Friday, November 23, 2007


The Spirit of Black Friday
Buying and Selling on Steroids
Buy, Buy, Buy,
The desperate need to acquire things
overwhelms the average consumer changing him or her
into a materialistic addict: 'Got to have it'.
Whether it's the latest video game (Halo3) or the newest fashion,
A Ipod for Bobby, a HD TV for Hubby. Maybe it's a Hummer or a Chrysler 300.
Everyone is in on the ultimate level of 'keeping up with the Joneses'.
A gift Sue, a toy for Tim, a dress for Terri, and the list never ends.
More, more, more.
The Prince of the air is in full flair,
and no one gives a care.
Macy's here, Bloomingdale's over there.
For a grab at that item your clothes they may tear.
T'is the beginning of the Christ-Mass season they swear.
With their wanton buying and selling they profess to prepare.
Yet, you look at their actions and He is not there.
A Pepsi for the kids, a Budweiser for Papa Bear,
Run, run, run,
Don't you fall down that stair,
the next floor has plenty for the family to wear.
Black Friday,
The start of the holiday affair.
Trample and stumble,
The spirit's in the air.
Ho, ho, ho.

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