCR, PPGStB (Essex) Asst. Director of Ceremonies
LR Organist
LR Asst. Secretary
Inner Guard
W.Bro. D. A. Becker,
According to the United Grand Lodge of England's masonic library and museum.
The Lodge of Constant Trust No. 7347, warranted on 2nd June 1954, and Jubilate Lodge No. 8561 were indeed connected with the Salvation Army but they were not the first. The Petition to form the Lodge of Constant Trust gives the following information:
“…the Standard Lodge is unique in its conception and formation, being made up of Salvationists and adherents to this Organisation. Because of this the number of applicants wishing to enter the Craft through the Lodge is very large. The object of forming a Daughter Lodge, which would follow the pattern of the Standard Lodge, is to continue to provide an entry to those who would like to be associated with their fellow-Salvationists, and at the same time prevent the Standard Lodge from becoming too large numerically (already after four and a half years the membership is 70).”
Standard Lodge No. 6820 was warranted on 2nd February 1949. The Petition records that the Founders consisted of Brethren who “are, and have been, connected with the Salvation Army”, although it was not intended to make it an official Salvation Army Lodge. Its purpose was “to provide a Temperance Lodge and meeting place in London for Provincial Brethren now domiciled in London , and Brethren from Overseas, engaed in the work of this world-wide organisation.”
Jubilate Lodge No. 8561 was warranted on 12th December 1973 as “another Lodge to meet [the] needs of Salvationist Masons in the North of England, to meet on common ground as Masons and Salvationists.”
Acording to the The Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire, the Salvation army meet at the three locations, the first location is Jubilate Lodge, No. 8561 Salvation Army meets in East Lancashire– at Shaw Masonic Hall, Kershaw Street , Shaw, Oldham.
- To see photos click on image below.

The Lodge of Constant Trust, No. 7347, the Salvation Army meets at 10 Duke Street, St James, London that the Salvation Army is confermed by the United Grand Lodge of England to be part of this Lodge the Freemasonry Databank states concerning the Lodge of Constant Trust:
Headquarters of Supreme Council 33 Degree is at 10 Duke Street, London. (Known as Grand East by Masons) The building contains a 'Black Room' a 'Red Room' and a 'Chamber of Death' for ritual purposes. No Mason can rise above the 18th Degree without the unanimous agreement of the entire Supreme Council.
Extracts from Stephen Knight: The Brotherhood: Pages 38-45
-To see photos click on image below.

Lodge with links to Salvationists is Standard Lodge, No. 6820. This meets at the Masonic Centre, Clerkenwell Green, Clerkenwell, London.
- To see photos click on image below.

Freemasonry Today - Letters to the Editor
Standard Lodge was privileged to use the Indian Temple in Great Queen Street for its fiftieth anniversary celebratory lodge meeting in 1999 and on that occasion we formed a twenty-piece brass band which played in the lodge meeting. The reason for our close association with brass bands is because the majority of Standard Lodge are members of the Salvation Army and are brass band players. Three such lodges were originally founded by Salvationists and in addition to Standard these are Constant trust, No. 7347, and Jubilate, No. 8561.
David B. Mortlock, Retired Bandmaster, Reading Central Salvation Army Band, Standard Lodge, No. 6820, Clerkenwell, London.

Image Licensed under the GFDL by the author; Released under the GNU Free Documentation License.
The Salvation Army of Metro Detroit USA served breakfast to thousands of Detroiters in need on Thanksgiving in 2010 at the Detroit Masonic Temple is the world's largest Masonic Temple. (USA) at 500 Temple Street the building serves as a home to various masonic organizations including the York Rite Sovereign College of North America. (source: Wikipedia)
If you have problems playing the videos click on the
YouTube logo to watch them on YouTube.
The Lodge of Constant Trust No. 7347, warranted on 2nd June 1954, and Jubilate Lodge No. 8561 were indeed connected with the Salvation Army but they were not the first. The Petition to form the Lodge of Constant Trust gives the following information:
“…the Standard Lodge is unique in its conception and formation, being made up of Salvationists and adherents to this Organisation. Because of this the number of applicants wishing to enter the Craft through the Lodge is very large. The object of forming a Daughter Lodge, which would follow the pattern of the Standard Lodge, is to continue to provide an entry to those who would like to be associated with their fellow-Salvationists, and at the same time prevent the Standard Lodge from becoming too large numerically (already after four and a half years the membership is 70).”
