Saturday, March 10, 2012

United States, the interventionist turnover of the bishops approaches phase two


Timothy Dolan

The bishops are not only targeting ethically unacceptable choices on contraception, but also the death penalty. A new very Ratzinger-oriented course


vatican city

A “political” choice of U.S. bishops. At the Holy Trinity High School in Hicksville, the president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Cardinal Timothy Dolan announces “phase two” of the U.S. church, lined up for what he called the “battle for religious liberty”, against the “radical and unprecedented intrusion by the government in the minds of believers”.

On the other hand, in recent weeks three quarters of the U.S. episcopate has publicly expressed itself in defence of religious freedom. In late January, Benedict XVI recommended U.S. bishops to “prepare committed lay leaders and present a compelling articulation of the Christian view of man and society”. That is, “essential components of the new evangelization”. The Church does not exist to ensure things go well in the world but to save it, so when it proposes to save it, it contributes by making worldly things go well too. And many lay Christians involved in politics consider their work as “an essential component of the new evangelization”.


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