If the world stands at the brink of the World War III which is planned to produce Antichrist, we should not be too surprised to learn that the future False Prophet (Roman Catholic Pope - NEWS1052) is finally ready to show his true colors to the world.
Let us address these three events which reveal much about the inner heart of the Pontiff and the lateness of the prophetic hour in which the peoples of the world find themselves right now.
A) Pope Benedict XVI declared, not only that the Roman Catholic Church is the only real church, but that all Protestant churches are not really churches at all!
But, the real shock was Benedict's belief that Protestants cannot even have their own churches!
NEWS BRIEF: "Dismay and anger as Pope declares Protestants cannot have churches", by John Hooper in Rome and Stephen Bates, The Guardian (London), July 11, 2007
"Protestant churches yesterday reacted with dismay to a new declaration approved by Pope Benedict XVI insisting they were mere 'ecclesial communities' and their ministers effectively phonies with no right to give communion ... The view that Protestants cannot have churches was first set out by Pope Benedict seven years ago when, as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, he headed the Vatican 'ministry' for doctrine."
" 'It is nevertheless difficult to see how the title of 'Church' could possibly be attributed to [Protestant communities], given that they do not accept the theological notion of the Church in the Catholic sense and that they lack elements considered essential to the Catholic Church'."
When the current office holder of the future False Prophet -- the Roman Catholic Pope -- states that Protestant Churches have no right to exist because they "lack elements considered essential", that stand should shock discerning Christians greatly.
You see, right now, the Catholic Pontiff lacks the political power to energize his proclamation so that he could shut down all Protestant churches, but, once Antichrist is on the world scene, and the Pope serves him as his False Prophet (Revelation 13:11-15), he will have the political power at his disposal to shut down Protestant churches all across the globe, and do with its adherents what he wishes!
Remember, Revelation 13:16-18 reveals that the False Prophet is the one who will force the peoples of the world to take the Mark of the Beast, and cause those who refuse to be beheaded! A future Roman Catholic Pope -- serving the Antichrist -- will cause tens of millions of Protestant Christians to be martyred when they refuse his demand to take the Mark of the Beast.
That is the power of the future False Prophet, and that is the spirit of this proclamation!
Since the world seems standing at the cusp of the appearance of Antichrist, it is significant that the Roman Pope would strip away his mask so all people can see his genuine heart. He truly wants all Protestant churches to be shut down.
B) Pope Benedict revived the old "Tridentine Mass" said in Latin. This Mass was originally created in 1560 and was the standard Mass used all during the infamous Inquisition Period, during which over 70 million people were murdered and tortured simply because they would not accept the Catholic's "Salvation by Works", chief of which was the systems of Indulgence and Purgatory.
NEWS BRIEF: "Jewish groups protest Pope's decision to revive old Latin mass", YNET News,
"Pope Benedict XVI on Saturday removed restrictions on celebrating the old Latin Mass, reviving a rite that was all but swept away by the liberalizing reforms of the Second Vatican Council. The decision, a victory for traditional, conservative Roman Catholics, came over the objections of liberal-minded Catholics and angered Jews because the Tridentine Mass contains a prayer for their conversion."
We need to know exactly what the "Tridentine Mass" is, and why its reinstatement now might be important in this prophetic hour in which we live. Checking the Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia, we read:
"The Tridentine Mass is the common term used to refer to the Roman Rite Mass of the Catholic Church as contained in the successive editions of the Roman Missal promulgated from 1570 to 1962 .... Its most distinctive feature is that it is celebrated in Latin, and therefore it is also referred to as the 'Latin Mass'."
Two facts are critically important here:
1) The date when the Tridentine Mass was initiated was 1570. Therefore, this Mass was the Mass which the Roman Catholic Church was daily practicing during the time of the horrific Roman Catholic Inquisition, which lasted approximately from 1550-1850. Listen to the Wikipedia description of the Inquisition:
"In the 16th century, in Roman Inquisition, the Pope, Paul III, established a system of tribunals, ruled by the 'Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition', staffed by cardinals and other officials. In 1908 it was changed to 'Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office' by Saint Pope Pius X. In 1965, the 'Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office' was changed again to 'Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith', which persists down to today."
