Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What's all this talk about Camelot?

Every time a Kennedy member is named the word "Camelot", comes up.

I've always wondered: What are they talking about?

Well, it turns out that the latest reference to the redundant title is Caroline Kennedy who is fervently seeking to be named the next Senator of New York State, in the absence of Hillary Clinton who has gone back to the White House.

Camelot, huh?

Camelot was a mythical city and the place from where King Arthur ruled. The middle ages in Britannia were full of other legends such as King Arthur, Merlin, The Holy Grail, and The Knights of the Round Table. How does all this relate to the Kennedys? I'll never figure out. It seems to me that they are actually Hibernians, or of Celtic origin. And further still; how does that translate to the U.S. , the Western Hemisphere, and the 20th and 21st Centuries?
At a time all the social graces, such as etiquette; ethics; courtesies; protocols; etc., are extinct.
How can chivalry still be alive?
