Updated 10/18/2001: Made easier to print out. Updated 12/11/2004
In our church and without, we happened to stumble upon some very strange people who kept struggling to put us into debate, claiming that this is one of the very strongest evidences that we are a free people. We then noticed that such people then began to tell us that our church and our state must change. We saw that they were very powerful and were accomplishing their objects. They arranged to have our media become debate boxes and soon we noticed that we who disagreed with their ideas for change, were not given equal billing for the exposure of our ideas. Then we were introduced to the internet, knowing that it had the potential of being a truly free medium. We saw that debate forums were already set up, but that the same people managed these forums. We went on these forums in order to defend the historic positions of our church. We quickly saw that was not an easy proposition. Those who demanded that our church must change, were very intelligent. It was clear they were trained in the doctrines and positions of our church better than we were. As we began to discuss the issues with them, we noticed that they were naturally unscrupulous. They did everything and everything to make their ideas dominate. We began to see that something was holding back our success contending against them, but didn't at first know what it was. It was then that we understood what was going on. Just from memory of what we had learned from the scriptures, we understood that neither Christ nor any of His Apostles nor any of the prophets told the people that they can entertain nor exercise any idea that is honestly believed. Jesus met different groups of people who argued with Him on doctrinal issues. Never once did He tell one group that they can just entertain what they believe and they are alright. He often told most of the groups He came in contact with that they were in error and cleared up the error for them using the scriptures. Thinking that Christ did this only because He was God, and that no one else could do this, we were reminded of the Sadducees, who presented Christ with a very difficult riddle. The Sadducees did not believe there was a resurrection. They believed that once a man died, that was it. They therefore presented against Christ a riddle none of their enemies could solve in Matt. 22:23-28: 23 The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and asked him, Watch then how Christ easily answers the issue: 29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. Notice that in the statement, Christ was showing that they were in error, but that the reason for their error was not the scriptures. CHRIST PUT THE BLAME ACTUALLY UPON THEM FOR MAKING THE MISTAKE. Christ upbraided them for not knowing that there is no marriage in heaven. He was saying that they should have known there was no marriage in heaven just by prayerfully reading and studying the scriptures. But where in the Old Testament scriptures does it say there will be no marriage in heaven?? What we got from that was that there basically is no excuse for being confused or in error with the bible in hand. This is the message Christ was giving. That sharply contrasts with what is constantly taught us today everywhere. The bible itself says that it is truth (John 17:17) with no "S" on the end. Is that why even now, many different Christian denominations exist? Taking therefore a lesson from this, we then went out in faith, understanding what was being done. As they constantly told us to dive into the sea of confusion they had created, telling us that all beliefs are equally justified, we told them NO! We had to tell them this, because we noticed THAT THEY THEMSELVES DID NOT SUBMERSE THEMSELVES INTO THE CONFUSION. We utilized all the years we had studied all the issues pertaining to our church and began to defend it. By their actions, they always claimed that they had to give the final word. They denied this by their words. When we gave different opinions that contradicted theirs, they never rested till we all believed what they wanted. They attacked us constantly every waking moment because we disagreed with their beliefs and proved them wrong. It was not long before it was seen that we then had a sizeable advantage. We were able to defeat them in most every single argument. This was quickly proven by the way new and strange people began to swarm upon us and attack us, even with accusations of insanity, bigotry, intolerance, as if those people had been looking in their mirrors all day long every day. Soon matters we could not understand were constantly and miraculously being opened to us until there was no stopping us. We were then kicked off of most of those forums with the fabricated excuses they brought, and the strange people began to babble daily to all others how what they did was not censorship. They began to attack most everything our church ever taught and then demanded that we go a certain way. While making demands on us, they constantly insisted that all opinions must be voiced and that no one can condemn an honest position that is honestly believed. It was not until we refused to jump into the confusion they brought that we were able to defeat them, and ultimately to know who they actually were. That is what we are here to teach you!... |
We are in a very critical situation today. Two planes plowed into the WTC buildings penetrating straight through traditionally heavily-controlled airspace and met their targets without even a military jet to accompany them. Those planes traveled from far distances in terror attacks that were planned by Islamic extremists. From that distance how did they know they would penetrate? Such a distance to travel at the risk of being laughing stocks to the Islamic world!
After 3,000 people died, then followed a progression of certain people BENEFITING from that disaster. The American people didn't benefit: they lost some of their liberties and they are constantly even promised that more terror attacks would occur. They are told they must never go back to the days when American was considered impregnable to terrorism even while maintaining all of their privileges and liberties. When Osama Bin Laden threatens America on the media, they must listen!
