Monday, December 22, 2008



Part 1...







Take a look now at the following concept as to whether or not the Lord approves of Christians going everywhere with the tireless Vatican demand that all the Christian Churches must unite. We are working to show you, as we update this page, that these who are pushing this know a horrible crisis is coming. When we even alert the people about this crisis, those same people struggling to make the churches unite, attack us. They are determined that the world fall into this crisis completely unawares!!

It is in this way we become confused. They tell us they want all the churches to unite, because they have a special love for the human family and for God's church. But we're seeing differences between them. The leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church tell us they're making changes SO THAT THEY CAN GET MORE MEMBERS. All their planning is geared toward watering down the special messages given by God to the Adventist Church so that she can unite with the global Christian community. The Worldwide Church of God on the other hand, pushing the same voracious agenda, actually did the same thing in forcing in illicit changes but claiming that it caused a great deal FEWER members to remain in her communion, BUT THAT SHE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT THAT. She maintains that "the Church" is far more blessed with most of the members GONE! How could such birds of a feather have such seeming great differences?

Just take the flashback and see more differences! Remember the "baby man" named "Doug" who saw bold threats of death against all non-Catholics on the newsgroups, but entered to attack those who didn't like it, maintaining that everyone should be concerned about the terror of Abortionists instead? Have you checked the dialogues on this website showing people who are fundamentally ecumenical making sure they attack only those who didn't like those bold death threats? Remember we asked you whether or not you would like to take those bold death threats against all non-Catholics to ecumenical rallies?

So here we have people who want all the churches to come together and are therefore ecumenical showing two different faces. The question is, which of these faces is the true face of ecumenism. Do people who are ecumenical want the best for the human family? Do they want humanity to be saved and well? Do they want at least most of humanity to be saved? or just a minority.

You already know that we established a litmus test, or a means to prove conclusively that a person is a Jesuit. That litmus test is on the page that exposes the truth about the Patriot Act. There are people all among us who will refuse to condemn the worst examples of hate, torture and genocide on any public medium. Although all ecumenicals are not like this, there is not a single person who supports these brutal examples who is not ecumenical. Many are having it hard to believe that many Adventist ministers and church officials are included in what we're showing here. But that is the fact!

The Seventh-day Adventist Church has been predicting that there will be a major global crisis of the ages upon the whole world at the end of time. They have been prophesying this for well over 100 years. For a long time we have been warning and predicting about the same thing actually over the span of many years on the internet. Each day of our warning the people on the internet was met with strange and persistent opposition. People met us telling us that we must not tell the people about things like that. They told us we must only tell them about Christ and give them the "pure, pure" and simple gospel. We went into scripture in order to show the readers that scripture commands we know these things AND WARN OUR BROTHERS ABOUT THEM. The opposition persisted to this very day. But now, in recent years, a number of them have been changing their tune, intimating that some strange crisis is about to hit the world, and that the result of this will be their dreams fulfilled that all the churches and all the governments will unite under one.

We have three examples to show you of this, and yet each example demonstrates that the people involved are Jesuits, or soldiers of the Pope who infiltrate, pretend to be what they actually are not, who engage in treason openly and secretly against the American government and especially its Constitution and the churches, and who are unscrupulous and deadly. The first example claimed to be a former Adventist. The second admits and claims to be Roman Catholic. The third claims to be an ecumenical Protestant. In each case, these people either intimate or boldly state that all the churches are going to come together, but they don't tell us that it will be because each church voluntarily wants to come together freely. Each at least alludes to the idea that a major crisis is coming, and that this crisis will make it an imperative that all the churches of the world must unite together. There is an element of force present that will then make people willing to join together under Rome. Only one of the examples states boldly that the uniting is with AND UNDER Rome. The others work to hide that fact. All of them quote scripture and state that the church is one, and must not be divided, as if every church will have equal say, power and billing.

The first example we're about to show you is with the propagandists we met on the internet who professed to be "former Adventists." They maintained that they were once Adventists, but discovered that the Adventist Church believed many errors, including supporting a woman by the name of Ellen G. White on the claims that she was a prophet of God. They then often moved out to "tweak" or change the Adventist Church. Because of that, they reported that the Church "hated" them and then kicked them out. They most always maintained that they were the victims of "hate."