Standard Lodge No. 6820 was warranted on 2nd February 1949. The Petition records that the Founders consisted of Brethren who “are, and have been, connected with the Salvation Army”, although it was not intended to make it an official Salvation Army Lodge. Its purpose was “to provide a Temperance Lodge and meeting place in London for Provincial Brethren now domiciled in London , and Brethren from Overseas, engaed in the work of this world-wide organisation.”
Jubilate Lodge No. 8561 was warranted on 12th December 1973 as “another Lodge to meet [the] needs of Salvationist Masons in the North of England, to meet on common ground as Masons and Salvationists.”
Acording to the The Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire, the Salvation army meet at the three locations, the first location is Jubilate Lodge, No. 8561 Salvation Army meets in East Lancashire– at Shaw Masonic Hall, Kershaw Street , Shaw, Oldham.
- To see photos click on image below.
The Lodge of Constant Trust, No. 7347, the Salvation Army meets at 10 Duke Street, St James, London that the Salvation Army is confermed by the United Grand Lodge of England to be part of this Lodge the Freemasonry Databank states concerning the Lodge of Constant Trust:
Headquarters of Supreme Council 33 Degree is at 10 Duke Street, London. (Known as Grand East by Masons) The building contains a 'Black Room' a 'Red Room' and a 'Chamber of Death' for ritual purposes. No Mason can rise above the 18th Degree without the unanimous agreement of the entire Supreme Council.
Extracts from Stephen Knight: The Brotherhood: Pages 38-45
-To see photos click on image below.
Lodge with links to Salvationists is Standard Lodge, No. 6820. This meets at the Masonic Centre, Clerkenwell Green, Clerkenwell, London.
- To see photos click on image below.
Freemasonry Today - Letters to the Editor
Standard Lodge was privileged to use the Indian Temple in Great Queen Street for its fiftieth anniversary celebratory lodge meeting in 1999 and on that occasion we formed a twenty-piece brass band which played in the lodge meeting. The reason for our close association with brass bands is because the majority of Standard Lodge are members of the Salvation Army and are brass band players. Three such lodges were originally founded by Salvationists and in addition to Standard these are Constant trust, No. 7347, and Jubilate, No. 8561.
David B. Mortlock, Retired Bandmaster, Reading Central Salvation Army Band, Standard Lodge, No. 6820, Clerkenwell, London.
Image Licensed under the GFDL by the author; Released under the GNU Free Documentation License.
The Salvation Army of Metro Detroit USA served breakfast to thousands of Detroiters in need on Thanksgiving in 2010 at the Detroit Masonic Temple is the world's largest Masonic Temple. (USA) at 500 Temple Street the building serves as a home to various masonic organizations including the York Rite Sovereign College of North America. (source: Wikipedia)
If you have problems playing the videos click on the
YouTube logo to watch them on YouTube.

Image source Wikipedia: public domain.
George Washington Masonic National Memorial is a Masonic building and memorial located in Alexandria, Virginia. It is dedicated to the memory of George Washington, the first president of the United States, and a Mason.
C Hunter Ritchie Singing Eagles performing with the
Salvation Army Band at George Washington
Masonic Memorial in Alexandria VA on Dec 13,2009.
If you have problems playing the video click on the
YouTube logo to watch them on YouTube.
FREEMASONRY TODAY - Summer 2004 - Issue 29
Reading through the Spring issue of Freemasonry Today I was delighted to see the photograph of the Reading Central band of the Salvation Army during its performance at the 2003 Family Festive Concert in the Grand Temple. This is the second such event they have supported....
News Briefing

Reading Central Band of the Salvation Army with some of the Chorus
The Grand Temple was the setting for the second Family Festive Concert, and the 750 Freemasons, family and friends who attended enjoyed an exciting and entertaining evening. Andrew Parmley and Bob Corp-Reader had pulled out all the stops to ensure that the evening cracked along at a tremendous pace, with something to delight everyone.