Osama Bin Laden didn't benefit. He is hiding in mountains presumably. Lost world sympathy. Bush and all those who never listen to the Arab Islamic plight are stronger, and the many who would even sympathize with their plight worsened through American intervention are weaker and more silenced since the government claims liberties from them instantly. More Arab lives were lost than what Bin Laden took at 911. Now the prospect is for the United States to become a dictatorship, placing its citizens under Martial Law. With our national leaders that strong, what good will it do for the Islamic plight? Therefore a mystery presents itself before us.
With such attacks conceived to have materialized through angering the Arab Islamists, President Bush put his sights on Iraq when already the terrorism issue and offending Arab Islamists had become an issue. That country was already contained under no-fly-zones to the point where even their closest neighbors were not worried about them. Then, traditional psychiatrists who know what paranoia is, sided with Bush's call for a war in Iraq. They went in and did what was expected.
After already pulverizing Iraq a short time earlier during Operation Desert Storm, and easily defeating her with a minimum of casualties, America went over there with powerful and advanced tanks and artillery to again accomplish the same thing. We had tanks that could see their tanks long before they could see ours in the distance. We had tanks with ranges of fire far above theirs. It was a wild slaughter! When they couldn't even see our tanks we were able to blow theirs up from far distances! Many of the Iraqi tanks were taken out without even knowing what hit them! WE ALWAYS HAD SUPERIORITY IN THAT WE HAD AERIAL SURVEILLANCE OF THEIR COUNTRY. You tell me they had that advantage on ours. With aerial surveillance, it is all the more we should have known for sure that Iraq DIDN'T have weapons of mass destruction. And yet while Iraq was saying that it didn't and there was confusion over the issue, North Korea announced and unveiled its weapons of mass destruction in our faces as we were presenting to the world a moral imperative that no brutal nation should possess such. When North Korea did that, and presented the finger before us, many were not surprised that we had to ignore them.
To this day there are people who contend that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and that they had ties to the 911 tragedy. To this day when asked how those planes can penetrate our airspace like that without a single military jet present to even inquire who they are, we struggle against people telling us that the former presidential administration didn't do his job. To this day we struggle with people telling us the government needs to keep taking more of our liberties away. To this day our nation cannot seem to figure out that Bush diverted the war on terror over to Iraq, and then, after saying he wanted Osama Bin Laden "dead or alive" wound up later confessing that he is not worried about Osama. Now we can't seem to convince anyone that the enormous deficit we have allowed Bush to put us through will destroy our country, and that buying paranoia medicine for him would have been more worth while. We cannot seem to convince anyone to understand that we should not empower someone who has ties to the Bin Laden family to be able to arrest and detain anyone without charge indefinitely and without any legal recourse on the suspicion of having ties to terrorists! We cannot seem to convince anyone that the principles of the Patriot Act described above WERE ALWAYS ALREADY PRACTICED BY THE NAZIS AND COMMUNISTS, and that by accepting the Patriot Act, WE ARE GIVING HONOR TO THOSE HORRIBLE REGIMES! It's copyright infringement!
We are actually struggling with a reversal of American principle as we move closer and closer to the communist and Nazi regimes. Every step of the way as we are being forced in that direction, the ones who do it cry out "FREEDOM! FREEDOM!" to throw sand in our eyes so that they can take us backward! We struggle constantly with Nazis, when viewing our posts on the internet, merely bringing in short words of insult and accusations against us that we are insane. They can never ignore us. They keep coming in and coming in and trailing our posts in the hopes of smothering out the truths we are revealing about their ultra-treason. They refuse to contribute to discussion for obvious reasons. Why is this?
WHY IS THIS? WHY ARE WE IN THIS STRUGGLE? We are here to show you why! It was from strong and secret efforts against us dating back since the very beginnings of this country! First comes infiltration, and then it all culminates to something else seemingly harmless. Before we go into that, let's hear the assessment of someone who is working for this country to fall. On the newsgroups he attacked us and was very upset with us because we opposed the unconstitutional Patriot Act enacted by George Bush. He struggled against us persistently claiming that we are giving aid to the terrorists and destroying America by destroying that law. Later on in discussion, this is what he stated talking about THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA:
Already collapsed because of it's own inadequacies. It's hopeless to try
to save it now!
Our contention is that the statement is true, and we are here to show you why!
We have noticed that everywhere we have been hearing this great call for DIVERSITY. We have heard it loudly from our government. We have heard it clearly from our media, and we have definitely heard it loudly and clearly from our churches. All of these entities tell us that we MUST have DIVERSITY. What do they mean? What are they talking about? IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!!