The uniting of the Christian Churches, was ALWAYS resisted by the Protestant world!
Lord Macaulay, says on page 548 of his 1852 Essays On Ranke's History Of The Popes:

"But even with such a great cloud of witnesses, one might be tempted to ask the following question, 'Has not Rome changed recently?'

To answer this most vital question, I turn once again to the message of D. Martyn Lloyd Jones: 'Ah, but,' you say, 'has not the Roman Catholic Church changed? You are simply looking back, you are speaking as if you lived in the 16th century - don't you realize you are living in the 20th century?

My answer is quite simple [The same answer that has been given by the Protestants since liberty was first won]. The proudest boast of the Roman Catholic Church is this, that she never changes, Semper eadem. How can she change? If she changes she will be admitting that she was wrong in the past - but she was saying then that she was infallible, and that the Pope is the Vicar of Christ and that he cannot make a mistake. If she says that she is capable of change she is denying her central claim! She does not say that she is changing, and she never will. The Church of Rome remains the same.

If anything, she is even worse. She has 'added' things to what she taught in the 16th century, such as Papal infallibility, etc. No, there is no change in the Church of Rome. And if there ever is one great world Church, it will be because the Church of Rome has absorbed all the rest and swallowed them in ignorance!'

They thence set up websites and forums to attack the Seventh-day Adventist Church where they commenced attack upon her virtually with every post. At the same time they constantly stressed the need for "balance," "diversity," and "tolerance" in all discussions. Every time we asked them questions about their beliefs that challenged their lies, more often than not, their constant urging us to understand that people can disagree with us, was used as their defense completely around our unanswered questions. At the same time other posters constantly posted that the Adventist Church MUST change and those who posted this were not inundated with admonitions about the necessity of disagreement.

One such poster who did this was "Jodi Theissen" who showed up on the Atomorrow forums. We consider her to be the alter-ego of the infamous Pat Darnell, who claimed to be a former Adventist and has since devoted her life to attacking the Adventist Church even with the publication of a book, constantly determining that it must surrender its peculiar beliefs (truths) and join with all the rest of the churches. Historically anyone in a free America would at once know and understand that a person making any such claim is a militant Catholic. All of them were taking advantage of the ignorance of the present time.

More pointedly these on the internet were telling us that Christians uniting "AS ONE" was a beautiful proposition. But they told us this could not happen if the Seventh-day Adventist Church maintained its peculiar beliefs, OR ITS CLAIM TO BE THE TRUE CHURCH. It was sad that we were the only ones to ask these people whether or not Rome must also give up its globally and publicly declared claim that it is "the one and only true church." We asked them about this, and they pretended we didn't ask the question. But indeed, Rome was the only exception.

They were telling Adventists that they must give up their peculiar "belief system," because "two [or any more than two] cannot walk together except they be agreed," (Amos 3:3). They would lament and present the idea of how great it would be if all the churches were united together, "AS ONE."

We were debating about the idea of tolerance and what it means. In this particular dialogue, Jodi (claiming to be a former Adventist) was defending the idea that the Adventist Church "MUST" give up its beliefs and join with all the others. When we pointed out her intolerant nature, other posters entered to attack us on the claim that Jodi was a very tolerant person, but that the Adventist Church was not since it readily disfellowshipped anyone who viewed doctrine and religion differently.

Just the fact that she and all the rest of the so-called "former Adventists" were pinpointing the CONTROL CENTER of the Adventist Church and not just ideas or individuals, shows that it cannot be true. Some of them were even writing open letters to the leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church demanding that she change her way of doing things regardless of the members below who might not approve of such changes. They are coming to us with what they claim are facts, logic, etc.
Jodi, Pat Darnell and all the rest (virtually all claiming to be former Adventists) constantly complained that the Adventist Church was too rigid in her views. We pointed out that obviously Jodi and the rest of the "former Adventists" didn't have ideas that were easily changeable either. But we pointed out a major difference. The Conference (or control center of the Seventh-day Adventist Church) upholds Adventist doctrine and will not depart from it (supposedly). Jodi also upholds her doctrine and obviously will not depart from it. Here now is the clincher:
Although Jodi is not Adventist, she has come from her sphere of influence and territory over to the Adventist Church at least on the internet and, like the rest of the strange "former Adventists," demands that the control center surrender her beliefs and accept Jodi's regardless of the effect it would have on all members underneath. HERE is where we have a terrible problem and is the secret behind the classification "JESUIT." That classification has not come just because people disagree with Ted McMillan as so falsely claimed by the strange posters. The Adventist Church does not go, even on the internet, to Catholic posters telling them they have to accept Adventist beliefs or change in any manner. Jodi comes from her sphere to the environment of Adventists constantly telling them they have to adopt her imaginations.
A good and enlightening expose of the issues can be found here:

