Thursday, November 05, 2009

The Catholic Plan to Evangelize Seventh-day Adventists

The Catholic Plan to Evangelize Seventh-day Adventists
by Samuele Bacchiocchi


The following was taken from THE END TIMES newsletter, volume 5 No. 4) by Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi


The Catholic Plan to Evangelize the Seventh-day Adventists:


"The Most Desirable Sectarian Group"


"To evangelize the Seventh-day Adventists with the true gospel,

constitutes the greatest gain of the Catholic Church to return the Protestants to Rome."


  1. To infiltrate among the Adventists. ideas, projects that could aid in bringing about a Catholic-Adventist closeness.

  2. Make concessions that would tend to bring together Catholic thinking among the Adventist.

  3. To look for, analyze, with the Seventh-day Adventists common objectives for .evangelization.

  4. To dismember mistaken paradigms that the Adventists have about the Roman Catholic Church.

  5. To demonstrate to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. that its origin as a church has no biblical basis.

  6. To demonstrate to the Seventh-day Adventists the falsehood of the writings of Ellen White.

  7. To demonstrate to the Seventh-day Adventists how prejudician (dangerous) to World peace, are there positions about the Pope, the Virgin Mary and Sunday as the day of rest.

  8. To point out to the Seventh-day Adventists that their church has the highest level of a Apostasy among the Protestants, due to the theological shakings that characterized it.

  9. To bare before the world the steps that the Adventist Church has taken. Through its legitimate leaders toward the Catholics and ecumenism.

  10. That the Seventh-day Adventist understand that not to unite with Catholics and Protestant, to search for world peace together, they would be blamed for all the evils and/or disasters that may befall the world.