In our society, we have heard about DIVERSITY in the form of multiculturalism and the many blessings it has brought upon the world. Is multiculturalism bad??? Why are these things happening so rhythmically and universally? When did this change come and what is the purpose of this idea about DIVERSITY? Was there always this great hype about diversity and multiculturalism in the United States in previous decades? Was it really always considered a part of the American Dream? Well the actual answer to why there is this great push for diversity is found in the distant past before this nation was born. The period of time in which to find the answers can be found during the Protestant Reformation. Arguments took place during the Protestant Reformation which can enlighten us about what is going on among us today. It goes like this:
When this great nation came into being, it was established upon two basic principles: Republicanism and PROTESTANTISM. This should give us a clue as to what is taking place and who or what is behind the changes which are now coming fast upon us; for during the Protestant Reformation, the question we are now absorbed with as we are on the brink of disaster was the same absorbing one which produced this great nation: WHO OR WHAT WILL LEAD! WHO HAS THE ANSWERS!! All we need now is for some unforeseen crisis to hit and we will find ourselves back at square one asking the same questions that were asked when people started to realize what freedom was. If an unprecedented major crisis hits, how will we get out of it? If that happens, will we not hear all kinds of different opinions flying around the air telling us what we should do to get out of it?? In a situation like this, who will lead?
A typical example of this question in debate is exemplified by the confrontation between Queen Mary of Scotland and the great Reformer, John Knox. Both the Queen of Scotland, representing the Vatican, and John Knox, representing Protestantism, declared that the source of right decisions came from God's Word: the Bible.
The Vatican had always stated however that the bible of itself is rather useless to the common reader. It requires INTERPRETATION. There is where they claim the church comes in and is essential. They reasoned that the church was what created and gave the bible to the world, and that therefore the church alone could interpret that word to the people. She only will make the decisions. The issue here was who or what will lead: who will make the right decisions for the civil and religious governance of the people. It requires right decisions to preserve nations in prosperity. WHO WILL MAKE THOSE RIGHT DECISIONS?
Queen Mary said concerning the controversy between the Vatican and Knox:
"Ye interpret the Scriptures in one manner, and they [the Roman Catholic teachers] interpret in another; whom shall I believe, and who shall be the judge?"
Right here therefore we see DIVERSITY. Two different entities have different opinions or views about crucial matters. According to this quotation AND TO COMMON SENSE, this is not a desired circumstance. THIS IS CONFUSION! It doesn't profit anything to be in confusion. Is this condition regarded the same way today?
John Knox responded to the queen with the typical Protestant response:
"Ye shall believe God, that plainly speaketh in His word. And farther than the word teaches you, ye neither shall believe the one nor the other. The word of god is plain in itself; and if there appear any obscurity in one place, the Holy Ghost, which is never contrary to Himself, explains the same more clearly in other places, so that there can remain no doubt but unto such as remain obstinately ignorant." -- David Laing, The Collected Works of John Knox, Vol. 2, pp. 281, 284.
Here Knox was not denying that there was confusion, but he speaks authoritatively with a seeming answer for the problem. Knox was here stating that the decisions for who or what will lead and where the right decisions will come from centered upon each individual; that each individual could find something called TRUTH from the Bible and that this is what will build and preserve society in stability, equity and peace; for if you found out the truth about a particular subject or topic, and I found out the truth about the exact self-same subject or topic, would we disagree with each other? Obviously no.
Knox was here giving the typical Protestant argument. Each individual will study the bible and seek wisdom from God for himself and this study will enable each one to find THE TRUTH. When that happens then unity will be created. When they all know the truth, naturally they will all agree with each other. THEY, IN THE PROCESS OF TIME, WILL ALL COME TO THE SAME CONCLUSIONS! Each individual with his own unique and diverse habits, customs, cultures and temperaments will ULTIMATELY arrive at the same conclusions and ideas which will establish the laws and decisions that will govern the nation.
But how can this be, you might question. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THIS WAS THE MISSION OF PROTESTANTISM! Do you understand what is being said here?! The Protestants were saying that they did not need A DICTATOR!
It was to free the world from the tyranny of Rome so that all people could discover THE TRUTH from the Bible for themselves why Protestantism arose, and the basic reason why it was necessary to find the truth was not only to preserve society, but to enable everyone to properly prepare for the coming of the Lord. When truth is found, everyone who finds it becomes "free".
Indeed it was not all kinds of different opinions warring against each other that started the Constitution of the United States. We ourselves today and now can NEVER duplicate such a document again, for we have been sabotaged into thinking that DIVERSITY of belief is a vital necessity leading us to our full potential. We will show you that this isn't true!
Yet of course, as we just saw the Catholic argument and the Protestant argument, we can plainly see that the Protestant position was a much harder act to follow. In the Vatican position, with one man at the head rendering the decisions over a host of people sworn to obedience and surrender, it is easily understood why there would be unity. One man decides. All the decisions come from one man. If everyone is sworn to surrender his individual opinions to that one man, how can there not be unity and agreement?