Frank Renton was kind enough to compere the event and, as before, the Reading Central Band of the Salvation Army soon had the audience on their feet, enthusiastically joining in much-loved, traditional carols. The Anglo-Sierra Leone Choir, ‘dedicated Masons with a passion for singing’, gave a delightful rendition of ‘Ding Dong Merrily on High’ and, together with the London Masonic Choir and the Harrodian School Choir, contributed individual pieces as well as supporting the audience. In keeping with the tradition of such occasions, there were four readings to balance the music, all on the theme of Christmas, but from very different angles. Louise Roper, Will Wadham, Russell Race and Sir Tim Rice selected and read some delightful pieces. Tim Rice is Vice-President of the Children’ s Country Holiday Fund, one of the charities that benefited from the evening.
Image source Wikipedia: public domain.
George Washington Masonic National Memorial is a Masonic building and memorial located in Alexandria, Virginia. It is dedicated to the memory of George Washington, the first president of the United States, and a Mason.
C Hunter Ritchie Singing Eagles performing with the
Salvation Army Band at George Washington
Masonic Memorial in Alexandria VA on Dec 13,2009.
If you have problems playing the video click on the
YouTube logo to watch them on YouTube.
FREEMASONRY TODAY - Summer 2004 - Issue 29
Reading through the Spring issue of Freemasonry Today I was delighted to see the photograph of the Reading Central band of the Salvation Army during its performance at the 2003 Family Festive Concert in the Grand Temple. This is the second such event they have supported....
News Briefing
Reading Central Band of the Salvation Army with some of the Chorus
The Grand Temple was the setting for the second Family Festive Concert, and the 750 Freemasons, family and friends who attended enjoyed an exciting and entertaining evening. Andrew Parmley and Bob Corp-Reader had pulled out all the stops to ensure that the evening cracked along at a tremendous pace, with something to delight everyone.
Frank Renton was kind enough to compere the event and, as before, the Reading Central Band of the Salvation Army soon had the audience on their feet, enthusiastically joining in much-loved, traditional carols. The Anglo-Sierra Leone Choir, ‘dedicated Masons with a passion for singing’, gave a delightful rendition of ‘Ding Dong Merrily on High’ and, together with the London Masonic Choir and the Harrodian School Choir, contributed individual pieces as well as supporting the audience. In keeping with the tradition of such occasions, there were four readings to balance the music, all on the theme of Christmas, but from very different angles. Louise Roper, Will Wadham, Russell Race and Sir Tim Rice selected and read some delightful pieces. Tim Rice is Vice-President of the Children’ s Country Holiday Fund, one of the charities that benefited from the evening.
Caboolture Lodge Australia
Tents for the local needy children.
19th March 2009 the Worshipful Master presented the Salvation Army with a cheque, which was organised by Wor. Bro. Dawson, to assist them in the purchase of two new tents.
These are for the use of their ‘Guarding And Legions Activities’ group who hold regular camps to give the local underprivileged children experience of the great outdoors. This group is open for any child between the ages of 5 – 17 with many coming from poor socio-economic situations. This donation was greatly helped by the Board of Benevolence through their ‘Dollar for Dollar’ subsidy.
Tents for the local needy children.
19th March 2009 the Worshipful Master presented the Salvation Army with a cheque, which was organised by Wor. Bro. Dawson, to assist them in the purchase of two new tents.
These are for the use of their ‘Guarding And Legions Activities’ group who hold regular camps to give the local underprivileged children experience of the great outdoors. This group is open for any child between the ages of 5 – 17 with many coming from poor socio-economic situations. This donation was greatly helped by the Board of Benevolence through their ‘Dollar for Dollar’ subsidy.
Buckinghamshire Provincial Grand Lodge
David Malcolm Sawyer
Provincial Grand Chaplain
A committed member of the Salvation Army and became a Full-time Minister.
ISSUE 21, April 2007 MQ Magazine.
This ‘work’ has been so very compatible with my religious duties, and the great joy for me has been that I have always been able to carry out those Masonic duties as if I was wearing the Salvation Army uniform ‘S’ insignia on my collar.
