Waterboarding in Viet-Nam a few years ago.
When Is Torture OK?
Is it permissible when all you do is scare the 'detainee' out of his wits? Or maybe, scare him enough that he feels as if he were about to be killed? Do you stifle him to the point when he's about to suffocate? Do you ring his neck to the point when he gags, and gasps for breath?. Can you smother him with a pillow until he admits guilt?
We can probably learn quite a bit from the Red Chinese, or The Third Reich, on the most effective means of Torture. Whether it's for in-terror-gation, or for punishment.
All these questions may seem cynical or maybe, irreverent, but, I'm honestly curious. When can torture be considered warranted? In our humane society where we punish people for being cruel to pets and other animals. Yet, we condone 'petit' torture.
What's good for the goose, isn't good for the gent-d'arme?
We've come a long way in the recent reversal of established protocols of war. When I was in the Armed Forces, we were obliged to abide by the Geneva Convention Agreement. Now, It seems that it is optional; And can be adhered to as the situation arises. When candidates for Cabinet positions can be questioned by Congress; 'If they think that waterboarding is torture; And get a rhetorical: I duh kno'. Things have changed so drastically, that I wonder if we can still call our society civilized? Then, some wonder why is our society so violent? Why are there so many children on Ritalin? Why is there so much gang violence? Why do young men go on shooting rampages and kill indiscriminately, and maim innocent victims?
The new crime fighting tactic is to taze, shoot, then ask questions. Are we seeing a world and our nation going berserk? I definitely believe we are. It's a MADMAX world, we're living in. Might makes right. Where up is down, and Good is bad. Long live the whales, stop global warming, etc. Yet, violence is used to achieve peace by governmental bodies.
We are told to the Christ-Mass spirit is in the air, be good consumers and act "business as usual".
Satan Claus
And of course, do as I say, not as I do!
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