"Islam is a religion of peace"
Currently there is a great debate in the western world about civil rights for Muslims. On the one hand, many would like to restrict the amount of influence of the Islamic culture on their society; While others, want to ensure that Muslims enjoy all the freedoms that are allowed under their country's laws. This issue has become a point of contention especially in the United States of America after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
The U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights ensures that religious establishment is prohibited; It also protects freedom of speech, of the press, and the right of petition. This is truly a Protestant, Christian document that protects freedoms provided by the Almighty God. This noble body of laws affords all of its citizens, and registered residents with liberties unparalleled in any other nation on earth. Our Declaration of Independence state:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Muslims Don't Reciprocate
Many Muslim countries are under Sharia Laws, while a few are secular nations. Under Sharia, all the laws of the country are strictly guided by the Koran; These are Theocratic Republics where the Koran supersedes all laws, and blasphemy is punishable by death. Under such a form of government only Islam is allowed to be practiced without restrictions. In a few of the Islamic nations there are a few exceptions to the religions that are permitted to be exercised; Such are Eastern Orthodox, and Roman Catholicism and its derivatives.
In the majority of Muslim countries there is no tolerance for anything considered to be foreign.
Yet, Muslims that have settled in the west have traditionally enjoyed religious, as well as financial freedom. They have benefited from decades of progress in Christian nations where secular laws provide freedoms that facilitate human development. Many Muslims have achieved success in the fields of Business, and even Politics. They have attended the finest educational institutions that money can buy where they have prepared themselves for their professions. This is something that is not reciprocated when Christians relocate in their countries. There are a myriad of obstacles in living in an Islamic country. The first obstacle is getting a visa to visit the country. For instance, Saudi Arabia is considered a holy land unfit for non-Muslims, except diplomats or soldiers.
Christianity is forbidden in the birthplace of Muhammad; Bibles are not allowed to be brought into most Muslim lands. Also, those that preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His plan of salvation do so at the risk of losing their lives. Many who have converted to Christianity in Islamic nations have been sentenced to death. Meanwhile, Islam is freely praticed in most western countries.
In the U.S. prison system Muslim adherents freely indoctrinate inmates in the Wahhabi principles with no resistance from the government. There have been protests in France and Britain where Muslims have demostrated defying the authorities, calling for the overthrow of their democratic systems.
When living in the west Muslims receive treatment that they don't provide for their hosts in their native countries. The "Mi casa es su casa" (my house is your house) principle, doesn't apply. What a shame? From Greece to Spain, from France to Finland, from Italy to Britain, from Argentina to Alaska, so many Muslims have been welcomed and integrated into western society; yet, their countries are private property. From Indonesia to Morocco their is a lack of tolerance for Christians, for Europeans, for North and South Americans; but, their citizens are welcome in their homelands. Muslims are treated as equals in most of the western countries; Yet, westerners are rarely allowed to do the same.
I just thought I'd mention this in the midst of all this politically correctness, and defense of Muslims in secular (Christian) nations. Most Muslims are decent law abiding citizens wherever they live in the western world; However, it's ironic that what's good for the goose, isn't good for the gander. It sure is different when the shoe is on the other foot?