December 15 & 16 - Fontana, CA (east of LA) - Two day country living seminar. Begins 3:30 PM on Sabbath & 10:00 AM on Sunday.
Sabbath, December 15 (starts 3:30 PM):
-"Preparation or Presumption?" (laying a foundation from inspiration)
-"Principles of Independent Living" (practical instruction on how to become less dependent on others for necessities of life)
Sunday, December 16 (starts 10:00 AM)
-"Alternative Energy Systems" (basics of becoming less dependent or independent of the power company while still having electricity)
-"Affordable Country Housing" (a brief look at "scaling down" and obtaining your cabin/cottage in the country/mountains as inexpensively as possible)
-"Independent Water Systems" (a brief look at setting up a water system for your country home that is not dependent on utility companies)
-"Silently, Stealthily, & Unsuspectedly" (this presentation addresses end time issues, how the Beast of Revelation 13 has and is infiltrating/manipulating the "Beast with the lamb-like horns". Documentation and many pictures/slides will be shown proving this to be the case.)
Fontana SDA Church
9236 Palmetto Ave.
If you need more info, the local contact number is (562) 895-2243.
Additional Info
Source: http://mountainmediaministries.org/upcoming-events/fontana-ca/index.php
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