We pointed out that it was Jodi who was intolerant due to the fact that she cannot maintain her Catholic beliefs and enjoy them to herself where she is OR WITH THE OTHER MEMBERS OF "THE GANG," THE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY AT LARGE, now confessing that she is no longer an Adventist. If the entire world of Christianity was united under one umbrella except a tiny church on Main Street in Providence, Rhode Island (the smallest state in the United States) a person (Jesuit) like Jodi, would not be satisfied. She would go to that place and there demand that they must join with the "gang." Although she would maintain how precious Christ is to her, she would go to members and tell them to CELEBRATE and worship in ecstasy day and night enjoying "Christ," but would not herself engage in all of that: If having rousing worship services was the definition of "enjoying Christ," she would forget about all that and move off and go to other places that were different and wage war, at least telling them [and worse if she had the power] that they must become like all the rest. What most don't realize is the lengths she would then go to accomplish this if that small church refuses to accept her demand. That's where we get the definition of "tolerance" and "intolerance." Intolerance is now being masked in the most clever and successful ways where most people today cannot notice that the actual people who ran the Inquisitions are, in spirit, reincarnated all around them.

It's not even that Jodi believes what she believes and shares them with her neighbors. She is one of those who enter forums and then move from her sphere of influence to the Adventist community on the internet and PERSISTENTLY DEMANDS that it MUST surrender its beliefs and accept hers.

Another poster is "Tom Norris." This person literally posts OPEN LETTERS to the Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, literally demanding that it must change to his view of how Adventism should be. Not a single time we were there did he receive a single warning that he must understand that people, or even organizations, can disagree with him. He doesn't just merely ramble day and night with Adventists on the forums. He goes ABOVE THEM with constant demands to the Seventh-day Adventist authorities that they must change the whole system and force Adventist members to accept his propositions.

Here now is Jodi Theissen's major post. Often, as wrong or treasonous as the ideas they are presenting, is the more they ramble on pretending we are not asking them questions that break down their lies:
This link is likely no longer valid, especially due to the fact that we're exposing them. Whenever we submitted questions that these people couldn't answer, Jodi and Pat Darnell had the habit of making long posts with many scriptures misquoted in order to push our responses down and make it harder for readers to view them. This tactic also gives them the appearance of being well versed in the scriptures.]

One God, One Jesus, ONE CHURCH!Feb. 2, 2002: 10:20PM

TRex: In light of the many troubles facing each and everyone in the civilised
World today, it is sad that the Church that Christ built is fragmented and
still at loggerheads. Protestants vs Catholics is a shameful thing
resulting from the breakaway from the Roman Catholic church by Martin Luther
over the corruption practiced within the Church then. It is interesting to
note that the Protestant movement founded by Martin Luther has fragmented
itself into thousands of denominations itself, while the Church of Jesus
Christ is still ONE.

I do sincerely wish that all Catholics and protestants can come together
under the ospices of the Catholic Church [ALWAYS! we are not
supposed to know that Rome has caused it all!] and unite as the disciples
of Christ to face the coming threats of the evil people as Moslems try
to eradicate us in the coming months and years before it is to

Jodi Thiessen wrote:

Ulrike, you know, I think it is wonderful that the Catholic Church is even encouraging Christians to pray for a way for the entire Body of Christ to come together.

