Setting The Stage For a North American Union Currency
By Dana Gabriel
We live in a time of sky rocketing trade deficits. The housing bubble is
ready to burst, and more and more jobs are being outsourced. America has
become more of a service-based economy, resulting in a lower number of goods
being exported. We are witnessing the death of the middle class by design.
The dollar is being further devalued and its collapse is imminent. The
global elite are looting the economy and setting the stage for a North
American Union currency. They are the ones orchestrating the devaluation of
the dollar, and will pose as our saviors by offering a single currency
called the amero as their solution. Through the Security and Prosperity
Partnership (SPP) of North America, working groups are busy integrating the
U.S., Canada, and Mexico into a North American Union. Those who do favor a
European Union style continental integration view the idea of a unified
currency as essential. Abandoning the dollar will be very unpopular with
many Americans, but as it continues its painful collapse and becomes weaker,
arguments for a regional currency will only be further bolstered.
Many argue that a regional currency and a North American Union will be
needed in order to compete with the European Union and the euro. There seems
to be no end to the dollar's woes as it continues to hit record lows against
the euro. Large and ever growing trade deficits with China further threaten
the dollar, and the euro is competing as the international foreign reserve
currency. A single North American currency is nothing new as the idea has
been floated around for some time. In 1999 , economist and former Canadian
Member of Parliament Herbert G. Grubel published his paper, “The Case for
the Amero: The Economics and Politics of a North American Monetary Union.”
It is interesting that he gives 2010 as the possible timetable for the
introduction of the amero. This happens to coincide with the Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR) task force's report, “Building a North American
Community,” which also states the target year of 2010 for the implementation
of their recommendations in matters of economics, politics and security.
This report is considered by many to be the blueprint for the SPP, which was
signed in March of 2005. It is through the SPP process that a North American
Union is being created. The proposed amero would be a single North American
fiat currency. This would give the global elite control of North America
through the power of currency creation and would further facilitate in the
consolidation of wealth and power in the region.
The CFR supports a switch to regional and global currencies, and an end to
national currencies. They have had their tentacles in almost every
administration, with the goal of destroying U.S. sovereignty. Benn Steil,
the CFR's Director of International Economics said, “countries should
abandon monetary nationalism. Governments should replace national
currencies.” The CFR wishes to divide the economies of the world into three
different regions, each with its own currency. Ending monetary nationalism
will result in the loss of economic sovereignty. In an article entitled “The
Death of Three Nations,” Alan Burkhart states, “Our currency will be
replaced with the Amero. And we'll be one giant step closer to the UN's
perverse dream of a one-world government.” A North American Union and the
amero are only one small part of the New World Order's agenda to enslave
Many consider Robert Pastor to be, “the father of the North American Union,”
as he has been one of the leading advocates for deeper integration. He
envisions a North America with its own currency, the amero. He was one of
the vice chairs of the “Building a North American Community” report. He
often uses word semantics, and by referring to a North American Community
instead of Union, it sounds less ominous and threatening, when there is
really little difference. According to Pastor, a time is coming soon when a
common currency will be needed to compete with the euro. He has said that
another 9/11 terrorist attack could create the right climate needed to
advance integration into a North American Community. He stated,”What I'm
saying is that a crisis is an event which can force democratic governments
to make difficult decisions like those that would be required to create a
North American Community.” After a terrorist attack or an economic collapse,
many more would accept the idea of the amero and a North American Union as
both reasonable solutions.
In May of this year David Dodge Governor of the Bank of Canada said that a
unified currency with the U.S. was a real possibility. Bob Chapman,
publisher of the news letter, the International Forecaster, said that the
amero, “will be presented to the American public as the administrations
solution for dollar recovery.” Steve Previs, a vice president at Jefferies
International LTD., a London investment firm, has openly prompted a move
over to the amero. Speaking of the amero, he said that it, “is a proposed
currency for a North American Community which is being developed right now
between Canada, the U.S., and Mexico.” He went on to say that the agenda is
a, “borderless community, much like the European Union, with the U.S.
dollar, the Canadian dollar, and the Mexican peso being replaced by the
amero.” A couple of weeks ago, was informing their
clients that the amero could be introduced as a North American currency
sometime in the next ten years. If there wasn't already enough proof that
the amero and the North American Union agenda are real and not some made up
conspiracy theories, former Mexican President Vicente Fox only reaffirmed
these suspicions in interviews on the Larry King Show and on the Daily Show
with Jon Stewart. Fox is a true globalist, and on the Larry King Show he
expressed that President Bush has been working towards a single currency
similar to the euro. On the Daily Show, he argued in favor of a North
American Union, using the EU as its model. This was an incredible admission
by a most senior former government official as he publicly advocated for the
creation of a North American Union and its own currency. This was not a slip
of the tongue as it was meant to present this agenda in a positive manner,
test the waters, and further condition the people for its eventual
implementation if we are unable to stop it.
There is an even bigger gap between rich and poor, and the death of the
middle class is almost complete. It is the multinational corporations who
benefit from trade deals like NAFTA and CAFTA, and a North American Union
will be no different. The corporate takeover of North America is a
destructive cycle that will only serve to further widen the gap between rich
and poor. The unholy alliance between government and multinational
corporations has been exposed on many levels. This is no longer our
government, as they have ceased to be for the people and have become for the
rich, by the rich, and for the rich as big business interests come before
our own. The amero is part of the integration of the U.S., Canada, and
Mexico into a North American Union. The current global crisis and the
dollar's imminent collapse could be the right climate for the introduction
of a regional currency. The amero will mean the end of our financial
sovereignty, and will further undermine America's ability to control its own
economic independence.
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