There will inevitably be those who will say “Ah! But what about the Gospel of Christ – where does that fit into your belief as a Salvationist and your Masonic teaching!
Well, I don’t have a problem with that - but perhaps it could, or maybe should, be for a future discussion or article!
This site reports

Homeland Security (USA) has in partnership (a player on the same team): The United States Postal Service and the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army’s mission is an International movement of the Universal Christian Church to preach the gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ. My own assessment of Homeland Security is that it is unreliable at best and does not compare to ones own personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The reference to the Salvation Army as a partner is a cloak to conceal Homeland Security's own flaws. I do not say these things to cause offense or to dismiss the good that does come from their labor, but they are not operating by Christian teachings. The color warnings of potential terrorist attacks can easily be used to manipulate mass hysteria. There is reason that the Lord taught us that there is no fear in love!
Homeland Security (USA) has in partnership (a player on the same team): The United States Postal Service and the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army’s mission is an International movement of the Universal Christian Church to preach the gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ. My own assessment of Homeland Security is that it is unreliable at best and does not compare to ones own personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The reference to the Salvation Army as a partner is a cloak to conceal Homeland Security's own flaws. I do not say these things to cause offense or to dismiss the good that does come from their labor, but they are not operating by Christian teachings. The color warnings of potential terrorist attacks can easily be used to manipulate mass hysteria. There is reason that the Lord taught us that there is no fear in love!
The Honorable Thomas M. Davis III
Congressman from Virginia, United States House of Representatives
On November 17, 2002, Dr. John W. Boettjer, 33°, G.C. (l.), Managing Editor of the Scottish Rite Journal, presented Ill. David Kruger, 33°, then S.G.I.G. in Virginia, a copy, mounted in gold on a walnut plaque, of a tribute to Ill. Kruger as printed in the Congressional Record of September 19, 2002 (Vol. 148, No. 119). Photo: Ill. George A. Page, 33°
Mr. DAVIS: Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor Dr. David Kruger, an outstanding citizen of Alexandria, Virginia, who, for over half a century, has served his community
and humanity in many ways.
His downtown Alexandria optometry office is a local landmark patronized by a wide clientele. In fact, Dr. Kruger was among the first healthcare professionals to open his office in a past era
of discrimination to clients of every economic or social status and ethnicity. He is universally recognized as a leader in nearly every community cause and is honored by a caricature in an
Alexandria restaurant as a leading citizen.
Active in a variety of civic causes in Alexandria, he is especially noted for his support of and leadership roles in such community groups as the Red Cross, Boy Scouts, United Givers Fund, Kiwanis (President 1960), and the Salvation Army.
The Knights Templar
Conduits of Patriotism and Heresy (1882-1932)
Dr. Justin Walsh
Patrick Henry Callahan, a member from Boston who was active in the Democratic Party, worked through Secretary of War Newton D. Baker to get the centers approved. Callahan
assured Baker, "There will not be any propaganda or the remotest sort of proselyting [sic]." In return Baker gave the Knights the same privileges that the Young Men's Christian
Association (YMCA) had to establish nonsectarian service clubs. Between June 1917 and June 1919 hundreds of centers were established in the United States, France, Belgium, Italy,
and Germany-places where thousands of Catholics received the sacraments and enjoyed recreational amenities. These canteens were affectionately called "Caseys" by additional thousands of non-Catholic servicemen who received succor and "spiritual comfort without evangelization" in the spirit for which the Order was well known.
Ibid., pp.197-198.
The importance of this program and its ecumenical approach was spelled out by Cardinal Gibbons on July 4, 1917. "1 want to congratulate the Order for ...caring for the temporal and spiritual wants of the soldiers, regardless of their creed or membership in your Order," Gibbons wrote to Supreme. "Your [service center program] should forever stamp [you] as men of practical forethought, timely patriotism, and true Christian charity." In 1918 Bishop Peter J. Muldoon of Rockford, chairman of the National Catholic Welfare Conference (NCWC), was charged with coordination of all war work by the Church. Bishop Muldoon was even more effusive in praising the service program, telling Supreme:
[You] are the most important body of Catholic laymen that has ever existed in this country.... The Catholic Church is looking to you to make a record, you Grand Knights of the Gospel
of Jesus....The Knights of Columbus are doing a sacred work, a truly priestly work ....You are one in Christ and in His Prayer. You have behind you a united Catholic people. Therefore go forth for Jesus Christ and the Glory of the Church.