I know the SDA Church prides itself in having put up a dividing wall and cut itself off from the Church, as do Mormons, and starting a NEW Body of Christ, but isn't that foolishness?
[You should notice the intolerance here. First she set up a lying premise that if an independent church of any sort springs up anywhere, it is starting a NEW "Body of Christ." She then rambles strategically in the form of a question to make herself appear tolerant, asking whether or not it's foolishness. They have done this to us on other forums as we expose the treason, approaching us and literally asking us if we forgot to take our medications.]

And I know even the SDA Church is wrestling with how to keep their "uniqueness" and still be a part of the larger Body of Christ. What I heard growing up in Adventism was that all the other Christian Churches would have to come in the Adventist Church in the end....Started way back there with ELLEN when she said God would reject those who didn't come into Adventism. That doesn't leave a lot of room for finger pointing at the Catholics, now, does it? [These Jesuits attack Ellen G. White every moment belying the claim that she was an insignificant mentally disturbed person who was able even to raise a major denomination through being struck in the "brain" with a rock during her childhood days. What Jodi is trying to do here basically is to claim that Ellen White is the only specific reason for the existence of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and not the bible. We challenged her and all the other Jesuit propagandists to even show that we have used Ellen White's writings to defend Adventist positions on our websites and they all pretended we did not ask. In comparison, Rome always said those who refuse to convert to Catholicism not only must die, but often in the worst of ways! This was presented to Jodi and she didn't miss this fact by accident!! They persistently howl on forums day and night about what they claim are great crimes that were done in the history of Adventism back to Ellen White's day (died in 1915). When we even pointed out the unparalleled horrible massacres performed by the Ustashis of WWII who demanded that everyone in Yugoslavia convert to Catholicism or be mutilated and tortured to death (even in the 1940s when some of you reading this were yet alive) they rambled on and couldn't hear us. They then rambled on over and over again how they were not Jesuits.]

The New Testament is clear:

Rom 12:4-5 For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.

1 Cor 10:17 Since there is one bread, we who are many are one body; for we all partake of the one bread.

1 Cor 12:12-14 For even as the body is one and {yet} has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. For the body is not one member, but many.

Eph 2:14-22 For He Himself is our peace, who made both {groups into} one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, {which is} the Law of commandments {contained} in ordinances, so that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, {thus} establishing peace, and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity. AND HE CAME AND PREACHED PEACE TO YOU WHO WERE FAR AWAY, AND PEACE TO THOSE WHO WERE NEAR; for through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God's household, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner {stone} in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit.

Eph 4:4-7 There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all. But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ's gift.

Col 3:15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.

There is only ONE BODY OF CHRIST, the fact that we have tied DENOMINATIONAL TOURNIQUETS all over it and weakend and splintered it, doesn't change the fact that there is only ONE BODY. The Catholic Church is making great strides to bring that ONE BODY back into unity....I applaud them for their efforts. They have now publicly acknwoeldged that Martin Luther was correct concerning righeousness by faith....that's a GIANT LEAP in the right direction. They have also publicly apologized for anything they have done to cause the BODY to become splintered.

There is but a SINGLE CHURCH....Christ is not coming back for a harum, but for ONE BRIDE. The rest of the Body of Christ is awakening to this fact and begiinning to let go of their man-made denominational labels and work across denominational lines to bring about the fulfillment of the purposes of God for the CHURCH, but of course there is this problem that each denomination has its own "head".....there is only ONE HEAD....Jesus Christ. I believe, though, that as the various denominations seek to be the CHURCH that Christ invisioned, and seek to respond to His intercessory prayer for her in John 17, we will se the ONE BODY come into unity, under the HEADSHIP of CHRIST and through the INDWEELING OF THE SPIRIT.

There IS but a single church....and to see her beginning to come together so that the GLORY OF GOD may fill the WHOLE EARTH is an exciting thing and I hope to see the day this BRIDE OF CHRIST is brought forth in ALL HER GLORY! And Ratzinger is correct, it is only going to come as Christians begin to earnestly pray for the Holy Spirit to BRING ABOUT THAT UNITY in the BODY OF CHRIST!

[Jodi here is talking about global domination ("WHOLE EARTH"). This is one specific thing the bible says that the Antichrist will do. But what then is the problem with that if the entire church, even in Christ's day, believed that the church is supposed to be ONE, you say?

Here's another example so that you can see why Jodi and the other strange invaders are very offended if we make the world know that they're Jesuits!...]

