Thursday, July 05, 2007


News Alert

Thursday, July 5, 2007

War Preparations Continue

Syrian troops cross the Lebanese border!

NEWS BRIEF: "Syrian troops enter Lebanon, fortify positions to depth of three kilometres", DEBKAfile Intelligence, July 5, 2007

"Lebanese security sources report the intruding force backed by bulldozers has taken up position near Yanta in east Lebanon’s Beqaa Valley and is digging hundreds of trenches and bunkers in more than one area along the Lebanese border."

This area of Lebanon is very strategic and is carefully watched over by both Lebanon and Israel. This action can only be seen as preparing for war. Further, intelligence and military commands of Israel have to be very concerned that Syria has actually crossed over another country's border. Crossing an internationally recognized border is always considered an act of war.

Syria is said to be "tying up loose ends" in her war preparations.

NEWS BRIEF: "Syria quietly opens Damascus road to Quneitra, tying up last tactical ends of plan for cross-border terrorist campaign in Golan", DEBKAfile Intelligence, July 5, 2007

"On July 4, Radio Damascus’ political commentator said the large-scale Israeli military exercise which ended that night on Golan means Israel is about to go to war against Syria. However, a week before the Israeli maneuver, DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s military sources discovered that Syria had on June 26 quietly opened the Damascus-Golan road to Quneitra to civilian traffic for the first time in 40 years, even through civilian habitation in the town is still barred. The road is now open for Syrian-trained terrorists to cross the Golan border in civilian guise for attacks on Israel civilian and military targets without laying Damascus open to a charge of aggression, a ploy of which Israel may be less tolerant ..."

Syria does seem to be preparing for a new terror war of attrition. While these terror attacks are likely to be carried out by "civilians" and/or "extremists", Damascus can officially deny responsibility. However, one Israeli journalist warned that strong and continued terror attacks in this region is likely to prompt Israel to launch a counter-attack, which easily could explode into warfare.

Remember, Syria's President Assad is said to be the most convinced of all the Arab leaders that Israel's civilian leadership and the Israeli Defense Force are the weakest in Israel's history, and that now is the time the "window of vulnerability" is open for Islam to destroy the Jewish state.

Israel National News confirmed an earlier DEBKAfile article on the immediate placement of sophisticated Iranian theater missiles on the Syrian - Israeli border. However, this article contains more specific information.

NEWS BRIEF: "Iranian Missiles Could Threaten Israel from Syria", by Hillel Fendel, Israel National News, July 5, 2007

"Iran is planning to deploy, in Syria, missiles that can hit Israel, as a deterrent against a Western anti-nuclear strike upon Iran. It could happen soon, the British newspaper Telegraph reports. An agreement to this effect was signed two years ago between Iranian President Ahmedinajad and Syrian dictator Bashar Assad. The rockets in question are the Shihab-3, Scud-B, and Scud-C, which can reach any part of the State of Israel. They can be fired from mobile launchers."

"Ahmedinajad announced earlier this year that if his country feels threatened regarding its nuclear program, Israel will become its first military counter-target. The Shihab-3 is a medium-range ballistic missile with a range of over 2,000 kilometers. It has the ability to change its trajectory more than once in mid-course, protecting it significantly against Israel's anti-ballistic missile Arrow system. The Scud missiles have a range of 300 to 600 kilometers, and are less accurate than the Shihab."

Now, this article talks about the current Israeli weakness.

"MK Ephraim Sneh (Labor), a two-time Deputy Defense Minister who was succeeded this week by Matan Vilnai, warned at his farewell ceremony that Israel is not prepared for the dangers Iran presents. He charged the Olmert government with not providing enough funding, saying he is "not satisfied with the funding being allocated to the defense establishment to deal with the Iranian threat."

Then, this outgoing Deputy Defense Minister let it be known that Israel is not cooperating closely with America, which means that Israel will have to face this combination of Islamic threats by itself.

"Sneh also nixed the notion that there is coordination on an operational level between the Israel and US militaries against Iran, saying no such coordination exists."

Therefore, all elements needed to spark a regional war continue to unfold. They seem to expand and become more serious nearly every day.


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