The church or what many see as the authority for the church will play a part. I won't name any denomination but one that's been around for a long time will claim that they have kept historical information secret for thousands of years. They will admit that for thousands of years they have known about a past civilization that was greater than our own. One where technology far surpassed ours and that this civilization and life on earth as we know it was started by an alien race! A 'Hall Of Records' will be revealed that was once kept hidden from the world, and in it ancient books with information about the universe will be revealed. The supposed secrets to the universe and our past will be revealed to the world. This Hall of Records is rumored to exist in between the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx, but underground somewhere.
Fallen Angels and the Nephilum
One of the things that will be said is that the human race was started by an alien race. But was it really or is this the "Great Delusion" Jesus warned us about? We start in the Old Testament where the Bible mentions the Nephilum. The Nephilum were beings that were half angel and half human. It says in Genesis (6:1-7): When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. 3 Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal ; his days will be a hundred and twenty years." 4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. 5 The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. 6 The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain. 7 So the LORD said, "I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth—men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air—for I am grieved that I have made them."
And also in Daniel (2:43) we read:
And whereas thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men; but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron doth not mingle with clay.
We see here that angels mated with humans and created a hybrid race. This is where many of the Greek myths comes from as there were actually people that were half man and half angel, or half god as they believed. This is also where the Neanderthal line comes from. You see in the theory of evolution there are 2 lines of people. One is the Cro-Magnum which is the original line. But then there is this mysterious Neanderthal line that disappeared and died off in the flood. But it says in the book of Daniel that in the time of the end the devil would mingle with the seed of men again. So while the flood set everything straight and wiped out the nephilum, the hybrid race was started all over again.
Have you ever wondered why there are so many blood types? Why wouldn't there be just one? And what about the RH factor? A mother who is RH negative and has a child RH positive risks her body rejecting the child as an alien substance. RH positive blood can be cloned, but RH negative cannot! Science has no answer for this and the reason is the other blood types are from the hybrid races that blended in with humankind. If you google 'Nephilum' there is plenty on the web about them.
Hall of Records: The Advanced Civilization A "Hall Of Records" will soon be discovered that contains the secrets to science, the universe, and supposedly our origins. These records will show that there was an ancient civilization that was greater than our own! Plato talks in his dialogues 'Timaeus and Critias' of a race of people who lived on what is believed to be North America and of which part is now underwater in the Atlantic Ocean. These 'Atlanteans' as they are called had advanced technology that included much of what we have today. But it is believed that they surpassed our technology and understanding of science! This is all true except for the part about an alien race starting our race. These aliens are not as we expect them to be, but are nothing more than fallen angels and Nephilum. I believe the missing links for evolution will be claimed to have been found. I believe they will show that there was an advanced Neanderthal civilization with technology similar to ours today. You see right now we see Neanderthals as cavemen writing pictures on the walls. But this 'Hall of Records' will show that this race war far beyond what we thought and that these Neanderthals had technology equivalent or beyond ours today. While it is true that these Nephilum as they really are were here along with the original human line, and that both had technology before the flood beyond ours today, they will twist this for one reason, to remove God. But this will also be a lie of the devil. I am not exactly sure how they will integrate this with the aliens started us lie, but it may be said that the aliens created us through evolution. Somehow this will all come together.
It is believed that the records and technology of this past civilization was passed down from Noah's son Ham who many think is also "Hermes". He is believed to have taken this information to start what would become the Egyptian civilization. It is believed the records are now kept secret somewhere in Egypt between the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx. But along with this information are the same lies the devil used to corrupt the world before the flood. Many of these books, although containing advancements in science, also support the biggest lie that our human race was started by aliens.
The truth is that the world before the flood was much more advanced than we have been told. Fallen Angels had come together with people to produce the Nephilum, a hybrid race half man and half angel. And now this is all happening again just like it did in the days of Noah. But this time God will put and end to evil for good.
Did you know that Ancient tradition in China recorded a global flood around 2300 B.C. The Hebrew records record the flood around 2348 B.C. and the Records of Thoth 2345 B.C.. For any other event in history with this support it would be accepted as history, but mainstream science goes to great lengths to erase God from history. If there was a global flood then much of the dating in pre-flood times would be off by millions of years! This would completely destroy the theory of evolution. Did you know there are fossil records of trees and plants that have no growth rings? You would be amazed at what mainstream science will suppress. |
The Great Pyramid and the AntiChrist
The great pyramid is currently without a capstone in Egypt. People have often wondered why the pyramid seems to be unfinished. But it's that way for a reason. When the initiate one, the antichrist is finally in power, the capstone will be added to the great pyramid. Also at the Washington Monument there is another obilesk in the ground and without a cap, a smaller version of the monument but in a hole in the ground. You would never know this was there unless you actually went there and saw it. But the capstone will also be added to this replication of the monument in the ground. Remember George Bush Sr. said he would meet the leaders of the world in the Great Pyramid in 1999 on New Years Eve? And of course we've all heard the talk about this New world Order for a long time now which seems to involve plenty of wars. The person really in control of the New World Order is Satan himself! So get ready for the secrets of the universe to be revealed which also includes the devil telling us the biggest lie ever told. We were not started by aliens and the supposed Christ that will soon come will not be Jesus Christ, but an imposter. This imposter will perform many incredible miracles and deceive the world, until the real Jesus comes back and his reign of terror ends! The Bible says that Jesus would return like lightning from the sky!
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Brilliant article here:
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