[This is under Adventist Doctrine, and then under the link about an Open Letter to the General Conference leaders. You will then find this dialogue on the October 24th link even though they were posted on October 23rd if it is still there...]

By Jodi Thiessen (Jthiessen) on Tuesday, October 23, 2001 - 06:39 pm:

Maggie, I think it is a good thing to belong to the "catholic" (general, worldwide, universal) church (Body of Christ). God puts us there, you know:

1 Cor 12:18-20 But now God has placed the members, each one of them, in the body, just as He desired. If they were all one member, where would the body be? But now there are many members, but one body.

Rom 12:4-5 For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.

I bet that makes some people shudder....

Eph 1:22-23 And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

Seems there's only ONE body of Christ, ONE church, and that it is indeed catholic....;)

Some day all these splintered denominations are going to have to come to terms with that and set aside their differences and BE the BODY OF CHRIST....longing for the day.

And I just bet when we take all those DENOMINATIONAL TOURNIQUETS off the Body of Christ, what was always designed to flow through it freely - the SPIRIT - WILL! Wonder what will happen then...

Waiting anxiously to see the "catholic" church come to maturity....I just bet God will say, "Hey, Son, go get your BRIDE!!!" -- [The links shown here likely no longer work, and the articles themselves may no longer be on that system, especially since we have been exposing the participants and the site owners.]

Most people don't understand the nature of their desires for the Christian Churches, and all others, to be united. It is not nearly as clear-cut a proposition as one would expect. The Protestants also readily quoted that the Christian Church is to be ONE, but they didn't view that proposition the way the Jesuits did. Here is a key example. We want to look literally at the Christian Church during a period of time where it was rather perfectly united in doctrine: at its creation.

Now the issue of ecumenism came to a head. Jodi quoted New Testament scripture telling us that the church is one and that we must therefore give up our rights and come together. The problem I mentioned that had not been given an answer was the fact that at the time those scriptures were written, there were different groups of Christians that had their own head structure. THERE WAS NO SUCH A CALL FOR THEM TO COME TOGETHER UNDER A HIERARCHY.

There were the followers of Christ's gatherings, and there were the followers of John the Baptist's. CHRIST DID NOT CALL FOR THEM TO GIVE UP THEIR BELIEFS AND COME TOGETHER.

That is a major set-back for ecumenism, and it is frankly unanswerable to date as we have found.


Ted McMillan:
Then Jodi, I already posted that though the followers of John the Baptist agreed in doctrine with the followers of Christ, they still maintained their separate organizations or entities. They did not join ecumenically, for to do so in commendation to the Pope means that liberties and beliefs must be surrendered to him on pain of even death. You have told us that we must surrender our beliefs to join with all religions even with the mission of this forum being a complete lie in contrast to your agenda [They kept telling us that the mission of their forums on the internet is to make sure there is free discussion and disagreement. They maintained that the Adventist Church denied their members this freedom, so they themselves raised forums to provide freedom. No one is to be allowed to belittle or denigrate anyone for what he honestly believes or any belief]. JR cannot notice this because he knows as well as I that the stated mission of this forum is a Vatican lie. The Gospel of Jodi in giving up "tourniquette" beliefs to hers does not fit into even her claims that we must disagree and vary on a spectrum. She has often accused me of calling people Jesuits just because they disagree. This gives the impression that she respects people who disagree, but it is proven to be a lie contrary to her claims. How does this Jesuit spectrum gospel mesh with Jodi's claim that we have to give up our beliefs to hers and become one [in political union with all other Christians under one head]?

Still yet, about Jodi's claims that the followers of John the Baptist ecumenically moved over with the followers of Christ, here is more proof this is not so and showing a contrast between Christ, His followers and the followers of the Pope:

Mark 9 says:
38 And John answered him, saying, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name, and he followeth not us: and we forbad him, because he followeth not us.
39 But Jesus said, Forbid him not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me.