While I was reading the book, "Foxes' Book of the Martyrs", I was struck by the repeated instances in Europe when a large group of Catholic adherents would suddenly become frenzied and start attacking Protestants in very large numbers. These type of attacks occurred repeatedly over a number of centuries and in different parts of Europe.
I explored the possible reasons why Catholic people would turn in an instant from being normal human beings -- many of whom were friends and neighbors to the Protestants -- to being enraged killers. In some of the instances recorded, so many Protestants were murdered so rapidly that their collective blood flowed down the street emergency water drains like rainwater.
After some deliberation and study, I concluded that some form of Mind Control must be at work. But, what kind of Mind Control would be able to simultaneously afflict so many Catholics living in different eras of time and in different geographical locations? What do Roman Catholics do constantly, every week and many every day?
They attend Mass, said in Latin, the Tridentine Mass! Could this Mass possess hidden Mind Control? Further, could a supernatural spirit suddenly trigger a latent Mind Control message which had been implanted time and time again by this Mass?
Former Satanist, Doc Marquis, told me in no uncertain terms that the Mass, said in Latin, possesses very powerful Witchcraft. If the Mass is said in any other language, it loses all its powerful Witchcraft.
But, Doc also told me that hidden Mind Control triggers are contained within the Mass. These triggers could then be activated at the will of the demonic spirit which infuses Roman Catholicism.
Therefore, Pope Benedict XVI has just re-activated the very Mass which was used all during the time of the Inquisition! Whereas the Inquisition killed its tens of millions, the future Inquisition will kill billions. This next story speaks directly to the issue of the Roman Inquisition.
C) The Pope opened the refurbished torture chamber in the Vatican known as the "Pope's Dungeon", a relic from the days of the bloody Inquisition!
NEWS BRIEF: "Papal Dungeon Opens to Visitors", The Guardian (London), July 13, 2007
"ROME (AP) - The dungeon beneath the papal fortress of Castel Sant'Angelo, where popes of old locked up criminals and enemies, will temporarily reopen to the public on Friday after a 10-year closure for restoration work. Through August 26, visitors can take nighttime guided tours of the prison built in the fort's cellars by Pope Alexander VI in 1503, stepping through darkened cells and an infamous courtroom where death sentences were handed down."
Now, why would the Vatican spend 10 years and undoubtedly a lot of money, to resurrect a relic of the infamous Roman Inquisition? During the time of the Inquisition, it was common knowledge amongst the people that "the Popes had the best torturers". Therefore, whenever a prisoner could not be broken by a king's torturer, that king could then request that the Pope send his torturer to break the poor man.
One more fact is important in this story. During the time of the Inquisition, all dungeons and prisons served the requirements of the Inquisition. What was the name of the office of the Inquisition? Noting, above, where we quoted from the Wikipedia Encyclopedia, the names varied, from 'Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition' to the modern title, ''Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith".
Are you aware that Pope Benedict XVI was Cardinal Ratzinger, whom Pope John Paul II appointed as the new director of the 'Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith'? This office of the Inquisition had been closed for over 100 years, but Pope John Paul II reinstated this bloody institution, and appointed Cardinal Ratzinger as its director! (Read NEWS1676, "THE TRUE FACE OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC INQUISITION -- ROTTEN SPIRITUAL FRUIT FROM THE ABYSS OF HELL")
Therefore, these three stories all have one common factor: they point to the Inquisition, both to the future Inquisition in fulfillment of Revelation 13:11-18, and to the past Inquisition. In the first story, Pope Benedict XVI stated the core reason that the office of the future False Prophet will close Protestant churches and begin killing its adherents, i.e., he recognizes only Catholic Church as a genuine church, and all others are pretenders.
In the past two stories, the past Inquisition is clearly in view. As the world teeters on the brink of the planned World War III which will produce Antichrist, we should not be surprised that the Vatican is steering the Catholic faithful toward the tools of the Inquisition.
Source: http://cuttingedge.org/newsletters/
P.S. The definition (sustained here) of the FALSE PROPHET IS NOT BIBLICAL. Yet, the revealing nature of the message contained in this article is right on target, and on time! Also, the current PREFECT of "the congregation for the doctrine of the faith", is an American: William Levada of San Francisco, California. WOW! American as in North American Union? No wonder!
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