Part Four: What do THE SECRET, YOGA and HARRY POTTER have in common?
The Law of Attraction, root of THE SECRET, requires mastering the mind for power:
- command the Universe for what you want.
- visualize it is already yours in the present, and
- believe you have made it happen right now.
Mastering mental visualization of thoughts and desires, or learning how to “empower” oneself to bring about the like, is the core belief of self deification in eastern mysticism mingled with self adulating humanism. “I am able”. “I am my own master”. “I have power to create my own reality”. “I am able to control the universe”. “Within myself I have power to accomplish whatever I want”. “I can”. “I will”. These arrogant and grandiose imaginations are the echo of vain sentiments once voiced by Lucifer (19) known as the dragon, the serpent of old who is called the Devil and Satan (20) the Father of Lies, and more, who in his pride and arrogance believed himself to be equal to his Creator, the God above all gods. Satan’s narcissism didn’t make him God but his egotism presumed himself to have that status.
A Proverb says, “Through presumption comes nothing but strife” (21) Presumption gives one over to “a deluding influence so that they might believe what is false…” “be judged” for not believing the truth and taking “pleasure in wickedness” (22) Believers in the power of THE SECRET are being seduced by spirits of delusion who are bent on bringing destruction and bondage to their naïve victims.
New Age beliefs suggest we mimic Lucifer’s manipulations in order to gain power. The Harry Potter books encourage Harry, fellow students at Hogwarts occult Boarding school and millions of readers “to concentrate” in order to attain the power of young Harry the witch. (23)
Yoga too, according to its sacred text the Bhagavad-Gita, teaches that the goal of life is to free the mind and intellect from complexities and to “focus the mind” on the glory of the Self through the yoga of meditating techniques geared at realizing one’s true god-like nature akin to the essence of Brahman, the impersonal universal energy.
THE SECRET, Yoga and Harry Potter’s central theme is to “concentrate” through mental gymnastics and learn to focus, “tap into”, the so called innate “good” believed to be within the self in order to gain power and achieve what is desired.
Such is the essence of eastern mysticism and foundational to paganism, nature religions and humanism that encourage self deification. The Bible states within self is a “sin nature” prone to perpetuate evil, resulting in guilt and bringing about ultimate spiritual death (the separation of man from God). Only God can bridge the chasm of eternal death remedied by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross: for His death comes eternal life to the believer.
To look to self for power to raise oneself from eternal death and gain immortality is a futile exercise of faith and completely misplaced. Jesus said, “I am the Resurrection, and the Life: he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die.” (24)
Jesus also said, “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”(25) He gives rest from self seeking spirituality as offered in THE SECRET. He gives rest from programs of self transformation, self purification, self attainment of the “Elixir of Life or immortality as offered in Harry Potter (and the “Philosopher’s Stone” in UK or the Sorcerer’s Stone in USA). And, He gives rest from the mind altering spirituality of Yoga designed to further reincarnation.
(19) Isaiah. 14: 12 – 14
(20) Rev.12: 9
(21) Prov. 13:10
(22) 2 Thes. 2:11
(23) DVD Harry Potter: Witchcraft Repackaged. Making Evil Look Innocent
(24) John 11: 25-26
(25) Matt. 11:28
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