As we can see here, there was NO CALL for the man to surrender his beliefs and join up in fellowship with them, compared to our present day when there is the despotic call to do the same and join up with someone guilty of much blood, while those calling for this are having diarrhea because they claim someone else plagiarized [The propagandists go irate because they claim that Ellen G. White, believed by Adventists to be a prophet, copied off of the historical works of others that depict historical events. Remember, prophets are most known for their ability to look ahead and not behind in history. Looking behind in history is mostly the job of the historian, and NO ONE needs inspiration to be an historian]! Heaven cannot be hell. Christians cannot be Antichristians!

From that time Jodi Theissen dodge my questions on this point:


Jodi Thiessen wrote:

Eph 4:4-7 There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all. But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ's gift.

Col 3:15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.


Jodi Thiessen wrote:
There is only ONE BODY OF CHRIST, the fact that we have tied DENOMINATIONAL TOURNIQUETS all over it and weakend and splintered it, doesn't change the fact that there is only ONE BODY.


Ted McMillan responds:
When John the Baptist had his followers, and Christ had his, how many DENOMINATIONAL TOURNIQUET BODIES OF CHRIST were there? We are waiting for an answer, but all can see that you have again twisted Holy Writ!


Jodi Thiessen wrote:
The Catholic Church is making great strides to bring that ONE BODY back into unity....I applaud them for their efforts.

[Jodi attacked the Adventist Church on the charge that she believes she is the one and only True Church, and that automatically means she thinks all other Christians are inferior or DAMNED. She persisted with this claim and would not stop. She ignored us telling her that Rome claims to be the one and only True Church with a history of mass-genocide against anyone who disagrees with that belief.

Next, her alter-ego at least, Pat Darnell, maintained that the Adventist Church supports the Ten Commandments and is therefore "legalistic." She claimed she was once a Seventh-day Adventist and was horribly tortured because of that belief since it hid her eyes from Christ. When we reminded her that Rome also supported the Ten Commandments, she developed a strange attack of propagandist's amnesia also. Here now, with the claim Adventists must give up these beliefs of theirs in order to join with the Christian community, and maintaining that because of Adventism's "weird" beliefs, she has to attack it constantly, she here tells us that she applauds the efforts of Rome without a single thought of an attack against it].


Ted McMillan responds:
We have already revealed that you work for them. Are we surprised? We even say: Bad news Jodi Thiessen: they respect the 10 Commandments! Don't remember you have been posting quite despotically that to do that is legalism and damnable?


They have now publicly acknowledged that Martin Luther was correct concerning righeousness by faith....that's a GIANT LEAP in the right direction. They have also publicly apologized for anything they have done to cause the BODY to become splintered.

[They have apologized for "their sins," but they never specifically said what those sins were. One thing we do know is that their belief about what their "sins" are do not include massacring generations of people for not being Catholic, nor any other "sins" Protestants believe to be sin. Their sins do not include deceiving generations of people so that they can come to global power again either. Now posters on the internet can't dare tell us about the hate found in all the massacres Rome has committed. They won't SPECIFICALLY do that BECAUSE THOSE MASSACRES ARE COMING BACK!]


Ted McMillan responds:
Have they apologized for placing strange people on all the forums frothing at the mouth because the Adventist Church claims to be the true church, but become silent when we show the world that Rome does the same? What about all the other times she has apologized in history before a massacre Answer please?


There is but a SINGLE CHURCH....Christ is not coming back for a harum, but for ONE BRIDE.


Ted McMillan responds:
Will that bride tell us that Christ fulfilled all the prophecies [especially those that show us that the Papacy is the Antichrist] and that they should not be studied? Rev. 22 tells us that all who do that are damned. [These propagandists told us the Adventist Church MUST give up its beliefs and endeavors to proclaim doctrine and prophecy, for this makes her thinks she is something "special" and will not join up with the "rest of the gang." The book of Revelation shows in Chapter one that it's messages were given to Christ's church. Why then not only does Rome not receive this message, but her infiltrators everywhere are struggling to make sure others don't study it?

Jodi is behaving like all the other propagandist posters on the internet. When faced with unanswerable questions, they ramble on and persist in repeating what has been proven to be false.]


The rest of the Body of Christ is awakening to this fact and begiinning to let go of their man-made denominational labels and work across denominational lines to bring about the fulfillment of the purposes of God for the CHURCH, but of course there is this problem that each denomination has its own "head".....there is only ONE HEAD....Jesus Christ. I believe, though, that as the various denominations seek to be the CHURCH that Christ invisioned, and seek to respond to His intercessory prayer for her in John 17, we will se the ONE BODY come into unity, under the HEADSHIP of CHRIST and through the INDWEELING OF THE SPIRIT.