Ibid., letter from Gibbons, p.210, letter from Muldoon, p.219.
Such praise was sufficient to convince doubting Knights that the Order truly worked on behalf of God and Country. So after the Armistice in 1918 the Knights expanded their overseas operation to include occupation forces in Belgium, Italy, and Germany. Over the July 4 holiday in 1919 an ecumenical series of musical shows was presented in Antwerp. The theater was provided by the Catholic Knights, the entertainment by the
Protestant YMCA, and the orchestra by the Jewish Welfare Board. It was said at the time that the YMCA gained fame through its canteen service, the Salvation Army
through its coffee and donuts, and the Knights of Columbus through its sponsorship of athletic contests (boxing matches, basketball, and softball). In 1920 Secretary of War Newton Baker, a Mason, awarded the Distinguished Service Cross to Supreme Knight James Flaherty in recognition of contributions to the war effort by the Order.
Ibid., post-Armistice program, p.221, award to Flaherty, p.223.
Lodges light up Christmas
Del Woodford and Kay Henderson from the Salvation Army (both left) gratefully accept a hamper of goodies from Lodge Lismore City United members Tom Maxwell and Ken Hirst, and Lodge Eltham member Fred Trow and his wife Maisie.
Local Freemasons from Lodge Lismore City United and Lodge Eltham have joined forces to help local families this Christmas, donating a hamper of goodies to the Salvation Army.
The members wanted to spread a little joy, and are well aware of how important the Salvation Army's Christmas Appeal is to local people struggling to make ends meet.
"All these small donations add up and at Christmas time we are able to feed about 80 families and distribute toys to around 250 kids," said Del Woodford from the Salvation Army. "There are lot of families that would otherwise have nothing and we couldn't continue our valuable work without this sort of support."
The donation is just one of the many ways local Freemasons support the community throughout the year. Younger men are always wanted to join the local Lodges and there are plenty of social and community activities new members can participate in. It's a great way to give something back to the community and new members will be made very welcome.
District Masonic Trusts
Wellington Villages Trust made presentation to the Board covering all Masonic Retirement Villages in the Central Division. It was stated that lack of Government funding was affecting the viability of the retirement Homes. It was noted that Presbyterians, Methodists, RSA, Salvation Army and some Catholic Orders have sold their retirement homes for this reason. Mr Warwick Dunn, Chief Executive for Wellington Villages Trust thanked Freemasons for their ongoing support.
Old Scotch Lodge - a big year
The Lodge also assisted the Salvation Army's Red Shield Appeal in May, door knocking in the Hawthorn area and collecting more than $9,000.
The Operative Lodge No.150 (Aberdeen)
The brethren of the Operative Lodge have left their mark all over the world. Their work is their legacy and here is but a few: The Paris Opera House, the entire Thames Embankment, the London Bridge (now in Nevada U.S.A.) the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the State Capital Building in Austin, Texas, the foundations and lower level of the Freemasons Hall Edinburgh. In the Granite City there is Union Street, the C.G.U. Building, the Town House, the Salvation Army Citadel, the Marschal College, which is the second largest granite building in the world. And finally, the Aberdeen Masonic Temple, who’s history is also outlined on this web site.
17th Masonic District Lends Support to Manning
Salvation Army Kettle, Saturday, 4 December 2004
Members of the 17th Masonic District (Greater Portland) volunteered to assist the Salvation Army, Portland Corps with its Holiday fundraising efforts by manning a kettle for a 12 hour period at Shaw's Supermarket in Falmouth. Two Masons per
one hour shift spanning the 12 hours is all it took. The Masons and one lady who volunteered their time enjoyed the interaction with the public and felt good about their contribution to the community and to the Salvation Army.
Photos by Brother A. James Ross
Daskam-Columbia Lodge No. 25 A. F. & A.M.
