Monday, April 19, 2010

Senate To Consider Sex Offender "No Loiter" Zones

Apr 16, 2010 12:12 pm US/Eastern

TALLAHASSEE (CBS4) ― Florida sex offenders already have a difficult time finding a place to live, due to laws that exclude them from living within a specified distance of places children congregate. Now, he Florida Senate will consider a bill that would ban registered sex offenders from being found within 300 feet of such places.

The Florida House unanimously passed legislation Thursday that would bar offenders from coming within 300 feet of schools, day care centers, parks and playgrounds. The bill now heads to the Senate.

The bill (HB 119) would make it a first-degree misdemeanor for registered sex offenders to violate the 300-foot, 24-hour no-loitering zones.

The bill also makes other attempts to keep sex offenders from coming into contact with children. One provision would prohibit sex offenders from wearing Santa Claus suits or other costumes attractive to children.

The bill would also prevent the state from labeling someone a sex offender for having consensual relations with a minor if there was less than a four-year age difference between perpetrator and victim.

P.S. Now if they will only pass a law prohibiting child sexual predators and pederasts from wearing priest costumes; If they will only pass a law that prohibits pedophiles from "using" altar and choir boys...

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