"Men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil."
I pondered on: how men become so blind that they would come to consider the base things in life to be acceptable, and would encourage others to do do likewise. Then, it occured to me that the Lord Jesus Christ clearly instructed us that it would always be that way because most people reject the light of truth, and embrace darkness instead. Since there is nothing new under the sun as King Solomon once said, this continues as it has from Creation until the present...
When one rejects the light, one rejects the truth. And when one rejects the truth, common sense becomes corrupted; What is degenerate, decadent, and obscene becomes normal. Suddenly, the senses are perverted to the point that righteousness is intolerable; Normalcy is considered outmoded; What begins to occur in the life of the decadent individual is what Sociologist call "respect for the unrespectful" : A perspective by which everything has equal value. Also, a debunking motif (a process of questioning social norms and mores) is constantly used to re-evaluate all accepted customs and practices.
When one rejects the light, one rejects the truth. And when one rejects the truth, common sense becomes corrupted; What is degenerate, decadent, and obscene becomes normal. Suddenly, the senses are perverted to the point that righteousness is intolerable; Normalcy is considered outmoded; What begins to occur in the life of the decadent individual is what Sociologist call "respect for the unrespectful" : A perspective by which everything has equal value. Also, a debunking motif (a process of questioning social norms and mores) is constantly used to re-evaluate all accepted customs and practices.
Why should marriage be betwwen a man and a woman?
Why show I comb my hair? Why should I have hair, at all?
Who said that children should be told what to do?
Should a family consist of a man and a woman?
What's wrong with having premarital sex?
In essence all parameters are questioned; And the end result is a value-free existence. Up is down. Right is wrong, etc. In most Liberal Arts curriculum, Sociology is a prerequisite; Perhaps Sociologists not only set out to study Society, but also intended to shape it into what it has become today; Since one of the greatest sources of degeneracy are the Colleges and Universities: Anything goes City U.
This my friends is what has happened to America, the land that the Pilgrims founded; A land for those fleeing religious persecution and seeking for another country, one not found on the principles of this sinful world. Yet, Our nation (many of its citizens) now leads the whole world in rejection of truth and is on an unprecedented decline into the pits of utter darkness. Yes, this once great Protestant Constitutional Republic has descended to the dephts of confusing light for darkness; It now tolerates all types of deviancy, yet it ridicules those that chose to live righteously. The shinning city on the hill has become Sodom on the Potomac, Gomorrah on the Pacific.
In a few days they'll pretend to thank God Almighty for all His blessings. All the time eating, drinking, feasting without a true spirit of gratitude or repentance for their corrupt lackadaisical lifestyles. Then, come the Christmas and New Year's holy-days, more excuses to become inebriated and lavish their selfish appetites. More food, more booze, more money to buy gifts for people that already have garages (instead of a car) full of stuff. Among all this hedonistic bacchanalia: Where's God or His Son Jesus?
Changing - Light for Darkness. One dispels the other.
The further one gets from the truth, the better darkness looks...
Look around:
What's all the obssession with Lady Gaga and Beyonce? Rihanna's Umbrella? Prince William of UK (UNited KIngdom- what an oxymoron) and his live-in Fiancee Kate?, Don't ask don't tell?
Trivial decadence indeed. From light to darkness
16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
18He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
19And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
21But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
John 3:16-21
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