[Why did the Protestant Churches wait 400 years to realize they need to unite back with Rome? Why then are even "Adventist" ministers calling the Lord's supper, during their services, "THE EUCHARIST??"]


Ted McMillan responds:
Will therefore the errirng ones repent and admit to us that they lied when they told us they even established this forum to examine all alternatives to thought and that it is a crime to be rigid in one's beliefs when they are not papal? Answer please? You people keep talking about fact. Can you explain to us what this means by you all telling us to bow to a spectrum [of beliefs] and yet you are constantly referring to facts that come from your mouths?


There IS but a single church....and to see her beginning to come together so that the GLORY OF GOD may fill the WHOLE EARTH is an exciting thing and I hope to see the day this BRIDE OF CHRIST is brought forth in ALL HER GLORY!

[Notice, THE WHOLE EARTH? That means heaven help you if you wanted to worship God according to your own conscience, even if you are forced to do it IN A DUMPSTER!]


Ted McMillan responds:
You are willingly leaving out the persecution, framing, terrorism, torture and all the missiles that will be hurled against those who refuse to accept this hyper-papal position. Kindly give the people all the particulars and don't leave a thing out! All throughout the Reformation the same Papal dream was being told to the world. Explain to all the Protestants watching your incredible boldness.


And Ratzinger is correct, it is only going to come as Christians begin to earnestly pray for the Holy Spirit to BRING ABOUT THAT UNITY in the BODY OF CHRIST!


Ted McMillan responds:
You are leaving out all the other plans and tactics of deception, intolerance, infiltration and tyranny that will also be used to carry this out. That includes the establishment of forums for free thought before we are Jesuitized into hearing about all these papal facts and dreams.


You gave many scriptures showing us first the fact there is no such thing as free thought, since you always talk about facts we must accept, and then which told us that the church is one.

The Apostles readily quoted such scripture, but there is a problem. There were the followers of John the Baptist in Christ's day, and the followers of Christ. I say it is clear that they did not interpret that scripture as politically and Catholicly, Vaticanly, Antichristianly or totalitarianly as you have.

Can you please show us how the Disciples of Christ demanded that the followers of John the Baptist give up their views and join them as you claim?

If anyone doesn't like my reasoning here, please discuss it instead of having the mean critical Vatican spirit.

[Jodi continued to post and ramble on about her dreams the Vatican always had and would not respond to the pressing questions. I therefore had to remind her again that she was being challenged to answer:]


All right Jodi,

Waiting for your response to the scripture which more proves there was no call for the churches to ecumenically unite according to your despotic agenda. You demanded that we give up our beliefs to yours, like this forum does, so that we can all unite under your Pope. I gave another scripture showing that although the Apostles wrote that the church is to be one, no such a call was made either by Christ or by His followers.

Jodi claims that the followers of John the Baptist ecumenically moved over to unite with the followers of Christ. Here is more proof this is not so and showing a contrast between Christ, His followers and the followers of the Pope:

Mark 9 says:
38 And John answered him, saying, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name, and he followeth not us: and we forbad him, because he followeth not us.
39 But Jesus said, Forbid him not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me.

[Jodi danced around our requests every single time and perpetuated the issues she was raising here. Obviously the owner of the forum, JR, will not be able to allow us to remain there for very long. When it was all too clear that Jodi didn't have an answer for our questions, JR got irritated and kicked us off soon afterward.]

In one of the related pages, one of the propagandists interjected claiming that there may have been followers of Christ and followers of John the Baptist, but that later on they all migrated over to Christ's communion. I had to correct him and let him to know that ALL THE FOLLOWERS OF JOHN THE BAPTIST WERE ALWAYS FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST. John the Baptist readily made all of them to know that. If anything, transportation may have been a factor for why followers of John the Baptist remained with him.

The issue here is that the call to come under one political umbrella or organization or hierarchy, did not take place--EVEN WHEN THE BELIEVERS FULLY AGREED IN EVERYTHING!