Yet the Protestant position was that unity could be secured in a most miraculous way--a way which passes all understanding: That bible would be given to everyone translated into his own diverse language, culture, upbringing and situation, and would possess in it definite instruction which all would be then expected to understand and abide to. This book will then ultimately bring them to the same conclusions about everything relating to life, morality and politics. HOW CAN THIS BE?? That can be because there is supposed to be one Man named Jesus Christ whom all are supposed to surrender to and follow. The problem is knowing what the Lord really says and means in His Word. The Vatican already said something about that Word that she claims makes her existence a necessity for the world. The question therefore was, can Protestantism in the process of time fulfill such a seemingly impossible expectation? Can she know what truth is and therefore gain unity of belief among her? What a seemingly impossible position! Rome said it was impossible! From that day to this, there has been a mission to thwart this purpose. Can you see the signs pointing to this mission?
The typical response to this from Rome was, "You can't find the truth without us! Only we have the truth! If we just gave you the Bible to do as you please, you will misinterpret it!" Rome said, "Only we can interpret the Scriptures!" The Vatican then said--listen now, for this is crucial: "IF WE GAVE THE BIBLE TO YOU TO INTERPRET THE SCRIPTURES, THERE WOULD BE NOTHING BUT CHAOS AND CONFUSION."
Ladies and gentlemen, look around you! What do you see! Do you see chaos and confusion? ROME WAS RIGHT! Isn't this exactly what Rome said would happen if she allowed us to have the freedom to interpret the Bible for ourselves according to the dictates of our consciences? That's exactly what we established this nation to do! Among the Protestants, it was to show the miraculous power of the Bible to create unity from each individual going up. LOOK! ROME WAS RIGHT! We established this nation, AND MADE FOOLS OF OURSELVES! ROME WAS RIGHT! But was she? How did we get as confused as we are now?
This nation was around for over 200 years. It passed many years when it was recognized as a stable fortress and a bastion of freedom. It was considered the most secure nation in the world, and there was a time when it was the undisputed superpower of the world. WHAT HAS HAPPENED SINCE?!! What happened was that certain "changes" began to take place. Did you not see and hear people preach to us that DIVERSITY IS THE SECRET OF OUR STRENGTH?? Did you not notice people around who were plainly not happy until we had all kinds of different views?? Who are they, and why are they here?
Haven't you noticed that seemingly all of a sudden we see people of influence and authority coming in and telling us we must have different ideas about everything? Even in church we notice that it has become a terrible burden for members to have all kinds of differing and conflicting ideas. In both church and state the necessity for diversity is all consuming. Those of influence and authority in both church and state therefore urged us to be different and to be diverse in everything--ESPECIALLY IN DOCTRINE AND MORALS which also encompasses political theory and decision making. What are they up to?
The truth is that they often flaunt diversity of races and cultures, but that is not their real target. They merely use diversity of races and cultures as a cover-up in order to appeal to you to accept another kind of diversity which is their real target: diversity over doctrine and morals: What is right and what is wrong. There is nothing wrong with having multiple cultures in any country. That, however, is not what the plan is. Those who are pushing multiculturalism for change, really do not give a hoot about multiculturalism. They have another agenda up their sleeves.
Do not be fooled. The great hype now created in all our trusted media and institutions for racial and cultural diversity is unexplainable outside of a conspiracy. For your information, in the United States of America, racial and cultural diversity was always prevalent, and was never anything new. There was never any big hype about it practically until the late 80s and 90s. Immigration here was always big because it was a nation which provided freedom from oppression. Just go visit the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City, and observe the pictures taken of the people who worked to construct it. You will find that most of them were immigrants. The Brooklyn Bridge was built in the 1880s. Yet with all this hype over racial and cultural diversity, we are given the impression that this is something new. Don't believe it! All this hype over diversity of races and cultures is to bring in another kind of diversity designed to weaken the nations. That is where all this relativism comes from.
Is it true that Protestantism could have proved that indeed the Bible in the hands of the common people itself can provide peace, sure direction, a stable society and unity? Why would anyone have a burden to teach us to think differently or to have different ideas? Why would anyone not be happy unless they create an environment of confusion with gray areas? LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. THE SECRET TO THE CHANGES TAKING PLACE IN SOCIETY TODAY, THE SECRET TO THE DECLINE OF OUR SOCIETY, THE LOSS OF POWER OF THE CITIZENRY FOR GOVERNANCE AND GOVERNMENT, THE CRIME WHICH TORTURES OUR NATION AND THE FORESEEABLE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE LIES IN A CERTAIN AND VERY COMMON EXPRESSION WE HEAR MOST EVERYDAY. THAT EXPRESSION IS:
--probably one of the biggest lies in the history of the earth! Since the inception of this principle we have seen nothing but trouble!
What could be wrong with such an expression you say?
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