Compostella is a group of Christians from the EESC which was founded in December 2010.
In addition to its monthly prayer dinners, Compostella is branching out and holding round tables on issues related to the social doctrine of the church and other matters of interest.
The Compostella Group invites you to the high-level round table on work, to be held at the European Economic and Social Committee on 8 December 2011, thirty years on from the publication of the social encyclical Laborem exercens.

The guest speakers will include Michel Camdessus, former managing director of the IMF, and Emilio Gabaglio, former general secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation. The invitation and the detailed programme for the round table are attached.
How to register:
Staff of the European institutions: to facilitate organisation, please let us know in advance if you intend to take part in this event.
External visitors: so that we can arrange for you to be given access to the building and for reasons of security, please register for the event by emailing us your surname and first name. You will need to show your identity card at the entrance.
Registration will close at 6 p.m. on Tuesday 6 December.
In view of the capacity of the meeting room, only the first 250 people to arrive can be guaranteed a seat.
For information or to register, please
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