Expert: Dennis Wicklund - 5/1/2010
Can you explain why the adventist changed the 3 angels message sign to the flickering flame? God Bless
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I have read on their website that they say the new trademarked "logo" of the three-banded flames encircling the globe with the Bible as the foundation is the first "official" one. Regretfully, this follows all the other changes which the prophetic gift envisioned:
" The enemy of souls has sought to bring in the supposition that a great reformation was to take place among Seventh-day Adventists, and that this reformation would consist in giving up the doctrines which stand as the pillars of our faith, and engaging in a process of reorganization. Were this reformation to take place, what would result? -- The principles of truth that God in His wisdom has given to the remnant church would be discarded. Our religion would be changed. The fundamental principles that have sustained the work for the last fifty years would be accounted as error. A new organization would be established. Books of a new order would be written. A system of intellectual philosophy would be introduced. The founders of this system would go into the cities and do a wonderful work. The Sabbath, of course, would be lightly regarded, as also the God who created it. Nothing would be allowed to stand in the way of the new movement. The leaders would teach that virtue is better than vice, but God being removed, they would place their dependence on human power, which, without God, is worthless. Their foundation would be built on the sand, and storm and tempest would sweep away the structure." {SpTB07 39.3}
We must mark well the fact that this current church is based on "human power", and "nothing would be allowed to stand in the way" of all of it. There is nothing to do but pray and remain faithful ourselves. Call it out to those requiring a thus saith the Lord.
I have seen other websites calling this an Egyptian symbol with the cross and a sphere, and the all seeing eye. I believe they are correct. This is full proof of the wrong people taking over the offices since Christ has left her.
I believe the reason "why" they have done this logo is to deface the purity of the SDA pioneer Church and make any other such naming, etc... illegal thereby empowering protection from the state.
It's been a while since I had initially posted an answer to this question. I did actually stumble upon some additional information regarding this issue.
Apparently, just before the church officially changed their logo, there were many SDA publications showing up with three wavy lines. In the occult a serpent equates to the number six and the three wavy lines had made their appearance on such publications as, Zondervan's NIV Bible, the book: Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry (BEM), and other World Council of Churches publications. Isn't it a curious matter that the SDA Church would give heed to the number 666 in their church periodicals?
And since the SDA Church followed suit in their publications it must mean they sought to make a haughty and rebellious show of such matters of apostasy.
This information can be gleaned from the following video:
http://www.adventistonline.com/video/prophecy-countdown-the-jesuit (Video is no longer there.)
Can you explain why the adventist changed the 3 angels message sign to the flickering flame? God Bless
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I have read on their website that they say the new trademarked "logo" of the three-banded flames encircling the globe with the Bible as the foundation is the first "official" one. Regretfully, this follows all the other changes which the prophetic gift envisioned:
" The enemy of souls has sought to bring in the supposition that a great reformation was to take place among Seventh-day Adventists, and that this reformation would consist in giving up the doctrines which stand as the pillars of our faith, and engaging in a process of reorganization. Were this reformation to take place, what would result? -- The principles of truth that God in His wisdom has given to the remnant church would be discarded. Our religion would be changed. The fundamental principles that have sustained the work for the last fifty years would be accounted as error. A new organization would be established. Books of a new order would be written. A system of intellectual philosophy would be introduced. The founders of this system would go into the cities and do a wonderful work. The Sabbath, of course, would be lightly regarded, as also the God who created it. Nothing would be allowed to stand in the way of the new movement. The leaders would teach that virtue is better than vice, but God being removed, they would place their dependence on human power, which, without God, is worthless. Their foundation would be built on the sand, and storm and tempest would sweep away the structure." {SpTB07 39.3}
We must mark well the fact that this current church is based on "human power", and "nothing would be allowed to stand in the way" of all of it. There is nothing to do but pray and remain faithful ourselves. Call it out to those requiring a thus saith the Lord.
I have seen other websites calling this an Egyptian symbol with the cross and a sphere, and the all seeing eye. I believe they are correct. This is full proof of the wrong people taking over the offices since Christ has left her.
I believe the reason "why" they have done this logo is to deface the purity of the SDA pioneer Church and make any other such naming, etc... illegal thereby empowering protection from the state.
It's been a while since I had initially posted an answer to this question. I did actually stumble upon some additional information regarding this issue.
Apparently, just before the church officially changed their logo, there were many SDA publications showing up with three wavy lines. In the occult a serpent equates to the number six and the three wavy lines had made their appearance on such publications as, Zondervan's NIV Bible, the book: Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry (BEM), and other World Council of Churches publications. Isn't it a curious matter that the SDA Church would give heed to the number 666 in their church periodicals?
And since the SDA Church followed suit in their publications it must mean they sought to make a haughty and rebellious show of such matters of apostasy.
This information can be gleaned from the following video:
http://www.adventistonline.com/video/prophecy-countdown-the-jesuit (Video is no longer there.)
1 comment:
Steve Finnell:
I believe your statements are accurate and your documentation impressive. I see nothing but authentic affirmation of early Christian history in your comment.
Now, I speculate......
How do these facts relate to the General Conference of Seventh-day Advenstists sign change in the late 20th Century?
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