Recently, Senator (Dem) Bill Nelson, and Governor (Rep) Charlie Crist, both called for the Florida Presidential Primary, to be rescheduled so that the votes and their delegates would count. Well, Florida this year decided to up the ante by moving its Primary Elections to January; Much to the chagrin of the Democrat Party, and other States in the union. Now, after the matter was consummated and nearly two months have lapsed; Florida wants a 'do over'. You can't have it both ways. Either you play by the rules, or you play be your own, and loose the game. It's that simple. But, in Florida, a.k.a. (South of the Border) Beef Republic (note the similarity with Banana Republic), anything having to do with elections is fair game for controversy. In Florida, L.D.U., the land down under, where the constant alibi when a driver rams his car into a building, is: "I meant to step on the gas, but, I stepped on the gas, instead".
Here it's not one man, one vote. Not here! Here it's one man, several votes. After all, this is Florida;
Where waterfront property still means a 'lot' (at a trailer park) in front of a swamp or a ditch.
This reminds one of the years 2000, and 2004, when Florida was in the epicentre of both Presidential Elections. The latest, two anachronisms of what our nation's political process has degraded to. Two races down the ditch.
If you can call them that?
It also brings to mind the Hanging Chad, and the Pregnant Chad. Also Katherine Harris, the Florida Secretary of State, and her boss, Governor 'Jeb' (nee: John Ellis) Bush; Who both decided an election, per se.
Now Bill Nelson, and Charlie Christ continue to amaze the rest of the country with their sunbelt antics. They probably wonder; It's probably something in the water? Something which the media confirmed this week: That scientific research has acknowledged that up to 36 harmful-foreign elements are contained in 44 (tested) communities' drinking water systems. Therefore, the drinking water is laced with harmful phamaceuticals, and other chemicals.
What about Florida's water? Is it something in their water, or what?
Could it be March Madness? Or are they this crazy all the time?
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