Saturday, April 13, 2013

2520 Deception - M. Bauler

2520 Deception- 1/2- speaker M. Bauler

Michael Nicholas

Uploaded on Feb 19, 2012

Very significantly, the 2520 year prophecy was rarely discussed after 1844 by anyone in the Ad¬vent movement, except by Edson for several years.
It is doubly significant that the 2520 prophecy is not included in James White's 1850 prophetic
chart. That fact provides us with solid evidence that the "errors" in the 1843 Chart must have included the number "2520" on that chart! It is also significant that the Millerites in 1843 thought so little of the 2520 prophecy—that they only placed the four-digit number in the chart, with¬out any words to explain it. Even more significant, it was totally dropped after the new denomina¬tion came into existence after 1844.
It is believed, by some, that it was the 2520 year theory, and some of the other strange ideas which entered the Millerite movement, which kept Mil¬ler from accepting the midnight cry until just before it ended. The midnight cry was based on a pure Biblical message which combined Daniel 8:14, Leviticus 16, and Hebrews 8. It is never good for the human mind to become fascinated with error.
It is of the highest significance that Great Con¬troversy, 324-329, focuses exclusively on the 2300 year prophecy and the 70 week prophecy, which was part of it. Read Great Controversy, chapter 18, thoughtfully. Not one word about a 2520 prophecy is mentioned or even hinted at. Also notice that Leviticus 26 is not mentioned in those pages as the source of any time prophecy. The facts are clear.
Then read chapter 20 of Great Controversy, which tells about many leading people who preached the true message. Harriet is not included.

William Miller was a good man. We value his dedication and contributions to the Advent Move-ment. But we must keep in mind that Miller never accepted the Third Angel's Message. He had the wrong view of Daniel 7:25, Revelation 13; 11:19; 12:17; and 22:14. He rejected a correct understand¬ing of Daniel 7:9-10, 13 and the Investigative Judg¬ment. He did not understand the true meaning of Daniel 8:14. He did not have the light on the state of the dead and punishment of the wicked. He rejected the Fourth Commandment, the heavenly Sanctu¬ary, and the Spirit of Prophecy.
Although he was a good man and will be in heaven (SG 168), he was not a Seventh-day Adventist. We are not to base our doctrinal beliefs on his theo¬ries, when they do not agree with Bible/Spirit of Prophecy teachings.

Evaluation of the Manuscript The Time of the End by Jeff Pippenger

The Controversy In Newport Over the Teachings of Jeff Pippenger
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2520 Deception- 2/2- speaker M. Bauler

Michael Nicholas 

Uploaded on Feb 25, 2012

Again and again I have been warned in regard to time setting.
There will never again be a message that will be based on time. We are
not to know the definite time either for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit or
for the coming of Christ." (1SM 188)
Time will never be a test again. I saw that some were getting a false excitement, arising4
from preaching time." (1SM 188)
We are not to live upon time excitement. We are not to be engrossed with speculations
in regard to the times and the seasons which God has not revealed . . . . No
one will be able to predict just when that time [second coming] will come .
. . . You will not be able to say that He will come in one, two, or five
years, neither are you to put off His coming by stating that it may not be
for ten or twenty years." (1SM 189)
E. 1892:
"I have no specific time of which to speak when the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
will take place . . . . My message is that our only safety is in being ready for the
heavenly refreshing . . . . O, how much time has been wasted through giving
attention to trifling things." (1SM 192, from RH, March 29, 1892)
F. 1893:
False teachers may appear to be very zealous for the work of God, and may expend means to bring their
theories before the world and the church; but as they mingle error with truth, their
message is one of deception, and will lead souls into false paths. They are to be
met and opposed, not because they are bad men, but because they are teachers of
falsehood and are endeavoring to put upon falsehood the stamp of truth.
(TM 54, 55 from RH, Sept. 12, 1893)
G. 1894:
But there is no command for anyone to search the Scripture in order to
ascertain, if possible, when probation will close. God has no such message for
any mortal lips. He would have no mortal tongue declare that which He has
hidden in His secret councils." (1SM 191-92)
. . . .6
"There must be no long discussions presenting new theories in regard to
prophecies which God has already made plain . . . ."
(Manuscript 32a, 1896 [Manuscript Release #1308])
"The people now have a special message to give to the world, the third
angel's message. . . . ."
(2SM 102)


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