John Heacock (left) and Bob Nordstrom (right),
two of the 11 brothers and 2 candidates of Daskam-
Columbia Lodge No. 25 who staffed the Holiday
Store with Jane King (center) of the Salvation Army.
Dec. TBD, Our lodge will ring the bell for the Salvation Army at the Wal-Marts in Fairhaven MA.
Joe A. Williams, PGM Grand Secretary
Joe A. Williams of Oklahoma was installed Grand Secretary at the 84th Annual Session in Denver, Colorado on June 19, 2004.
Brother Williams was born on May 16, 1936 in Enid, Oklahoma. In 1952, Brother Williams joined Guyman Chapter DeMolay in Guymon, Oklahoma.
DeMolay Career - Community Activities
Long active in his community, Brother Williams is a Past President of Sand Springs Lions Club, Chamber of Commerce, Education Foundation, Salvation Army and Museum Trust Authority. He is an Honorary Chapter Farmer of FFA. He served on the Tulsa County Charter Commission and the United Way Board.
Masons Answer the Call for Salvation Army
Staffing the phones for the Salvation Army's Coats for Kids telethon, officers and members of Lamberton Lodge No. 476, Lancaster, raised $8,620. Picking up on the spirit of giving, two months later the lodges of the 1st Masonic District contributed
another $4,000 to the Salvation Army. At work by the phones at WGAL-TV, Lancaster, are the brethren of Lamberton Lodge (l-r): Front Edward R. Lloyd, Chaplain; James E. Gustafson, W.M.; Douglas M. Wiker, then-D.D.G.M.; Richard C. Bledsoe, P.M.; and R. Steven Sturdevant, S.W. Rear Charles E. Landis, P.M.; Lester Turner; Walter R. Mull, P.M.; Charles H. Rahe II, Treas.; and Charles Smithgall, who also is the Mayor of Lancaster.
All DeMolay chapters observe an annual "Day of Comfort" between Thanksgiving and Christmas to emphasize the needs of others. Each chapter has its own program of service. Typical projects include volunteering at a nursing home, raising money for local and national charities, community clean-ups and renewal work parties. To raise funds for charity, members participate in various sales, fairs and community festivals. They conduct walk-a-thons, bike-a-thons, all-night dances, and other programs to encourage donors to pledge charitable gifts. Some chapters work at telethons; others ring bells for the Salvation Army. Many chapters participate in food banks and clothing drives, while others volunteer with Habitat for Humanity.
2004 Partner Recognition
Gallagher Bassett Services
Gardner Marketing Group
Garland ISD
Garland Masonic Lodge
Garland Space Center
Gary's Quality Plumbing
General Electric Company
Gem Plus
Lodge No. 25 A. F. & A.M.
In the cold that accompanied the December 20th snow storm, the volunteers from our Lodge found the warmth of holiday giving inside the Salvation Army Holiday Store at Somerset Square. On this morning, GPD dropped off the hundreds of unwrapped toys, which they had collected for distribution to help others have a happier holiday. Those shown are, from the left: John Heacock, Harold Rosenthal, Herb Grommeck and Arnie Grot.
After my contact with the Salvation Army they state:
Christianity has fundamental problems with Freemasonry. At its most basic level, any loyalty that claims to precede or conflict with a Christian's loyalty to Christ has no place in a Christian's life. Similarly, any way of life that would seek to put its own members' interests before those of other people in need does not square with Christ's teaching and example. Some Christians would go so far as to say that the lore of Freemasonry also exhibits elements of paganism.
As a Christian church, The Salvation Army prohibits its officers (ie full-time ordained ministers of religion) from membership of such secret societies. However, membership of the Freemasons is not at present explicitly proscribed for non-officer Salvationists (ie members of its worshipping congregations).
Salvation Army Webmail Administrator.
As the offical statement from the Salvation Army (USA): Unchristian organisations. Officers are not permitted to be members of any order, organisation, or secret society which requires that oaths be taken or credence be given to statements of belief, principle or practice clearly contrary to the spirit and teaching of Scripture.
Clearly this is a strange statement, the Salvation Army do not promote a true conservative Gospel message but a message that has been contaminated with ecumenism, freemasonry and various inter-faith groups.
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