The Catholic Plan to Evangelize Seventh-day Adventists
by Samuele Bacchiocchi
The following was taken from THE END TIMES newsletter, volume 5 No. 4) by Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi
The Catholic Plan to Evangelize the Seventh-day Adventists:
"The Most Desirable Sectarian Group"
"To evangelize the Seventh-day Adventists with the true gospel,
constitutes the greatest gain of the Catholic Church to return the Protestants to Rome."
- To infiltrate among the Adventists. ideas, projects that could aid in bringing about a Catholic-Adventist closeness.
- Make concessions that would tend to bring together Catholic thinking among the Adventist.
- To look for, analyze, with the Seventh-day Adventists common objectives for .evangelization.
- To dismember mistaken paradigms that the Adventists have about the Roman Catholic Church.
- To demonstrate to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. that its origin as a church has no biblical basis.
- To demonstrate to the Seventh-day Adventists the falsehood of the writings of Ellen White.
- To demonstrate to the Seventh-day Adventists how prejudician (dangerous) to World peace, are there positions about the Pope, the Virgin Mary and Sunday as the day of rest.
- To point out to the Seventh-day Adventists that their church has the highest level of a Apostasy among the Protestants, due to the theological shakings that characterized it.
- To bare before the world the steps that the Adventist Church has taken. Through its legitimate leaders toward the Catholics and ecumenism.
- That the Seventh-day Adventist understand that not to unite with Catholics and Protestant, to search for world peace together, they would be blamed for all the evils and/or disasters that may befall the world.