God has ever called upon His people to condemn sin. Unless this is accomplished, souls will be lost. Today the Omega of Apostasy leads men to rather condemn those who shoulder this God-given responsibility. We, as a people, even dare to do so before unbelievers.
First a word to those Roman Catholics who will read this editorial. Some Seventh- day Adventists, with more zeal than charity, have seized upon the death of the pope to launch a virulent anti-Catholic attacks. They represent a tiny but vocal element of the Adventist Church that sees its mission as taking out newspaper advertisements and erecting signs denouncing Catholics. In so doing they dismay and wound adherents of the faith they oppose.
((Dr. William G. Johnsson, Editor, Adventist Review, South Pacific Record, 7 May 2005)
.....The editor of the Adventist Review appears to find it easier to condemn faithful Seventh day- Adventist seeking to rescue Roman Catholics from the antichrist faith, than to condemn that faith which will lead to the loss of eternal life of Roman Catholics who are not rescued from their false Christianity.
And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world...........Revelation 13:8
Half a Century of Apostasy By Russell R. Standish, Colin D. Standish, pp.301-302.
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