Théâtre de Babylone: Middle East War Theater and other dark venues, circa June 2007.
- The latest news to hit the U.S. Media-airwaves is a plan to supply weapons to Extremist Sunni militants in Iraq, so that they can assist in the WAR On Terror (WOT).
- When President Bush visited Albania, on Sunday, June 10, he expressed the opinion that he'd like to see Kosovo( remember that fracas) become a free and sovereign nation.
- Last week Turkish troops crossed the Iraqi border to quash a situation that got out of hand in Northern (Kurdish) Iraq.
- Hamas and Fatah are battling each other tooth and nail in the Gaza Strip.
- Lebanon's Army has been fighting (purported) Palestinian Al Qaeda elements to such an extent that the U.N. is considering issuing sanctions against Lebanon .
- Syria is allegedly supplying Arms to the Palestinians in Lebanon; While at the same time there are heightened tensions between Syria and Israel: Syria has stated it wants peace.
- Prince Harry, the son of Princess Di and Prince Charles of Britain, will be deploying to war in Afghanistan. He originally wanted to go to Iraq, but it was later considered too dangerous for his royal highness.
- Monday 6/11, Israel launched a new spy satellite to boost surveillance over Syria and Iran.
- On CBS's "Face the Nation", on Sunday 6/10, Senator Joseph Liberman, hinted that a limited strike by the U.S. might be required. Recently, in April 2007, Sen. John McCain was heard chanting a knock-off rendition of the Beach Boys song, "Barbara Ann". Thus: "Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb-Bomb-Iran".
- Saturday 6/9/2007, when President Bush visited Pope Benedict 16, at the Vatican; The Pope expressed his concerns for "the Christians in Iraq".
- Former Sec of State, Colin Powell referred to the War in Iraq as a Civil War, when interviewed on NBC's "Meet the Press", with Tim Russert. On The Surge? He said, "It can only put a heavier lid on a boiling pot". He also stated that Guantanamo Bay Prison should be closed immediately.
- Tonight on the NBC Nightly News, President Bush said that he isn't trying to "twist any arms", over the struggle to pass his "Illegal Immigration Amnesty Bill". Well, the President has been pushing (as in: President Bush prodded rebellious Senate Republicans to help resurrect legislation that could provide eventual citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants), arm-twisting, bullying, biting, and insulting, or shoving his opinions and agenda down the throats of Congress and the American People, ever since he became President in 2001.
- The Separation of Church and State was further violated with the visit of President Bush to the Vatican, recently, to meet the vicar of the Roman Catholic religion while flying to Rome via Air Force One. Why the State Visit to meet the Pope, a Monarch of The Church/State entity known as The Vatican? As if the United States were a homogenously a Catholic, South American Nation, or like Spain or Italy, who flaunt they are 99.9% Catholic? Mr. President "we (as in We The People) are not all "papal sympathizers", as you seem to be:
The United States was founded by people fleeing the tyranny of the Papal power, and the Church of England, a similar yet, less brutal enemy. Why this new-found camaraderie with Rome all of the sudden? Have you had an epiphany of Mary? If this is you inclination,if so by all means, Sir, knock yourself out with those dogmas and doctrines. But, to impose them on Protestant America, that is absurd. America was supposed to break with those old-world traditions and superstitions which dictated to men's consciences. No king, No Pope. Capite!
Remember The Monroe Doctrine it prevents such liasons. What, will you suggest that "Blue Laws"or Sunday Laws be enforced, "DIES DOMINI", just what the 'holy father' wants? Here in the land of the Free and the home of the Brave? In the U.S.A.?
Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.
Is the world being prepared for "The Antichrist"? By the "False Prophet" or leader of the Second Beast, The one that rises out of the Earth? Hegelian Dialectics is the Modus Operandi of the (NWO) Global Elite. The chaos that abounds in most of the world can not be coincidence. Albert Pike the 33rd Degree Grandmaster FreeMason laid out the plans for fomenting the conditions that would create WWIII: It sure looks as if his followers have instituted every aspect of those plans to the letter.
I am waiting on Jesus Christ to return to Earth and bring justice and true peace, and an end to all the suffering and corruption. I'm Not Waiting for The Anti-Christ, but, I know who he is, where he lives, and what he's up to: NO GOOD; What about those Christians in Iraq?
MEANWHILE, back (at the ranch) in Crawford, Texas, it is business as usual. "Summertime and the livin' is easy, fish are jumpin' and the cotton is high". Mimosas by the pool after Brunch (Filet mignon and Hush-puppies), and let's celebrate life.
P.S. On my way home from work I saw a sign and it boggled my mind. Gas prices are gradually dropping. It read Regular gas at $2.93, and I said, Ooh wee, it almost sounds like its for free. $2.93, it 's not free, it's a steal.
Waiting for Godot.
- They do not move
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